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The World Around Us
by motherof4

44 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 172,940 times
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  • The Soul's Temporary Abode:A Most Perfect Creation   by  motherof4     19 y     2,598       3 Messages Shown       Blog: The World Around Us

    Greetings brothers and sisters!

    Welcome. My home is indeed your home!

    What I have found in this wonderful home called earth is that I take for granted everything in my life. From the sun that gives me warmth to the very cells in my body which perform every function I need in order to live. Since I do not make the sun rise let alone have I seen its true size, and since I have never seen my cells in action they must be under the control of some one else. I have always loved the study of biology, it draws me closer to the Creator. Everybody adheres to some kind of religion, and many people claim thier way is the only way, however my goal is not in this type of direction. I am just sharing a journal of bits and pieces of the signs of life. This life is full of wonder, glory, miracles. You are a miracle as well. This is my interpretation of what we call "This Life"....



    DNA is the database of the human body.                  

    There is enough information in one DNA molecule to fill 1000 books. This is encoded in the DNA seen in the picture.
    All of a person's features are encoded in an alphabet symbolised in the letters A,T,C and G.


    The DNA molecule in the nucleus is wrapped up in special covers called chromosomes. The total length of a DNA molecule wrapped up in the chromosomes is 1 meter. A chromosome is one nanometer thick, in other words a billionth of a meter. How is a 1 metre long DNA molecule contained in such a tiny space?

    Chromosome packages are actually made up of much smaller special container systems. The DNA molecule is first wound around special proteins called histones, just like a cotton reel. Thus they form structures called nucleosomes. These nucleosomes are specially designed to protect the DNA and stop it being damaged. When nucleosomes are strung on to one another, they form chromatins. Closely wound coiled loops from with the chromatin. In this way a superb creation squeezes the DNA molecule into a tiny space only a billionth of its length.

    The Miracle of Creation in DNA The Miracle of Creation in DNA

    The progress of science makes it clear that living beings have an extremely complex structure and an order too perfect to have come into being by coincidence. This is evidence to the fact that living beings are created by an All-Powerful Creator with superior knowledge. Recently, for instance, with the unravelling of the perfect structure in the human gene-which became a prominent issue due to the Genome Project-the unique creation of God has once more been revealed for all to see.
















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