We did it; found one of the secretes of life, on the Appalachian Trail this past week....
As outlined on the marker at the beginning of the approach trail to the AT, by a Georgia Historic Marker.... Which states in part the following:
The Appalachian Trail is: "Remote for detachment, narrow for the chosen, winding for leisure, lonely for contemplation, it beacons not merely north and south, but up ward to the body, mind and soul of man." Harold Allen, 1976
After more than three days on the trail, we saw the truth of this statement!!
I would recommend anyone who is able: to hike part of the AT, if only for a weekend... It does wonders for both the body and the mind.... The physical difficulty is "Strenuous" and will require some real effort(s), so it is not for the faint hearted.... So be advised...
There are things in life that will train your brain, {mind} which are not in books... BTW the true knowledge was here and would still exist even if there were no books.... So get out and explore our world, learn and experience what life has to offer.... AMEN!!
Thats is all for now folks, see you real soon....