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The World Around Us
by motherof4

44 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 172,937 times
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  • Destroyer of the Pleasures   by  motherof4     19 y     2,977       3 Messages Shown       Blog: The World Around Us



    Death may catch up with you at any time. Who knows, perhaps this is the moment. Or, it may be much closer than you have ever expected.

    These lines may be the last opportunity, the last reminder, the last warning before death comes upon you. As you proceed with these lines, you can never know that you will still be alive in the next hour. Even if it proves to be so, nothing can guarantee you another hour. Let alone an hour, not even after a single moment, is it certain that you will be still living. There is no guarantee that you will ever finish reading this book. Death will, most likely, come upon you at a time when, only a moment before, you never thought about dying.

    You will most certainly die, as will all your loved ones. Before you or after you, they will certainly die. A hundred years from now, there will not be a single soul you are familiar with in this world.

    Endless aims pertaining to life occupy man's minds; to finish high school, to enter university, to graduate, to have a respectable occupation, to marry, to bring up children, to lead a peaceful life…these are among the broadest and most ordinary plans of man. These aside, there are thousands of others devised to address one's personal circumstances.

    Death is one of the few things in life certain to occur. This is a one hundred per cent certainty.

    After years of hard work, a student succeeds in entering the university, yet dies on the way to class. Someone who has recently been hired for a job loses his life on his first morning commute to his work. A traffic accident ends the lives of a newly married couple on their wedding day. A successful businessman prefers to fly to save time, not knowing that that very flight will put a horrible end to his life.

    At such a stage, plans no longer avail. Leaving behind plans doomed to remain unfinished for all eternity, they head for a point of no return-and yet it is a destination they never planned for. Ironically, for years, they spent too much time detailing plans which would never be put into operation, yet never gave a thought to the one certain thing that would happen.

    How then should a man of wisdom and conscience establish his priorities? Does he have to make his plans for the one thing certain to happen or for something unlikely to happen? The majority, it is evident, give priority to goals which they can never be certain of accomplishing. No matter which phase of life they are passing through, they resolutely plan for a better and more fulfilling future.

    This tendency would be quite rational, if man was immortalYet the fact remains that all plans are doomed to that absolute end, called death. Thus it is irrational to disregard death, which is certain to occur, and devote all one's attention to all those things which may or may not materialize.

    Yet, owing to an incomprehensible spell enslaving their minds, human beings fail to notice this obvious fact.

    This being the case, they can never become acquainted with their real life which is due to start with death. They simply do not prepare themselves for it. Once they are resurrected, they head nowhere but hell, a place specially designed for them.

    The intention in writing this book is to make man ponder over an issue which he avoids thinking about and warn him against an imminent and ineluctable event…

    Avoiding thinking about it cannot, by any means, provide a solution.

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Whose reality?   by  Lapis     19 y     1,879
      Belief systems control our reality..even the notion of aging or death. What we buy into becomes our belief system. There is a true story about a young boy who lost a finger in an accident and in short order grew it back. THis suprised the doctors and everyone who knew him. You see, he wasn't told that he couldn't grow back his finger.

      Its all about belief systems. Polarity is the illusion...seprateness is the illusion...this life and death are the illusion..that we buy into and thus seem seperate from who we really are...GOD! We are not sperate from God...not "his toys as religion has perpetrated as just another control device that sperates. THis fracturing of reality through belief system holds us captive in the illusion by us believing it. We have free will and we choose our filters. These filters obscure our truth. Awareness comes about as we see through these filters and see back to waht we really are.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re:One   by  motherof4     19 y     1,972
        Even so, we do have alot of control, we do have the power to paint our world, yet we do not have ultimate power. You did not create yourself, do you remember yourself as a newborn, helpless, still rewind, man was less than this, still rewind we were nothing. So at least acknowledge yourself as a created soul with a created shell in a created temporary world. The body is from this earth, the soul is from ourside of this world. We will live and never die. For all of this, what does the creator ask? The only thing the Creator asks is that we believe in Him ( not male or female ) and not anything else. So to worship yourself is pointless.

        Its not a trap its not to keep us "down". Revelation has been sent. But people will never believe. That is all part of it.
        The creator lets us wander so far away from Him, its obvious this is a test.
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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