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    Original Truth of Self

Original Truth of Self
by Chef Jem

19 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 196,286 times
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  • Male Aggression   by  #29621     19 y     3,603       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Original Truth of Self
    August 31, 2019 - Some of the Real Causes for Fibroids in the Uterus, Ovarian Cancer, and Breast Cancer -

    From: "Healing Cancer – Q&A - Questions on Cancer as answered by Andreas Moritz" -

    Q. What are the real causes that lead to fibroids in the uterus, ovarian cancer, and breast cancer? There is so much information out there that it is very confusing and frightening. Is removal of ovaries, hysterectomies and mastectomies the only way to deal with cancerous tumors?

    A. In the past several decades, women have consulted me about ovarian cancer and uterine fibroids, and I have not seen a single case where digestive problems were NOT the main underlying cause.

    Undigested foods (leading up to constipation) become subject to fermentation and putrefaction by bacteria. The bacteria produce powerful poisons such as nitrosamines, cadaverines, and putrescines, which are transferred into the lymph ducts along the GI tract. These poisons enter the Cisterna chyli vessel in the centre of the abdomen (belly button area), which attempts to keep these poisons a neutral as possible by gathering lymph fluids. This causes lymph edema, which is responsible for the abdominal enlargement and protrusion. The lymph edema or lymph congestion in this, the body’s largest center of the lymphatic system, causes a lot more problems than people are aware of.

    The Cisterna chyli is responsible for draining the metabolic waste products that the cells of all the organs and tissues below the rib cage produce. It is also responsible for taking up the billions of dead cells that are naturally turned over every day. The Cisterna chyli vessel is also responsible for draining these waste products from the ovaries, the uterus and the legs. If the Cisterna chyli is overtaxed and becomes edemic, the ovaries, uterus, and surrounding tissues become congested and suffocate in their own waste products and the ankles and legs may start swelling, too. The suffocation prevents proper oxygenation of the ovaries, which turns cells anaerobic and cancerous.

    If a woman’s ovaries are removed without removing the digestive problems and the subsequent lymph congestion in the Cisterna chyli, the original causes of the cancer are still in place and the lymph congestion continues until the surrounding tissues develop cancer cells as well. To call it ‘ovarian cancer’ is farfetched.

    In addition to the above, I have also not met any woman with ovarian or uterine cancer who at some stage did not also experience an ugly sexual conflict, have a miscarriage, or was sexually or emotionally abused by a man. I recommend German New Medicine (GNM) to help balance any such past conflict.When the causes of cancer are not properly addressed, a new cancer can occur in the same places, with or with the organs present, because the cancer is not actually in the organ but in the lymph blockage preceding it. When the US Administration’s spokesperson Tony Snow was diagnosed with his second colon cancer, he didn’t even have a colon anymore, yet his doctors still said that his colon cancer had returned. He died shortly after his last chemotherapy treatment. (Also see for the exact reasons why treatment causes cancers to become aggressive and deadly)

    The Cisterna chyli vessel is drained by the thoracic duct that runs from the belly area all the way up to the throat. It is responsible for draining the whole body, except the right side of the head, right shoulder and arm, and right breast and right lung. Not addressing the causes of ovarian and menstrual problems is likely to end up causing left side breast cancer, for the same reasons. If the breast is removed and the lymph nodes/ducts are removed, then the right lymphatic ducts also become congested, and the right breast begins to suffer the same fate. I have followed this sequential unfolding for so many years; it is astonishing that nobody else seems to be aware of it. Details about all this are found in my book, Cancer is Not a Disease, It’s a Survival Mechanism. There is no real need to address the cancerous tumors. All attention should be given to the underlying digestive problems, lymph congestion, and underlying emotional states.

    You may also watch my video on the subject of fibroids by clicking on this link:[1]

    The following is from the April 1- 16 Celestial Timings available at:

    By Rosalind A. Shorter

    “The End of Suffering”
    Thich Nhat Hanh

    ‘May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos

    Even in the darkest spots living beings are able to hear it clearly

    So that all suffering in them cease,

    understanding comes to their heart

    And they transcend the path of sorrow and death.

    The universal dharma door is already open

    The sound of the rising tide is heard clearly

    The miracle happens

    A beautiful child appears in the heart of the lotus flower

    One single drop of this compassionate water is enough

    to bring back the refreshing spring to our mountains and rivers.

