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Dorn Method
by thomas zudrell

94 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 724,373 times
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  • Are we dreaming?   by  thomas zudrell     18 y     4,236       4 Messages Shown       Blog: Dorn Method
    I am looking again for some answers by asking questions not so easy to answer.
    What is real in our life? What if we are just dreaming?
    Why do I judge things as good or bad?

    What I want to believe (and often it works): I am part of this Universe and not separated to it therefore the Creation Force is in me and I am in it.
    It is all part of one!

    Why then there seems to be duality in all?
    Is the Universe (and Nature) in a state of complete balance?
    If yes does this mean that if we create more positive energy (love, understanding, tolerance etc.) we also contribute to the existence (creation) of negative energy? (evil, hate, killing, hunger, discrimination etc.)

    Would love to get some answers on this.

    Have a blessed day
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    thomas zudrell
    • We are not awake   by  Ayehasherayeh     18 y     2,280
      If we were awake we would have no question as to this. We would be laughing from the realization that we have been dreaming and often dreamed that we were awake. When we dream that we are awake, we give our dreaming self additional attributes perhaps, that we imagine would be valid to the awakened soul if we were actually awake. This varies according to our individual definitions of being awake of course These are perhaps poor images of any rememberance we may have had yet forgotten when we were awake.

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    • 'How did I dream awake?'   by  HeartSpirit     18 y     2,355
      Hello, Thomas

      I have thought on both topics…

      Incidentally yesterday I reread an older poem in which part of was:
      "How did I get here?
      How did I dream awake?"

      Sometime ago it occurred to me sometimes to look at life as if it were a dream. The impetus may have been that I like dream interpretation at times. It occurs to me strongly with some experiences: such as seeing full spider webs with the spider right in the center, in very direct view. Once there was one in my car as I opened the door! Another in a window pane not too long after. I thoroughly appreciated the intricacy and skill used in their crafting.

      Some time after that a spider cocooned itself behind my front door and emerged some weeks later…it walked all fluffy and new out into the world again. Actually I may ‘interpret’ it as blessing that my children and I witnessed event of the molting, after checking on the spider faithfully every day.

      On the second topic: it seems you are entertaining two perspectives on Life. Maybe you are thinking they cannot both exist? Yet something in you keeps tugging at you to keep pondering?

      I too have pondered exactly: If I create love does that mean its opposite will be created to keep balance?

      It occurred to me that the positive and the negative are the opposite poles themselves. Love and hate, good and bad, abundance and lack. These are some specific forms, although etheric, of creation. I, as many and as you, feel we are revealing ourselves to be conscious creators to choose our experience.

      Yet I feel there is a united presence ‘beneath’ these poles, if you will. What is the common denominator, so to speak? There are many names for it. Life, ‘Love’, Spirit, God, Creation, Existence etc. This is the ‘stuff’ that remains and, I feel, is constant, no matter what positive or negative form we choose to make from it to experience.

      In the end, personally, and despite oscillation, I keep with my instincts on what I want to create. What does the heart desire, what makes the heart and spirit come alive? Am I confusing fear-intention with heart-intention? How do I transition, etc? I feel answering these questions keeps us in direct line with what our expanded selves desire to experience.

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    • Re: Are we dreaming?   by  fagotoespo31     9 y     1,073     Reply   FCK   TinyMCE
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