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LightLizard's Lair
by LightLizard

116 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 640,501 times
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  • the Goddess   by  LightLizard     18 y     2,908       7 Messages Shown       Blog: LightLizard's Lair
    Is it a coincidence that 'the Davinci Code' is the most popular book being sold right now? Or the 'Celestine Prophecy'- how it became a bestseller with very little effort on the author's part?
    There is a pressing need for people to come to terms that are closer to Reality than what they have allowed themselves to be manipulated and led by, for so long.

    The male-dominated world we have lived in for so long can only be termed 'unbalanced'- its time we men learned to embrace the Goddess energy.
    Most men have 'separation anxiety' from their childhood's separation from their mothers. This anxiety gets buried deeply and expresses itself in many, many scenarios that are not conducive to health, happiness or any form of peace. Embracing the Goddess energy will allow men to express what they have hidden away for so long; their sensitivity. How could one be 'abandoned' or 'separated' from the very Source of their being?

    Is it possible that one of the Ways to Harmony and Balance for Humanity can finally be Real-ised when men honour, cherish and serve the Goddess Energy within themselves-and women embrace the God Energy within themselves, in the same manner? This creates a huge challenge to women, as well as men. I would say more of a challenge for women, because so many feel that they have been controlled for so long.
    Luckily, women have a knack for dealing with and processing their emotions coherently and usefully. (Your larger corpus callosum has much to do with that, you communicators, you! Men excell at supressing emotions, thanks to war and hunting-yeah, thanks a LOT! heehee:) )
    This is where men will be challenged the most.(We have a handicap when it comes to processing emotions harmoniously, as some may have noticed) Most men will -more than likely- dismiss the concept from the beginning, as ridiculous lizard-dung.
    My hope is some, or at least one, will not.

    In Reality; the God and Goddess energies are not Two. It is our human perspective on this level where duality flourishes and provides the opportunity to Grow and Evolve, as is Gaia's Unstoppable Urge.
    It is we humans that must learn to get along peacefully, if we want to real-ise and recognise that we are The Custodians of this Glorious Garden, not the owners and users we have been.



    'we all come from the Goddess
    and to her we shall return-
    like a drop of rain
    flowing to the ocean...'
    -pagan chant

    ~May LOVE flow from the Rainbow
    of your Soul and bathe your Heart in
    all the colors of Joy!~


    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • LL-Micael Ledwith is coming to Midtown Church 6/2,3/06   by  jelequa     18 y     1,686
      to do a 2 day workshop on the Da Vinci Code ~ I am hosting him and I put the project together-You seem to reflect the beautiful part of me...I am very excited and working hard to get all the advertising in-

      It will help us grow the church and it will allow me to decide if I want a business promoting and hosting workshops of extrodinary people healers- like YOU! Ever thought about such a thing?
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: LL-Micael Ledwith is coming to Midtown Church 6/2,3/06   by  LightLizard     18 y     1,354
        Bless you dear one, I have actually spent many years as a taiji and qigong instructor. Of, course, because of who/what I am, much of my path and the experience gleaned from it has been shared with many a student over the past 30 years. I have witnessed incredible healings take place, because of the work. Not so much 'my' work, but the willingness of the students to take the practice seriously enough to actually DO it, on a regular basis...Yes, I have thought about it a lot, and feel very strongly that what I have could be very helpful to many, if I could only find a way to access those in the greatest need...
        I am reading the Davinci Code now, as a matter of fact, and would be very happy to spread the word of the upcoming event on the several websites I visit regularly, as well as mine, of course, on the 'announcements' page, if you could send me an email version of your advertising; <- my site

        The 'beauty' you see in me
        is but a reflection-
        of THEE!


