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Bible Study
by Ready2Rapture

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  • UFOs and the Spirit World   by  Ready2Rapture     19 y     2,649       11 Messages Shown       Blog: Bible Study

    Matthew 24:24 2 Thessalonians 2:11

    I believe ETs are demons, and UFOs are their craft, possibly in cooperation with humans (specifically the military). I believe this because of the things they do and say, and because of the way their "spacecraft" move and appear.

    The things they do are characteristic of those who worship Satan: experimentation with human reproduction, mutilation of cattle (specifically, removal of the reproductive organs, left eye, anus, and every drop of blood, as well as mutilation of the right side of the body because it represents "good"), etc. And they tell the people they’ve abducted things which are designed to deceive and are contrary to Scripture. Their craft move in ways which have been described by experts as more like "ghosts and fairies" than physical craft. The descriptions of them are somewhat similar to the way Ezekiel described the cherubim in his visions.

    I believe the ultimate purpose for the shadowy existence of UFOs is to be a part of the "great deception" that will come upon the world in the last days, because it will help explain away the Rapture and garner support for the Antichrist.

    The Spirit World

    Gen. 3:14-15, 6:1-7, 19:1,15 Job 1:6, 2:1, 4:18, 38:4-7 Ps 78:25,49, 91:11, 103:20
    Isa 14:12-15 Ezek 1:4-25, 10:15,17,20 Da 10:13
    Mt 4:24, 8:16, 13:39,41,49, 18:10, 22:30, 24:31, 25:41 Lu 2:15, 4:10, 20:36 1Co 6:3, 13:1
    Heb 1:4-7,13-14, 13:2 2Pe 2:4 Jude 1:6
    Re 9:14-15, 12:7,9, 20:2

    Scientific experiments have proven the reality of some psychic events, but they haven’t explained the mechanism by which these things happen. They are much like the force of gravity: we can observe its effects and make use of it, but we cannot really explain it. But even if science could find a mechanism, a strong word of caution is in order, especially for Christians.

    The physical brain is the interface between the soul and the body, "a machine that a ghost can operate". Death occurs when that connection is permanently broken. But it is possible for that connection to be temporarily altered, where the soul is at some "distance" from the brain but not completely removed from it. This state is what the Bible would call demon possession, known today by the term "channelling". It also is the situation with out-of-body experiences and multiple personality disorder. It can be entered into in a variety of ways, such as with drugs, meditation, religious ritual, or hypnosis.

    The Bible is crystal clear that any attempt to separate or put distance between the soul and the body is evil. It opens us up to the influence of other spirits, giving them control of "the machine". Even if this loss of control sometimes brings a positive result (typical of hypnosis), it is clearly forbidden because of the great spiritual danger involved. It doesn’t make sense to go looking for trouble when so much of it already comes our way.

    Demons are the most likely "mechanism" for psychic phenomina such as telekenesis and clairvoyance. They are undetectable spiritual entities whose purpose is to deceive and destroy. Although we are not told exactly how they "possess" and manipulate our brains, it is obvious that they have this ability. They also have vast knowledge of all human history and could easily impersonate anyone, explaining the ability of mediums to contact what they think are spirits of the dead. Angelic beings are sometimes called "watchers", and there are a vast number of them so it could appear to us that they have God-like powers, but this too is deception.

    Demons are fallen angels, meaning angels who followed Satan in rebellion against God. Depending on whether they are good or bad, angels can take on physical form, eat, possess humans or animals, wage war, guard nations or churches, convey messages, or carry out God’s judgments. They have wills and a language of their own. They will eventually be judged by us believers, but at present they are much more powerful and intelligent than us. Clearly these entites are not to be trifled with, and the Bible warns us against foolishly trying to directly engage them in "battle" (such as is done in the "spiritual warfare" movement).
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    • Demons   by  beej     19 y     929
      I believe that it was a demon that made itself look like Samuel and not really Samuel when King Saul went to see the woman at Endor. 1Sam. 28:11

      I've heard that Accupuncture is also a form of hypnosis.?
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      • Re: Demons   by  Ready2Rapture     19 y     1,037
        It can be, depends on how you use it. If the practitioner is strictly dealing with nerve impulse travel according to known biological systems, fine, but if they're using Hindu/new age principles of channels and such I'd stay away from it.
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        • Re: Demons   by  kerminator     19 y     921

          Well as the story goes; the medium said; " I saw a spirit ascending out of the earth"

          When she was ask to bring up the prophet Samual...  Then she was ask what form the spirit had??  After she described the spirit; {which must not have been visible to King Saul} he perceived it was Samual...   Then of course the followed the exchange of words, between Saul and Samual...  Therefore Saul must have heard the spirit speaking....    Note that the spirit seem to have knowledge peculiar to Saul and the  same type intercourse Samuel had used during the prophet's life.... {intercourse has more than one meaning folks... look it up sometime}   

          The scripture study guide states: "That Samuel not an apparition, was evident to the eyes of the medium, God allowed the actual spirit of Samuel to speak...  She understood that her inability , to raise the dead in this manner, and she therefore knew it was only by the power of Almighty GOD!!  Amen! 

