- Day 17, sorry guy didn't mean to confuse ya :) by But God
19 y
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Blog: 30 day juice fast
Hey everyone,
I'm still here, thanks dazzle & Julie. I didn't mean to confuse you all. Okay, let me see if I can make more sense. These last 3 days I haven't been hungry AT ALL. I don't quit seem to have the energy though, I'm not drinking the juice like I should, so I did go out a buy some frozen wheat grass. I don't even have an appetite for water I'm making myself drink it. I REALLY want to finish the fast , what, 13 days now, it's right around the corner. The fact that I'm not hungry makes stopping easier because I'm not being motivated by my flesh (will). But the feelings of freedom are sooooo wonderful, I don't want to stop. The hard part is gone. I'm really good about telling God things and leaving them alone, that's one of my strong points, my husband and children say I have the discipline of a rock. Meaning I will endure everything. So in a nut shell "I sure don't want to stop!". But, on the other hand I don't want to know in 1 week we've got to go to New Orleans and have to prepare physically. So, I thought a good compromise would be juicing and eating a hand full of veggies or fruit once a day, so if we don't go I would still be able to continue the juicing if I choose to do so. I feel good either way pretty much, I don't want this to be a bondage to me, I've actually had a great time blogging and fasting. I still intend to continue doing both. And just got new from my hubby this morning, he might be building something right here,damage from IVAN no less. But that job won't start for 2 weeks. We'll see. Still open for ideas, believe me I appreciate them.
But God
But God
- You have my blessing, darling, with whatever you choose to do.
by Dazzle
19 y
So does this mean you ARE breaking the fast or does it mean you still considering doing that?
I always take my juicer and a cooler full of produce when I go anywhere while I am on a fast. I can plug it up in a hotel room or a friend's home... either way, I am able to continue the fast even though I had to leave home.
Your idea of juicing and eating raw foods sounds good to me. You're still detoxing but at a slower rate and you'll still knock off the pounds, just at a slower rate.
You have my blessing, darling, with whatever you choose to do.
- Thanks Dazzle, I needed that by But God
19 y
I apprerciate your support. I'm going to do raw veg/fruit 1 time a day and juice for the remaining 13 days. I think that's a good call for now. I'm struggling now because I DON'T want to eat. after all that grilling on my mind, now I have NO desire for food. Picture that! And iff we go to New Orleans, I don't know what area, fruit availablity or what condictions. But we travel a lot and believe me the juicer will be going with us. We have a ministry (church) in Ohio, so in the summer we go there for 3-4 mos. Thanks again, talk to you soon
But God
- Posted to soon by But God
19 y
Dazzle I hit the "enter" key and my message went through before I could write.
I pray you have a wonderful day, for a wonderful person.
But God
But God
- Do what you need to do by want2bfree
19 y
Hey girl,
You do what you need to do. You have accomplished much anyway. Fasting will always be here for you, and as we all know, life happens and somtimes things have to change. Don't knock yourself out over the whole thing. What you want to do sounds fine to me. I am sure you will still detox at a slower rate, and that will work. We will all be here for you at anytime.
Love Hanna
- Sweet words of confort by But God
19 y
That is a want2befree message for ME. I really needed that. I appreciate the support. I've been thinking about the fast mostly all of the day. I did green leaf lettuce today, just a small amount. I still need to drink more of anything, still no appetite. I needed to read that hanna, Thanks a whole BUNCH.
But God
But God