        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • More Goddess Energy   by  LightLizard     18 y     1,337


      I had kind of an advantage in that i was raised by my grandparents from the age of 3 to 16. I believe this gave me a sensitivity, which, admittedly, I struggled for years to supress-causing all kinds of emotional and relationship problems for me, of course. One of the great resistance some men will have to this concept of embracing and allowing themselves to express their 'softer' facets; they may feel it means they are expected to become 'gay' or something less than what they are now. The prospect of loss is not good incentive to consider changing perspective. But, if we can see that we already have these elements within us, and it's really about becoming MORE of what and who we are, and bringing balance to the planet, to some degree, hopefully; those that harbour homo-phobic tendencies will see the True light that shines from within and let themselves be guided by that, not the darkness we all can access within, when we are bent that way...We seem to be so focused on our differences, so much. Men and Women. There are, if we look closely, more similarities than differences. Perhaps that is a way to begin to balance ourselves- Look for the similarities and honour them as much, if not more, than we honour ('struggle') over the differences.
      Some women may feel a threat to this concept as well. They may have a strong attraction to the wrestler-type, chest-beating, hairy, sweaty, 'he-man'. Have no fear, remember Arnold Schwartzanegger. (Forget the political side of him for a moment)He expresses a degree of sensitivity in many of his lighter movies, does he not? And, his masculine traits are not hampered whatsoever. In fact, I think a lot of women would agree, it is his displays of sensitivity that make him even more attractive! Really, women have been exploring their 'male' qualities more in the last 20 years or so, as far as business and the workplace goes. But, this
      -to me- is not the complete picture-yet. Women have embraced the Yang within, partially, but in a way that is less about spirit than it is finance. And indeed, it is (partially) finance and the rising costs of living in our culture that has driven women to such a maze as the coporate world. Luckily, again, their communication skills allow them to excell in that area.
      In an Ideal world, I see everyone, or most people, will have the faith, trust and balance to pursue their Heart's desire throughout their entire lives. 'Work' becomes something that one does from their pa*sion for the 'work'- not something that is done from the fear of not having enough. This will only come about when we strive and seek to find a more stable sense of Balance within ourselves, and with each other- which will evolve naturally, as we balance our selves.
      Then, the Blossoming Flowers of Love will spread across the Planet and the scent will mingle with the songs of Joy that echo from the valleys and hills forever.
      Guns and swords rotting and rusting away to dust.


      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • More Goddess Energy   by  LightLizard     18 y     2,535


      I had kind of an advantage in that i was raised by my grandparents from the age of 3 to 16. I believe this gave me a sensitivity, which, admittedly, I struggled for years to supress-causing all kinds of emotional and relationship problems for me, of course. One of the great resistance some men will have to this concept of embracing and allowing themselves to express their 'softer' facets; they may feel it means they are expected to become 'gay' or something less than what they are now. The prospect of loss is not good incentive to consider changing perspective. But, if we can see that we already have these elements within us, and it's really about becoming MORE of what and who we are, and bringing balance to the planet, to some degree, hopefully; those that harbour homo-phobic tendencies will see the True light that shines from within and let themselves be guided by that, not the darkness we all can access within, when we are bent that way...We seem to be so focused on our differences, so much. Men and Women. There are, if we look closely, more similarities than differences. Perhaps that is a way to begin to balance ourselves- Look for the similarities and honour them as much, if not more, than we honour ('struggle') over the differences.
      Some women may feel a threat to this concept as well. They may have a strong attraction to the wrestler-type, chest-beating, hairy, sweaty, 'he-man'. Have no fear, remember Arnold Schwartzanegger. (Forget the political side of him for a moment)He expresses a degree of sensitivity in many of his lighter movies, does he not? And, his masculine traits are not hampered whatsoever. In fact, I think a lot of women would agree, it is his displays of sensitivity that make him even more attractive! Really, women have been exploring their 'male' qualities more in the last 20 years or so, as far as business and the workplace goes. But, this
      -to me- is not the complete picture-yet. Women have embraced the Yang within, partially, but in a way that is less about spirit than it is finance. And indeed, it is (partially) finance and the rising costs of living in our culture that has driven women to such a maze as the coporate world. Luckily, again, their communication skills allow them to excell in that area.
      In an Ideal world, I see everyone, or most people, will have the faith, trust and balance to pursue their Heart's desire throughout their entire lives. 'Work' becomes something that one does from their passion for the 'work'- not something that is done from the fear of not having enough. This will only come about when we strive and seek to find a more stable sense of Balance within ourselves, and with each other- which will evolve naturally, as we balance our selves.
      Then, the Blossoming Flowers of Love will spread across the Planet and the scent will mingle with the songs of Joy that echo from the valleys and hills forever.
      Guns and swords rotting and rusting away to dust.


      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Goddess   by  LightLizard     18 y     1,432
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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