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Cold Water Blog
by munificent

269 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 783,149 times
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  • Rock the Kasbah   by  munificent     19 y     3,032       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Cold Water Blog
    "We are not going around in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral."

    -Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)

    Well, it can certainly seem like it! Today I slept in until 3:30am, and had to jump outta bed- quick- to get on the road to Sadhana...By the way- what a GREAT Group was there- more on that...

    So I am in slippers, forgot my glasses (YES!) no underwear- Sikhs are very modest, and didn't brush my teeth! And I find 1/2 way there I am outta gas!

    Going up Washington Street, I notice (barely without my glasses) an orange light up on the top of the dash- most warning lights are on the dash near the steering column-The only thing up there is...the GAS gauge! Shit

    Now mind you this tank of a Mercedes is the biggest gas guzzling machine made in 1990- way before gas was $2.55 a there are 2 gas stations on Washington- why not just stop and get enough to get to Sadhana? Because no one is open- baby you are on your own at 3:45am in San Diego! In LA you could find one- so I did the protection chant and shifted in 2 and plugged up Washington Street-feeling the gas course through each of those 8 cylinders!

    If I could just get to M's and Gur's..They would be able to help me after Sadhana-and of course my Eddie Bauer Poofy slippers are not fit for real walking- I do think I have a pair of athletic shoes in the trunk tho...I will be very late if I must walk there...yep!

    So this means if I make it to the top of Washington -the heaviest gas usage- I will not be stopping for lights-

    Everyday as I drive to Sadhana (normally with gas, and glasses, and shoes) I wonder what the hell the lights are doing- no one around for miles and some lights (LIKE the ONE on India and Washingtons St) actually cycle through a left turn-when no cars are anywhere around! I've been looking for an excuse to run that One- for months.

    So I ran every light from I-5 and Washington to the Zoo (Yes we conduct Sadhana with the Monkeys-the one with the bright red bottoms! yep!) Man I was scared about the gas but I was loving the light running.

    I made it, and lo and behold there were two late comers, Sikhs-black turbaned- that ROCKED the Kasbah! Whoa Nellie, the younger of the 2 had the groove- Have any of you chanted with the vibratory sounds of Sanskrit? If you get another One that is your frequency, it is ecstasy! He and I locked on- Oh the chest the heart center- I could fall completely in love with a man of my frequency...It just pulls me apart- I am wide open. My chest just becomes etheric and I dissolve into the biggest smile one can have and still chant-

    Kundalini is the greatest adventure of my life- If I could give this gift to everyone I would- It'll rock your world, it'll get you straight, it'll get you bent- It's better than LSD, pot, It is all the wonderment of the drug gateway but with nothing but your own DNA-3 years is the turning point- but I knew all along! I'm just getting in the groove now, because I hall my butt up every morning and do 21/2 hours of yoga, chanting, and prayer-

    It feels so good, and I am far more finely tuned than before! And I think I was pretty in tune before But I guess not!- ah, as soon as one horizon is touched with the barest of fingertip another begins to unfold- Join the Journey of You- Join the Journey of God!
    Same difference my friend, same difference.

    I bought a gas can and $5 dollars of gas and I am home safe and sound...
    Blow out the Boundaries with Joy of Being! It's Good to be Alive!
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • you are truly blessed... lol... ;-)   by  drofinnah     19 y     2,108
      but i don't need to be telling you that do i...

      i was laughing my a** off as read your saga... of the morning events as they unfolded... and i must say... you didn't leave out the slightest of details either...
      and all i can say is... sadhana has to be the most exhilerating experience one could ever take part in... especailly to lure one out of a nice warm bed to go through the travails you went through to get to your meeting @3:30am...

      3:30am wouldn't be that much of a problem for me... as i seem to be a born again night owl anyway... seems i am rarely able to sleep before then... all i have to do is drink a couple of cups of coffe and i'm wired for sound... that stuff plays havoc with my sleep patterns... but whenever i am with friends i find it hard to resist... it is a drug of course... but the one and only drug i allow myself... i enjoy the mental alertness that it induces... but like every drug it has it trade off... and let me add that i rarely drink coffee at home... but it seems to happen frequently whenever i go out... so maybe i should stay home huh... (and do what... sleep of course)... lol... ;-)

      thanks for sharing your hilarious ordeal with us...
      i needed a good laugh this early in the morning... afterall...
      laughter is medicine for the soul...
      you just take care... ya hear...
      and make sure to keep an eye on the gas guage...
      and for goodness sakes...
      stop running those red lights or you'll be blogging from a cell... lol... ;-)
      amd beware of the 'gurus' with bubble gum machines stuck on top of their cars...
      (you know the ones... those dj's with all the pretty blinking blue lights)...
      there is so much to be "aware" of isn't there... lol... ;-)
      but you certainly sound like you're onto something miraculously exhilaratin...
      and also... you might try thinking of it this way...
      you are the pioneer that is blazing the trail for the rest of heathens to follow...
      we'll be right behind you... lol... ;-)
      but take care ok...
      God bless...

      "it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood little girl"...
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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