1) Got this reply below; on my forum need to find out what it does it means??
Any ideas or translation would be appreciated!!
: 打号机打标机打标机标记机升降平台激光打标机 .....
2) BTW: These were from an Ad on line / under women's swim wear @ a Major Email News site...
Or maybe this hot model??
Why would any women; buy one of the "G String " (swim suit?) bottom (see below) and wear it; to take a walk down the beach??
You decide and tell me what is the deal ladies?
Think about what is a stake here ladies!
How about this get up ladies...
Not as much showing, but in the same league as the " G String thingie" HUH!!
Looks like she needs some new jeans? HUH!
Maybe I am just too old fashioned, but way back when; this get up would have been in the trash can long ago!!
Must admit, She does have a nice backside!!
That is a view on some recent women's fashion...
I am just showing what is out there folks, don't shoot the messenger!!