- day 16 by But God
19 y
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Blog: 30 day juice fast
Hi everybody,
I had a really good day, out all day, kinda tired. I think we might be going to New Orleans together (hubby & me). My fast has to come to a close. I have mixed emotions. I haven't been hungry day 15 & 16 and now I have to come down. I 'm thinking I can still have 1 raw green, and still juice until I know for sure (I think I do). Anyway, need help breaking, or suggestions for me mentally. I think I had a feeling yesterday, that might have contributed to my feelings. I feel 16 days is a great accomplishment but only 14 days to 30, MAN!!!!!!!!! :(
God is still GOOD, and His will in my life is most important. I'll be here until, I not at a computer, and I'll let everyone know before hand. I originally wanted to do 21 days, so maybe I can do that, we'll see. Everybody, please be encouraged. For me I think I know it's time.
Peaceful sleep
But God
But God
- im confused by ausjulie
19 y
are you feeling like you want to stop or do you need to stop becasue you are going to new orleans???? i didnt quite understand what you meant. if it is becasue you feel you are ready to stop i jsut want you to double check. i felt like this many times on my fast and i think the sheer pigheadionist in me (just made up a word) made me keep goign to 30 dyas. and i am so glad i didnt stop. it is hard sometimes but well worth trying to keep going. you have being trying to get yourself thru this fast but as well help and encourage everyone else - your husband, members of your church and lots of us on this website. this is great so im going to be on your side and tell you to keep going. dazzle said to me in the beginning somehting that i really didnt understand until after i was finished the fast - you are giving yourself a gift by doing this fast. try to make it to 21 days and then decide. you can do it and you will feel so proud. i know you have already accomplished so much with your health and your spirit so you have the stuff it takes to keep going. give yourself this gift.
but if it is becasue you are going to new orleans - i totally understand and well done on the 16 days. and as far as breaking it is hard but slowly does it with fruit for the first few dasy worked for me.
i hope you recieve this comment with the love it was intended and i wish you well with your decisions.
- You've done good! by Dazzle
19 y
Yesterday you had a major accomplishment. You were on a roll. Today you've taken a dip and hit on a low. That up and down thing, you know.
Why not give it until tomorrow evening before quitting. Think it over and talk to your body. But make sure you still drink your juices and teas... then if you're really sure your body is telling you to break the fast, then by all means, do so and with a smile.
Don't feel badly about your decision. If you are feeling badly about breaking the fast, then perhaps it's not the right decision. But if you can smile and feel right about it, then sweetheart, by all means, go for it!
You've done good, But God. You've made some serious progress in this fast. Feel good about that. It is a big deal.
New Orleans could use someone like you. Bring some class and a heart full of love to the place.
Say hello to your man, for me.
~ Dazzle
- Rethinking your meaning... by Dazzle
19 y
I'm thinking I may have misunderstood your letter after reading Julie's response to you.
Are you quitting because you're tired of fasting or are you wanting to break the fast because you're headed to N.O.?
If you are quitting because you're tired of fasting, please, I beseech you, give that a serious think, because you know the lows will pass and you'll be riding on a high within the next few days. That is if you've not eaten. I'd love to see you make it to Day 30.
If you've decided to break the fast due to the trip to N.O. I wish you the best.
I wish you the best whatever you decide to do, But God. I had such fun with you.
Let us know what you end up deciding to do.
~ Dazzle