- So Frustrated! by #42412
18 y
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Blog: BV - Bacterial Vaginosis
This is so frustrating! I thought I had these problems at least under control and now that I've had the IUD put in, the BV is back. Not worse than ever... the worst it got was after numerous rounds of antibiotics to cure it (silly doctors). The problem now is that the Vitamin C doesn't seem to be working so good. I remember when it was at its worst I had to do 3 or 4 consecutive days of Vitamin C treatment and then every couple of months I've had to do a single treatment to keep it under control and non-bothersome.
I went in for my 4-week checkup after they inserted the IUD and she couldn't find the strings, they've 'migrated' up into the canal. So she did an ultrasound and found the device just where it's supposed to be and she said all we can do is leave it alone and check on it once in a while. So now, every time i feel a crampy twinge I'll be wondering where it's migrating to next. Great.
Then she tells me Yes, you have BV. (I know, I told her that). I told her I knew but I refused to take antibiotics for it because in my experience it only exacerbates the problem so unless she had another suggestion I would just treat it at home. She just says ok. Which is to say she has no better suggestions.
Vitamin C works for a 'treatment' but i want a cure. I want my body to be back in balance, I want to know that all of my systems are working properly. They'll never find a cure for BV until they can #1 - find a way to repopulate the vaginal flora with hydrogen peroxide producing lactobacillus and #2 - figure out why the proper flora becomes depleted and unable to replenish itself in the first place (likely due to or due in part to overuse of antibiotics but I'll drop dead if I ever hear a doctor admit to that)
- BV frustration! by danyah
18 y
I am new to this site and find it very informative so far. I have tried the antibiotic thing 3 times, the last one being the cream you insert into the vagina. Horrible stuff I tell you. And of course the BV only got worse with absolutely NO friendly bacteria to fight it off. So now I find myself in the midst of my boyfriend and I breaking it off and I still have BV. Our sex life was totally effected by this and I know we have ended up here because of that BV :(
Now let me tell you what I have been doing in my world to work at getting rid of it once and for all. Gawd I hope I can!
I started this after my last antiobiotic, in December... eliminated all sugar, wheat products, dairy (I still eat goat feta cheese) tropical fruits (I stopped ALL fruit for the first two months and worked up to an apple a day and now I have oranges too), I squeeze 2 lemons, sometimes limes, in my water everyday (the acidic qualities help the alkaline imbalance) I read that blow drying the pubic hair helps to eliminate any kind of damp environment, wiping from front to back ;) and I have been trying out the Vitamin C treatment that I have been reading on here. Am I right that we insert a tablet up the vagina? And for how many days in a row do I do this? How many mg? How long in between treatments? Does anyone know?
ANYway, after all this for over 3 months now, and I still have that freakin' BV. SO! As I was reading about my anxiety that I have been having, some other interesting facts came up about this lovely bacteria... Anxiety comes in four different physical levels, the first starts with tiredness, etc., the second then is depression, anxiety, muscle pain, etc.. the third though is 'susceptibility to viral infections and bacterial invasion'! You don't even want to know what the fourth one is!
Let me share what I think is beneficial, as well as all the other things that we are doing, to rid ourselves from this disgusting BV... to meditate and take a bath every single day. At least the bath everyday if anything. If you have access to therapeutic essential oils, use either of these blends in the bath each time (stir the water well before getting in)
Neroli - 2 drops
Lavender - 1 drop
Lemon - 4 drops
Lavender - 4
Geranium - 4
Palma rosa - 4
I believe that any physical ailment started out in our mind, in whatever shape or form, so also working on the anxiety/stress/depression or whatever is going on, is a HUGE healing step!
Please anyone out there, if something has worked for you besides antiobiotics, share!!
- Re: BV frustration! by Tamula
18 y
If anyone has found a for sure cure for BV please, please, please let me know. I have been treating this for the past 5 years since I was pregnant with my daughter. Just like it sounds on here I have used the pills, and creams probably a total of 20 times, and it feels great to be fresh for a week or so, but then it's right back again. Surely someone has found something that works. I was reading a little about the vitamin C, but not sure on the dosage instructions if you could please give me more info. Ready to try anything.
Thank You
- Re: BV frustration! by #42412
18 y
The Vitamin C is my own. There are no dosage instructions, although I can tell you what I do that works for me, though it has not been a cure... just a treatment.
Firstly, I'll tell you why I felt that Vitamin C might work that made me try this.