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    • aliens or demons   by  sydneydave     19 y     1,120
      INteresting concept , but i could never allow myself to belive that aliens are demons for one second it crosses to many boundaries .Not only that but if they were demons we'd all be brain washed slaves or we wouldve been wiped out with only the evil ruling our planet .Aliens are what they are and i belive there peaceful yeh theres been abductions and im sure there frightening for the people or cows involved but there merely taking samples or doing test not a tenth as evil as the pharmecuticals where pumping into our bodies or the cigerettes or alcohol and drugs we kill ourselves with .Demons are more or less under god in the spirit world like satan who could be said to rule demons , the way they get into people or rather effect people is when the person there praying on is at there most vulnerable with no defences a lack of faith or belief in themselves easy meat you could say and all though they maybe stronger than us mentally god wont let us be harmed if where strong and we pray . Off course i dont know the answers if i did it would unlock the answers to the universe wouldnt it ? I find ezekiel interesting and have read chariots of the gods von danniken etc i belive aliens have been visiting our planet for thousands of years but just observing nothing more ,i think the demon in our society is technology where being consumed by it leaving little or no time for our spititual selves to develop .
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      • Re: aliens or demons   by  Ready2Rapture     19 y     1,123
        You said, "INteresting concept , but i could never allow myself to belive that aliens are demons for one second it crosses to many boundaries .Not only that but if they were demons we'd all be brain washed slaves or we wouldve been wiped out with only the evil ruling our planet".

        I don't know what you mean by crossing boundaries, but I have to disagree with saying we'd all be slaves or wiped out if aliens were demons. God is in control so Satan and his armies are limited in what they can do. The problem with them being from other planets is that, for one thing, nobody with the technology to come this far would spend thousands of years just watching us and taking a few samples. And they don't just take whole cows and dissect them, they take the same parts every time, things only devil worshippers would want. There's simply too much about them that doesn't fit the "cosmic explorers" theory.
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        • Re: aliens or demons   by  sydneydave     19 y     1,093
          What i meant by crossing boundaries is that i dont see why spiritual demons which i s what demons are of the spirit world would have to fly around in spaceships?? IT just doesnt make any sense at all ,Yes i know about the cows and how they take part of there jaw etc but to get my head around them using that for ritual purposes im sorry but im more inclined to think they would use it medically how who knows ? TO assume to know would be ludicrous .YOU say that god wont allow them to take over which is an extension of what i said , yes well why would he allow them to molest innocent members of our community? probably because they dont fall under gods law because there nothing to do with us spiritually ?? i dont know just speculation.
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          • Re: aliens or demons   by  Ready2Rapture     19 y     1,048
            Who says demons HAVE to use spacecraft? But who says they CAN'T? My theory is at least plausible and consistent with what the Bible says about angelic beings.

            You seem to also have a problem with the old question, "how can a loving God allow suffering in the world". I've already blogged about that so check it out.
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            • Re: aliens or demons   by  sydneydave     19 y     1,192
              Yeh alot of all this is pure speculation on both mine and your part and you put forth some good theories , once again youve used a passage out of the bible to your conveniece yet the reason i said why would god allow us to be molested by aliens if that is what you are reffering to was in answer to your statement that he wouldnt allow aliens to take over the earth the thing is how can you possibly judge how much suffering he would allow before he stepped in , you cant be the judge of that even hed be scratching his head over it .LIke im sure he does on lots of matters of a divine nature , these theories that are put forth need to be looked at in an open minded way not like in a fashion that refuses to believe someone elses ideas , people dedicate there whole lives to these things and still come up empty handed because there mysteries not something you can just claim to know with a wave of your hand . Yes passages out of ezekiel depict men in space craft chariots of the gods , but these instances could be completely seperate to a prophet walking the earth or other spiritual beings with divine status , depictions of alien craft as you know date back all through history and primitive cultures have had many encounters with them often reffering to them as gods not knowing any better .ITs not surprising that a man called ezekiel had an encouter with possibly an alien craft if its not an alien craft its a divine being, why ? because the bible says so .
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