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LightLizard's Lair
by LightLizard

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  • The Wisdom of Ignorance   by  LightLizard     17 y     3,915       4 Messages Shown       Blog: LightLizard's Lair
    There have been numerous and varied reactions from several people who have read and heard my statements regarding my lack of confidence and support for the old concepts that religion has offered us in regards to the origins and purpose of human life on Earth.
    I do not propose that I have all of the answers, in fact, I have very few answers. I have more questions, really, than answers.
    But, due to many factors, my life experience, deep contemplation on the matter, honest appraisal of my intentions and needs, and so on, I feel quite secure and content with what I have come to believe, regarding these matters.
    I know that much of what I say can be shocking to some, offensive to others and in general, misinterpeted by most.
    The tendency for humans is to want to label people, to put them in certain categories, in order to feel comfortable, mostly, to relate, and sometimes, to marginalise or judge, in order to avoid serious contemplation of the concepts they might find slightly challenging to their long-held beliefs.
    I reject the concept of a god that created and watches over the universe. I believe that the teachings of the bible and most ancient scripture is widely misinterpeted today, and was originally intended as teachings of a mythological nature, regarding the spiritual journey of we humans.
    Our modern perspectives have become quite literal in their understandings, and we have applied this kind of thinking to writings of the past to our own detriment.

    Now, because I do not believe in a Supreme Diety that rules the universe does not mean that I believe in nothing at all.
    I do not consider myself an atheist or even an agnostic. These are terms that have been designed to label and marginalise, as I have said, and they do not serve the growth of awareness for anyone.

    I believe in a principle. A principle, much like electricity or magnetism that exists beyond the influence or understanding of humankind.
    I call it 'the Creative Principle.' As far as we are concerned, it has always existed and quite likely, always will.
    It is not a conscious entity, as we understand 'consciousness'.
    But, it is responsible for the existence of all life that has ever been, all life that is, and all life that will ever be.
    Also, we can easily see this principle at work in all life forms. It is the inheritance of our Source, you could say, and it is this principle that drives all creatures and humans alike, to create, be it music, art, babies, industries or war.

    We are always connected to this principle and we are all connected to all life in the universe through this principle.
    Few are aware of this connection, but it can be observed through the interaction of species, the sharing of energy, the existence of resonance and through the many 'coincidences' that we see in our own lives and the lives of others.

    It cannot be controlled by human will, this principle, but human will is dependant on it, totally. It does not need to be 'worshipped' or revered, as we would revere a holy person or diety, but, it should be honoured and respected as much as we can manage.

    Of course, it really isn't a terrible thing to need to personalise the Creative Spirit in order to feel the connection. The only problem, when we personalise it, is that we humans seem to have a tendency to become over-confident in regards to our own perspective, and the next thing you know we are telling others how they should personalise the Creative Spirit, according to our own perceptions.
    This is how many wars have started and continue, to this day.

    The only solution to these battles is for individuals to take the Great Leap and to admit, ultimately, that we really don't know.
    That even though we exist and are connected eternally to the Creative Principle, we do not know, and cannot know, with our human intellect, the True Nature of this Principle.
    We know it exists because we exist. But as to it's nature and the details of it's function, we are, for the most part, and shall be (as far as we know) ignorant.

    This could be referred to as 'the Wisdom of Ignorance'.

    All we really need know is that we exist by virtue of the Creative Principle, as do all forms of life.
    We are all connected through this Principle.
    We All belong here and are All deserving of Life.

    As for the rest; we 'ignore' it.


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