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Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog
by RisingSun

96 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 2,849,443 times
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  • Natural Acne Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar   by  RisingSun     18 y     130,947       6 Messages Shown       Blog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog
    #1: Apple Cider Vinegar

    Reader Feedback:

    19 Yea, 1 Nay

    1/11/2005: Misty, from Charleston, SC writes, "ACV applied in small dosages directly to acne, dries it up and makes it go away. I started taking about 2 tablespoons every other day and that has also helped my acne."
    Angelina O, has found that applying ACV topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, it still works like a miracle!

    Cheryl writes, "My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear up."

    Anne writes, "I have had acne for years, I started using apple cider vinegar on my face a few months ago, and have seen major improvements. I don't have nearly as many blemishes and the ones that do pop up every now and then are small.

    Nicole, from Sherman Oaks, CA writes, "Apple cider vinegar has helped cure my acne. I have had pimples under the skin on my chin for several years. I tried everything and they would not go away. I started using acv in the morning and at night. My pimples have dried up and the redness is clearing up."

    Andrew, from Sydney NSW writes, "Apple Cider Vineger has Cleared my Acne up very well, I drink it and also apply it to my face twice a day. Works a treat!"

    Mario, from Humble, TX writes, "Ever since I was a teenager I've been dealing with acne. Sometimes bad, sometimes worse. When I turned 32 my acne (most of the times under control) went very bad. I tried several things, among them, zinc, flaxseed oil and vitamin A, and even though it improved I didn't notice a big change until I started drinking and applying topically ACV. I drink it 3X a day and also noticed that I haven't got any colds, or canker sores, which were very common to me. The skin on my face has improved a lot. I'm so glad I found out about it."

    Cecelia, from Berlin, Germany writes, "I was so fascinated with what I read on this site about Apple Cider Vinegar that I decided to start taking some. I use a recipe I found here: dilute 1 tbs 5% ACV in a cup of hot strong green tea with 1 tbs of honey and drink this once in the morning when I get up and again just before bed. None of the ingredients are labeled organic; they are straight out of supermarket shelves, but something is happening after just two days! My normally drab, pimply oily skin is glowing for the first time since I was a kid and it looks much clearer. My once every two-three day (if lucky) toilet visits have turned into twice daily offerings :o) and I have a lot more bounce in my step. I am going to replace the tea, vinegar and honey with organic versions for enhanced benefits and will start using it on my pimples too, if they ever come back!"

    1/12/2006: Fatma, from Mombasa, Kenya writes, "I have been using a the following mixture for 1 week and I see a big difference in my acne.

    1cup ACV
    1cup honey
    8 cloves of garlic

    Blend all the above ingredients together and put it in a glass container. Tightly
    seal it and put it in the fridge for 5 days. Then apply it every night."

    Kristina, from New Providence, PA writes, "Today was the first day I tried vinegar on my face. (used plain white) And already I can see and feel a difference. I plan to keep using it a couple times a day and I really hope it clears up my acne. I want to thank everyone who posted that it works."

    4/23/2006: "Maamu from Mukka Chok writes, "I have insane acne problems since 15 now am 23. Recently started drinking organic ACV with organic honey in hot water 3x a day, it works. People should try this, and forget all the crap those infomercials on TV tell you they just want your money..."

    Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
    1/26/2006: KLC from Stratford, CT writes, "I've actually been using combination of baking soda and Apple Cider Vinegar to clean my face and my results have been very successful. Here is what I do daily:

    Morning: I use a deep cleansing face wash. Lather and let sit for 1 min, then rinse with ACV.

    Night: I add baking soda to the deep cleanser (excellent make-up remover!), lather and let sit for 1 min. Then rinse with ACV. I get a quick foaming reaction that gives a deeper pore cleansing!

    Apple Cider Vinegar and Aspirin Toner

    Anonymous writes, "Instead of buying expensive facial products, I mix up my own "toner" using 1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar and a few aspirins. The acids in the vinegar force your old skin cells to flake off, much like the store-bought "alpha hydroxy" products. The aspirin is my own anti-acne solution. A lot of acne products use salicylic acid, which is basically aspirin with a few small chemical differences. The aspirin won't dissolve completely, but it doesn't seem to matter. This works especially well against those big, deep acne spots which older people often get. I've been using this twice a day on my face for five years now and people are always amazed when I tell them my real age (44). One caution, though: Be sure to also use a face lotion with at least SPF 15 everyday--even in winter (Oil of Olay knock-offs are fairly cheap)--because the vinegar mixture will make your skin thinner (just like the expensive store-bought ones will) and more susceptible to sun damage. The SPF prevents age spots from forming, and that's worth the money in my book. "

