- Eczema & ACV by Invincible by RisingSun
18 y
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Blog: Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog
Many years ago I had a lot of eczema on my back which lasted a couple of years.
My eczema was cured in 2 weeks of this regimen! At that stage, I had no idea why ACV would cure my eczema, but now I know that ACV ALKALISES the body. Eczema is a condition of excess acids in the body.
To make the bath even more powerful, you can add a cup of Epsom Salts and a cup of bicarbonate soda. You can read all about the alkalising bath on the alkaline/acid balance forum on Curezone. Also, check out the different ways to alkalise yourself yourself there.
- Wow! I made it into a blog! by Invincible
18 y
- Hi Invincible by risingsun
18 y
I have been researching ACV for over a year now and using it every day. I can't help but tell as many people as I can about it. It is not a cure all for everyone and everything but at a minimum...I believe everyone should at least try ACV for just about any condition they might have to see if there is a positive result. When I use ACV on my skin it makes it soft...heals sunburn...makes me feel good...for hair health it is wonderful. So many people who have Eczema have given up. Your testimonial might give them hope. I think a lot of the problems with natural remedies is that people try them one time and if it doesn't cure them in a day or two they give up. If someone with Eczema would use ACV externally and internally for a month...I imagine there would be hundreds of success stories to put in this blog. I am so glad I found your testimony.