If you do some reading on the nature of BV, why it causes problems (the overgrowth of the anaerobic(bad) bacteria and coincidentally the undergrowth of the good flora - which is most notably hydrogen peroxide producing Lactobacillus)
Then, do some reading on the specific species of Lactobacillus that makes up the majority of flora in the healthy vagina, you begin to discover that the "Lacto" fights off the anaerobic (anaerobic means that the bacteria cannot survive in a high-oxygenated environment, most "bad" bacteria including cancerous tumors are made up of anaerobic cells and bacteria) anyway, the good stuff "Lacto" fights off the anaerobes by releasing Hydrogen Peroxide (H3O - which means 1 Hydrogen atom and 3 Oxygen atoms, if you know your chemistry, you know that water is H2O - water is stable, Hydrogen Peroxide is not - the extra Oxygen seeks to bind with something, it "oxidizes" what it binds with) Which is what you see when you pour Hydrogen Peroxide over an infected cut - the extra oxygen atom is "oxidizing" and neutralizing the anaerobic "infecting" bacteria.
I tried using Hydrogen Peroxide as a douche, and it works to immediately eliminate the odor, but the one problem science hasn't tackled is how to facilitate the regrowth of the "Lacto" - hence the vaginal flora never returns to normal. It is apparent by the studies that the vagina needs a very acidic environment. Vitamin C seems to promote the production of Hydrogen Peroxide at the same time creating an acidic environment.
Here are some links to some articles I've read
(This article contains the paragraph below that I cut and pasted here to highlight the portion I am referring to)...
[Before scoffing, keep in mind that one of the very first lines of defense against any and all microorganisms recognized as invaders by our immunological system are macrophages and leucocytes, one of which uses hydrogen peroxide to oxidize the foreigners; and that vitamin C is effective principally by its ability to promote hydrogen peroxide use against foreign invaders, including parasites, viruses, bacteria, yeast/fungus; and that all body tissues contain catalase and that hydrogen peroxide in the presence of catalase is reduced to oxygen and water. So, there is strong reason to believe that added hydrogen peroxide, used properly, may be both effective against certain organisms and safe.]
- Re: BV frustration! by #42412
18 y
What I do that works for me...
When I begin to notice odor I insert a Vitamin C tablet, uncoated, into my vagina - leaving it there to dissovle overnight.
I generally do this for 2 nights in a row and then stop.
I have noticed after this that I have a heavy discharge and seem to shed something that looks like "skin" which I think is probably sloughing off skin cells. I have had pap smears and pelvic exams since I have been using this as a treatment and my doctor has not alerted me to anything unusual (such as any damage this may be causing). She has, in fact, told me that everything looked normal and did not return a diagnosis of BV after my pap smear, UNTIL after I had the IUD inserted only 2 months ago.
So, I use to have a terrible problem with BV - took many many rounds of antibiotics, by mouth, in cream form, etc...
Finally, when I decided to stop their regimen and try my own, I remained Odor free (I will not say BV free because I really didn't go in to be tested until my pre-exam to have the IUD put in) - I remained odor free for over a year.
During that time I had to occasionally give myself a Vitamin C treatment, usually after my cycle, and the "occasions" grew less and less frequent over time.
At first I needed a treatment after every cycle and after a while it might be once every 2-3 months. Also, I wouldn't wait until the odor got very bad. If I even thought I smelled anything I'd pop a tablet up there overnight and it was gone the next day. No mess, no fuss. Sex life back to normal.
I'm not a doctor, I don't wish to be passing out cures. But, this has worked well for me to keep it under control.
- Re: BV frustration! by #42412
18 y
I want to tell everyone who has a problem with recurring BV to keep an eye out -- They have indeed finally figured out how to cure BV I think.
There is a new contraceptive they have come up with called BufferGel. Right now it is in clinical trials. It is a gel that contains Hydrogen Peroxide Producing Lacto. Their premise is that it will prevent pregnancy by maintaining an acidic environment in the vagina even in the presence of sperm. It should work fine for that. The "side effect" they expect it to have is that it should also protect women from many sexually transmitted diseases (since they are caused by anaerobic bacteria) including AIDS. They also feel pretty sure that it should help prevent Candida and BV by maintaining an acidic environment and a healthy level of "good" bacteria.
I am anxiously awaiting the realease of this on the market because I think they've finally stumbled onto a real treatment and possibly a cure, not to mention a fabulous non-intrusive method of birth control.
They are finally looking at building on what the body does naturally instead of their usual "kill kill kill" approach. Nice to see that some of those scientists actually have brains in their heads instead of just an interest in the almighty dollar.