    3/18/2006: Lisa from West Plains, MO writes, "I started drinking acv two times a day, morning and before bed. My routine goes like this: 2 little paper cups, one with a little hydrogen peroxide and the other a little acv. I take a cotton ball and soak it with the peroxide and I then use it all over my face (like astringent), careful to avoid my eyebrows. Then I wet a q-tip with the acv and dab any pimples. It is very effective with whiteheads. I hate to throw out the acv so I drink what's left. Drink in small amounts, one big swig will leave you feeling like your gonna get sick. I know from experience. When I started this routine I broke out a lot, I think this was because it was getting all the icky bacteria and toxins out of my body. It took a couple weeks but I had faith and kept up the routine. I also take two tbs. of blackstrap molasses morning and night. I am able to go from a laying down position to sitting up on my own. I am disabled and pretty much bedridden. Is this a miracle? I think so. I have more energy and don't sleep during the day which left me feeling more tired and unable to sleep at night. I take the molasses before the acv."

    Here's a description we found on the internet of how apple cider vinegar helps cure acne. The author is unknown:

    "When the blood is deficient in some minerals or biochemic salt, ill-health is the outcome e.g. boils break out, suppurating blisters become apparent, pimples appear on the face etc. It has been found however, that cider vinegar helps with the cleansing as well as the clotting of the blood. Oxidation of the blood is very important and cider vinegar is again an effective treatment for this. Besides introducing the important minerals into the blood stream, as mentioned above, cider vinegar also helps in the clotting of blood. This is of tremendous help to those people who are commonly termed 'bleeders', as they live their lives in fear of cutting themselves due to the bloods inability to clot, and it will also enhance the healing process."

    Earth Clinic secret: Besides helping acne, Apple Cider Vinegar will have your skin glowing with a healthy flush if you drink it throughout the day. No kidding!

    Click here to read much more about ACV!

    Apple Cider Vinegar Steam
    • Steam your face by putting it over a pot of boiling water with a towel over your head to trap the steam (you can also use an electric kettle if you have one, but be careful to be far enough away from the kettle as it will spit boiling water!). Steaming will loosen dirt and oil. Apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball afterwards to remove the dirt and oil buildup. Use this method once a week.

    3/3/2006: Natalia from San Diego writes, "WARNING:DO NOT spray apple cider vinegar straight to your face before making sure you're not allergic to it. After I read all the great reviews about the benefits of ACV on acne treatment, I went to the grocery store, bought some ACV, put it in a spray bottle and applied over my face and neck. My skin started burning and I thought it was just working the way it's supposed to, until I noticed bright red spots that looked like skin rash all over my face and I washed it off right the way. I've never had any allergy problems so I never test anything before using, but this was a scary experience. I'll try hydrogen peroxide for acne treatment next time, no more ACV for me."
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    • vinegar cured my 20 years acne!   RN   by  dpapag     17 y     7,789
      Hi! I m living in Greece, I'm 36 and since I was 13 I had terrible acne and oily face. I'm vegetarian for a decade but this didn’t help my condition. I have spend a fortune to drugs and doctors and I couldn t appear to any photo because of my condition. I had wine vinegar around and I said why not? Maybe it will work too. The results were miraculous. After 3x day for two weeks I’ m for the first time in my life acne free and oil-free. Everybody noticed. Vinegar RULES. A BIG thanks to all of you, my self esteem is back!
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    • Re: Natural Acne Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar   by  credman     15 y     6,256
      Apple cider vinegar is known to improve the function of your liver, kidneys and bladder and that in turn helps to keep the body detoxified. When you think that acne is a problem which is often caused by the toxins within the body and the pores becoming blocked, it is not hard to see why apple cider vinegar might be able to help.
      I have been testing a new product from Body Ami (, and it seems to really work.
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    • Re: Natural Acne Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar   by  hazardousromance     13 y     5,893

      how to get rid of acne will cure zits, pimples and acne

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    • Re: Natural Acne Cure: Apple Cider Vinegar   by  jeadidit     12 y     5,226
      i learned about organic ACV last week while browsing through the net about remedies for pimples. i've been suffering from acne since i was in university. it became okey after i graduated but 2 years ago, it came back and it's worse than ever. after learning about ACV, right after work, i went to the supermarket and bought one.i've been trying it for a couple of days now. and somehow, it shrank my acnes and it prevent the other acnes from forming to bigger ones. figers crossed that it will clear up my acne soon because it's stressing me out and stress gives you more breakouts. at night, i use undiluted organic ACV and dabb it to my face, then rinse it after 10 mins, then i dilute 1 part ACV and 4 parts water and leave it overnight. in the morning, i dab the diluted acv on my face again after taking a shower and rinse it after 10 mins. maybe i don't have sensitive skin. i don't recommend putting the undiluted acv straight to your face for this might cause irritations.
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