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LightLizard's Lair
by LightLizard

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  • LightLizard Speaks   by  LightLizard     18 y     2,820       3 Messages Shown       Blog: LightLizard's Lair
    LightLizard Speaks

    If a man does not stand up for anything at all, he is barely alive.

    If he stands for something, anything, he will have those who oppose what he stands for; 'Enemies.' This is inevitable.

    If a man's 'enemies' are fools, braggarts and uncouth boors;

    He is on The True Path.


    One who gives us incentive to continue living.

    We burn in the hell of our own creation while heaven,

    all around us and within - goes unnoticed.

    Love gives us the Ultimate Strength and Balance to deal with 'Enemies.' There is a large gap between Love and 'incentive.'

    Hell is a (troubled) state of mind. Nothing else. Heaven is where we are, always. But we don't see it until we extinguish the (inner) fires of hell with the waters of love and acceptance.

    Light needs a place to shine-

    and thanks to the darkness

    it does just fine.

    Those who would wish harm on others are enemies of life. Those who do harm to themselves, intentionally or not, are not different, really. Just misdirected and lost. (In 'hell') but still enemies of life, nonetheless. To intend harm to another will lead to great misfortune- for the one who intends the harm. To intend love and healing for another will also reap the same love and healing for the one who intends such for another....

    We see Truth and the Beauty that Truth is when we abandon the dangling carrot called 'ego' and look and perceive Life from the Larger Picture.

    We see that those we often call 'enemy' are simply part of the small picture we have trapped ourselves in by bowing to ego's demands.

    We see this designation 'enemy'- more often than not, in the Final Analysis - from the Large Picture - is one of the Elements that we need to Grow and thrive beyond ego's demands. We bow to Spirit.

    Likewise, many that we term 'friend' and who call us 'friend' - are very often much, much less than that.

    Such are the wages and the pathways of Delusion.

    The Only True Enemy is the one within. False perceptions and the illusions harboured through ignoring the Voice of our True Self. This is the Real meaning of Ignorance.

    The mind lies, quite often. The Heart speaks the Truth, if we would only take the time to listen.

    When we speak from mind to mind we are driven by false needs, more often than not. When we speak from heart to heart, Real Truth (Love) is all we can say and all we will hear

    Talk of Unconditional Love can set the eyes of many rolling-

    Only one who truly loves themselves can appreciate the Ultimate Wisdom of this Love.

    One must take time ~Every Day~ to sit quietly and Cry from The Sheer Gratitude for Life.

    'Loving Heart; Peaceful Mind.' ~ It really is that simple.

    When you do what you need to do, only then you will know what you need to know. Not before.

    When we are Present, we are a Present to All.

    Doing is of the Heart.

    Not-doing is of the Mind.

    Knowing is of the Heart.

    Not-knowing is of the Mind.

    The Humanising of Soul

    I suspect and feel that our souls come here (to earth), again and again, not so much to 'work out a karmic debt' -this, I am beginning to feel, is just a (mental) rationalisation to justify the fact that our souls have become addicted to corporeality and simply can't resist the urge to return, again and again- to experience the 'game' that this level of the multiverse offers. The game of sensual gratification, the game of suffering and pain. We humans fear the suffering so much and crave the pleasures of the flesh far too much for our soul's own good. But our souls rejoice and thrive on ALL of it. It is a great weakness that we must resist, I believe, somehow, some way. Our souls are in danger of becoming humanised, polluted and prevented from reaching the higher levels by this perverse attraction. The Tibetan book of the dead expresses the greatest wisdom produced by Awakened beings on earth, to date. The death ceremony is designed to guide the soul to the higher levels and to resist the light that draws one back to the this earth. A divine graduation, so to speak. Illness has brought me incredible, wonderful gifts of clarity and truth. And strangely, even when the doctor had his finger up my rectum, I went somewhere else, and even though I could still feel the physical discomfort, the humiliation, my soul was dancing, revelling in the experience. When he was done I returned to my body and said, 'damn it doc, I had hoped I would have enjoyed that more.' He laughed. It was music to me.

    The True Warrior embraces Death like a long lost lover and the Ultimate Teacher. Death makes Life worthwhile more than anything else.

    Life is far more precious near the end of it - than at the beginning or in the middle.

    It isn’t how a man lives that determines his wisdom. It is how he dies.

    Death is not an enemy at all. Far from it; Death brings clarity and purpose to one’s life.

    The greatest gift we can give to the living is to die with dignity and joy.

    Looking at myself in the bathroom mirror this morning I Truly saw myself. I realised that I have come to Love and accept myself in a manner I had never before conceived possible. A phrase was spoken in my mind; 'Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged.'

    It Dawned on me like the Glowing Ball of Life that was slowly rising outside that this phrase was not just about the judgement of others, but also of oneself. I Saw that so much of the pain and suffering of my life had been because I had been judging myself as unworthy for far too much of my life.

    I laughed out loud from the Depths of my Soul.



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