- Re: BV frustration! by danyah
18 y
Thank you SO much for you responses! I have been using the Vitamin C treatment and so far I too have been odour free. (knock on wood) I also get the major discharge the next day but it's worth it. Ever since I started squeezing organic lemons in my water everyday I have felt cleaner as well. It's been about 3 weeks since I did a Vit C and I did have some odour and then after my last period it hasn't been back... I feel like the lemons have helped. What do you think about using lemons, limes and oranges as food treatments? I have read something about not eating anything acidic when there is an imbalance, but I am finding it helping.? Let me know if you know anything about this.
You give good information and I plan to read up on the sites you have suggested :) That is wonderful that they are working on a cure for this, I am willing to try almost anything.
Again, thank you for writing about what you have learned, it's muchly appreciated!
- Re: BV frustration! by #62519
18 y
Looking for support with BV and I'm glad I found y'all. I've been so embarrassed for the past couple of months with the odour especially when I know I take a shower everyday. I feel so self-concious especially when taking public transit. I wonder if "he" or "she" can smell the odour. And the discharge - I have to change my panties like 3 to 4 times daily because I don't want others to smell the odour of the discharge.
Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 8 years and our sex life was great. Then, all of a sudden, he stopped going down on me (I had an IUD inserted prior to the sudden stop. I noticed the odour but didn't think it would last). I had a feeling it was the odour, but I asked him to be sure. I felt sick to my stomach when he responded "You better go to the doctor and find out what's wrong with you cause if I find out you're cheating on me and got an STD I'll...". So I got a check-up and my nurse told me I had BV. I was prescribed Flagyl and, lucky me, I had an allergic reaction to it. I didn't try any other method of treatment but now I'm looking because my boyfriend told me today that if I don't get it treated he'll stop having sex with me. It's sad cause we were in the middle of having sex this morning when he said "I'm done. I can't stand the smell". I felt guilty, dirty, ashamed, and like less of a woman. I had to go online and find info and treatment advice.
I noticed a few people mentioned taking vitamin C tablets. Is there a specific tablet for vaginal insertion or do you insert the oral tablets vaginally? Is 250 mg good or should I use 500 mg? I also noticed Hydrogen Peroxide as a treatment. I would try this first since I have some at home already. Should I dilute it, and if yes, at what ratio? (e.g. 2 parts water to 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide). I've had enough. I'm beyond frustration now.
Just a quick note. I started a low carbohydrate diet two weeks ago and noticed that the heavy white discharge was reduced dramatically. But, of course, the odour still lingers. (don't dog me if you're against low-carb diets. I'm trying to lose 30 lbs and lost 5 of it already only after one week. Tomorrow is the end of the two weeks and I'll weigh myself again. I know I'll see more pounds lost cause I can visibly see the results.)
- Re: BV frustration! by #42412
18 y
Gosh this sounds so familiar! Ever since I had my IUD (copper) put in I have been fighting BV again. When I first started treating myself at home I tried a Vitamin C tablet vaginally and it burned. I think I was just too sensitive from having the BV for so long (and the antibiotics made it worse and worse) that Vit C was too strong to start with.
I douched with straight Hydrogen Peroxide, off the shelf at the grocery store, not the food grade kind that you have to dilute to use. I did it using a large medicine syringe - in the shower - I would try to hold it in a while and then let it flush out. I found it nice, cool, and soothing actually. I would rinse until the bubbling stopped which told me the bad bacteria was flushed out. It immediately neutralizes the odor. There was once when I had rinsed 2-3 times a day for a couple days in a row that I got very very irritated and it burned and I stopped for a couple days and then cut back to only rinsing once daily.
That worked for short term -- after that I started doing the overnight Vitamin C treatment I've talked about and it didn't burn anymore at all.
I would also consider looking into the post on this thread about the Apple Cider Vinegar --- I haven't tried that method personally but I have heard so many good things about Apple Cider Vinegar and it is acidic, I can't see that any harm would come of trying it out.
- Re: BV frustration! by #42412
18 y
You know, also, you should educate your boyfriend on the subject. It isn't an STD, he can't catch it and you didn't get it from anyone.
It's an imbalance of the natural combination of good and bad bacteria that exist naturally in your vagina. Likely caused by having some doctor shove a piece of metal and plastic into your uterus (I really wish I'd never gotten this IUD) and we, as women, do those stupid things for the men we're with... so they don't have to worry about using condoms, pulling out or getting us pregnant. If it was up to us we wouldn't pop pills and get shots and use patches and have devices implanted for their maximum convenience.
I'm not actually anti-male or anything but I think it's important for you to have your boyfriend's support because this isn't your fault.