    Listening to the bell I feel the afflictions in me begin to dissolve

    My mind calm, my body relaxed

    A smile is born on my lips

    Following the sound of the bell, my breath brings me back

    to the safe island of mindfulness

    In the garden of my heart,

    the flowers of peace bloom beautifully.’

    “… I have been reminded of three things during the time I spent writing the timings for April: that time is an illusion and life is too short for us to wait for it to come to us, that suffering is an illusory process and unnecessary and that is of extreme import that women seek their true place in the world in order that it return to a balanced state. I have been reading about Buddhist philosophy and Iroquois cultural history. It is a Buddhist teaching that suffering is unnecessary and is grounded in our perceptions of events. Not that “bad” things never happen because they do, but we can lessen the impact by changing our perception of the events. Thich Nhat Hanh speaks to this in his poem “The End of Suffering”.

    I live in northern New York State surrounded by the remnants of the Iroquois Confederacy. In Iroquois society women are the center of all things. They believe that nature has given women the ability to create and therefore it is natural for women to be in positions of power to protect this function. A female child is seen as a blessing from the Creator because she was a sign that the People would continue. Girl children are taught from an early age to be leaders and to never lessen her creative instincts to please a man. Understand that is not an anti-male viewpoint. It is grounded in the belief that women need to have power to balance the aggressive nature of men. Because women can more clearly see the result of aggression toward others, they must have full equality with the male members of the tribe. …”

    Since it was very early on in my life that I have become acutely/painfully aware of the "aggressive nature of men", I believe it is part of my "dharma" to face this inherent nature within myself and bring greater awareness to it. I believe this is an essential and worthy work and that it effects all our relations. I believe this nature is a large part of what brings ruin to entities including the mightiest of nations.

    I agree with Rosalind Shorter as she writes in Celestial Timings about the need for women "... to have power to balance the aggressive nature of men" and that it is a power to create rather than a "power over" others. I lost a sister to ovarian cancer and see the loss of creative power in that disease. She had an aggressive man as her partner and finally distanced herself from him and paid with her life to accomplish that.

    I know a couple children who have played roles in helping me change my mind about the use of force in my attempts at co-parenting. Big lessons on the powerlessness of force/aggression. "And a child shall lead them". God Bless you dear children!

    I have faced the aggressive nature in encounters with certain "government" agents. When aggression appears in the "government" arena that is called coercion: to compel by force. Acts committed under government coercion may later be disavowed. A good question to ask an agent when they make any unreasonable demand is "What will you do if I don't do as you say"? If there is any reference to the use of force in their reply then you have a choice as to whether you want to perform the act "under coercion". If this demand involves a citation then you have the lawful right to sign "under coercion" (and if applicable under "Threat, Duress, Fraud and Usurpation" as well). These aggressive elements are clearly sufficient in Law to invalidate any "promises" to perform.

    I asked a young man some weeks ago whether he was signing up with Selective Service when he turns 18. He skipped over that "process" and readily declared himself as a candidate for military service since he was "able to follow orders". And that's probably all that matters in the service: follow orders. Don't question whether or not the war was Lawful, Lawfully declared or whether truthful reasons were given for the supreme act of aggression. Just follow orders and look forward to all the "benefits". I joined the Coast Guard (during the Viet Nam affair) thinking it was the least militaristic of the services. At the time my father gave me three choices: go to college, get a job or join the service. I can't redo my decision or really wish that I could, however it was a demand and it was a breech of a promise my father made about two years earlier that if I graduated from High School he would have no more requirements of me. I wound up enlisting less than two months after my graduation and since I was 17 it required parental approval. It was my loss that I didn't remember the promise and then insist it either be kept or to amenably "divorce" ourselves from each other. The threat of punitive consequences was so deeply imbedded in my mind. emotions and body that it simply was not in my consciousness to question this "authority". I believe this awakened part of me is very eager to speak the truth as I see it to any young person that appears and allows the opportunity for some conversation.

    It's after 1 AM now and I was thinking I'd get to bed by midnight tonight.

    Be Kind to yourself...
    it's not too late to learn
    no matter how long it seems to take!

    Best Regards,
    Chef-doctor Jemichel


    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    • what if?   by  myself     19 y     2,544
      hi im just a friend dropping by and i was so curious what this truth of self is all about..i didn't read the whole thing, only a little part of your writing..may i just ask because write now i really have this serious problem of myself, i feel im not loving myself now. i don't believe in my capacities and no confidence at all. sometimes i pity myself but you said be kind to yourself it's not too late to learn..i really can't afford to have that now. i dont know what happened but it's just the way my life goes on now full of frustrations.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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