OK, my 2 cents said (and none of my business of course) but good luck. :)
- Re: BV frustration! by #62519
18 y
I've used the hydrogen peroxide treatment but I diluted it with water. The thing that I can't handle is that when I squirt the solution up into my vagina I feel symptoms of nausea and I hate it. Although it works, I feel like I'd rather start using the vitamin C tablets. Should I use the oral tablets or ask the pharmacist if there are vaginal tablets? Are vaginal tablets even available because I didn't see any at the drugstore. Would I have to ask for it and suffer more embarrassment? Why can't there just be a permenant solution, good grief!
- Re: BV frustration! by #42412
18 y
No there aren't vaginal tablets, and most doctors and pharmacists would tell you you're crazy for asking. Like I said, this is my own thing, I'm not a doctor, I have just found this works for me. No doctor is going to support this treatment. The only treatment they will give you is antibiotic treatment - that is the ONLY treatmetn that is medically approved to treat BV. The doctors don't have any other solution. I encourage you (I guess) to try the antibiotics and hopefully they work for you, but in my experience I've only found that they make the situation worse and harder to treat homeopathically later on.
I never experienced nausea from hydrogen peroxide, is it from the bubbling sensation? If that doesn't work for you , don't use it. In natural medicine you have to listen to what your body tells you and if your body says NO, you should listen.
If you're going to try vitamin C, I buy mine at Walmart - a big bottle of swallowable (not chewable) vitamin C tablets (not caplets or capsules) without any protective coating (so they can be easily dissolved in the vagina and not leave behind much "pill residue")
I put one in overnight, wear a pantyliner the next day. Sometimes, depending on how bad the odor is, I will use a tablet, vaginally, for 2 nights in a row, then I give it a rest. I think the vitamin c is harsh, and I've read some comments that it burns for some people, in which case, don't use it. So I think 2 nights maximum in a row is a better idea than using it every day or something.
After you give yourself a day or two off the vitamin c - see how your symptoms are. If you need to do it for another night or so, go ahead after a couple of days. I've found that 2 nights of Vitamin C is usually enough to keep the symptoms (odor) away until after I've had another period and even that seems to be getting better. Ever since I had the IUD put in it's been worse again but I think I'm starting to get it under control with the vitamin c.
I'm sorry I can't tell you I know of some kind of cure but honestly, as far as treatments go, I'd take this method over flagyl ANY DAY.
Good Luck.
- Re: BV frustration! I Use Jamu Herbal Stick by turnip
18 y
I saw your posting and would like to suggest that you try the Jamu Herbal Stick. I just got one recently and it really helps with my overflowing odours. I got this tip from another forum page bust lounge. Its a cigar shaped Jamu Stick. Needs to be inserted into the private part for about 2 to 5 minutes. Then rinse well and see the result..I was really amazed with the Jamu Stick. You'd be asking, where to get this? Just get them off eBay. Here is the website and I hope it helps you as it has helped me...
Let me know how it works for you.
- Apple Cider Vinegar and Oregeno Oil by risingsun
18 y
I just read on another website that those two together would return your internal flora to normal and cure Bacterial Vaginosis.
You might check into this info:
Treatment with vinegar doesn't sound strange at all. It's been used for 100's of years for killing germs. Especially, the apple cider with whats called "The Mother".
It is recommended for women with Bacterial Vaginosis when traditional antibiotics can't do the job. And recommended to be taken orally on a daily basis for digestive system cleansing. So, I am all for your idea of trying the vinegar.
another one used for thousands of years is oil of oregano. It is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial. I use it on wounds and internally and my bird flu kit won't be without it also as it has knocked out both flu and colds for me
I hope this helps
- Re: Apple Cider Vinegar and Oregeno Oil by galwantincure
18 y
Its been a while since this comment was posted. Has anyone tried this and how did it go? I am thinking of tring it and wondered if anyone could tell me how much of each they put together and if they just used them as a regular douche or injected like the peroxide.
- natural treatment for BV by superwolf
17 y
Lay on your back, legs up and insert 2-3TBSP of 3% hy drogen peroxide into your vagina and let it stand for at least 3 minutes every night for 7 days. This kills the bad bacteria. Eat plenty of yogurt and take Femdophilus from Jarrow Formulas to repopulate the good bacteria. Vitamin C and Folic acid also help. I did this and then went to see my doctor to see if I had infact cured the infection and I tested negative for BV. I was elated to have found a natural remedy since I had recurring BV and was also tired of taking antibiotics. Good luck!
- Re: So Frustrated! by benedwards
16 y
FemDophilus supports the health of the urinary tract.
Contains two patented and clinically proven probiotic strains, Lactobacillus GR-1T and Lactobacillus RC-14T discovered and developed by Dr. Gregor Reid and Dr. Andrew Bruce at Urex Biotech.
Hope this helps.