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  • Energy Vampires   RN   by  Lapis     19 y     2,350       6 Messages Shown       Blog: One
    More Spiritual/Consciousness Articles

    Stop the Energy Vampires
    By Judith Orloff, M.D.

    Who gives you energy? Who saps it? How to build vitality and stop others from draining you.

    Adapted from "Positive Energy," published by Harmony Books.

    I learned to honor my energy needs the hard way. As a psychiatrist who specializes in intuition I knew how important it was to listen to my body. Yet still I’d alternate between intense weeks of speaking tours and bouts of utter exhaustion at home. I couldn’t turn down “irresistible” opportunities. Here was my dilemma--I trusted my intuition, and was committed to living by it. But I had a blind spot: Although I was quite successful at helping others trust intuition and lead high energy lives, I was ignoring my own energy crises. Finally, my fatigue was so profound I had to change.

    I know first hand how important it is for us to cherish our precious energy so we don't compromise our capacity for passion. I now believe that the most profound transformations can take place only on an energetic level. I’ve met many patients who’ve spent much time and money on talk therapy hoping that intellectual insights will bring emotional freedom, but they’re disappointed. As much as I love the linear mind, my approach, which I call “Energy Psychiatry,” goes further to also facilitate a conscious rebuilding of our subtle energies, the most basic life force in each of us.

    Do You Get Drained By Other People’s Energy?

    Our bodies are made of flesh and blood, but they’re also composed of energy fields—though sadly I wasn’t taught this in medical school. Each day we encounter a wide range of energies, both positive and negative. Positive energy includes compassion, courage, forgiveness, and faith. Negative energy includes fear, anger, hopelessness, and shame. We need to be experts at dealing with energy so we don’t get demolished by draining situations or people who’re energy vampires.

    Like me you may be an intuitive empath, someone who’s so sensitive to energy you pick it up from other people but you’re also drained by it. This goes way beyond feeling sympathy for a distraught friend—we actually take on their pain either emotionally or physically. To cope, we take refuge in solitude. We empaths are so attuned to others that we can feel what’s going on inside of them. This can put us on energy overload and aggravate everything from chronic fatigue to overeating.

    Growing up, my girlfriends couldn't wait to hit the malls, but I dreaded them. I always felt overwhelmed, exhausted around crowds, though I was clueless why. "What's the matter?" friends would say, shooting me the weirdest looks. All I knew was that crowded places and I just didn't mix. I'd go there feeling fine but leave nervous, depressed, or with some new ache or pain. Unsuspectingly, I was a gigantic sponge, absorbing the energy of people around me.

    Thank goodness, as I matured, I realized I had intuitive empathy. Once I learned to protect my energy, empathy has become a gift enhancing my compassion.

    A Survival Guide to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires

    You don’t have to be an empath to experience the fang marks of an energy vampire, though empaths are often hit the hardest. Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best, we must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive, heart-centered people who make us feel safe and secure. It's equally important to pinpoint the energy vampires, who, whether they intend to or not, leech our energy.

    Positive energy in others can be rejuvenative. For instance, you're nervous about a job interview, but the minute you meet your prospective boss you relax. He's so calm and welcoming, you calm down too. Or perhaps you have a good friend around whom you always feel loved. These are energy-givers, those we must gravitate towards.

    In contrast, energy vampires exude negative energy that drains. Vampires range from the intentionally malicious ones to those who are oblivious to their effect. Some are overbearing and obnoxious; others are friendly and charming. For example, you're at a party talking to a perfectly nice person, but suddenly you're nauseous or weak. Or how about the co-worker who drones on about how she broke up with her boyfriend for the tenth time? Eventually, she feels better, but you're spent. The bottom line is that on a subtle energy level these people suck you dry.

    There are many types of vampires to watch out for. The main ones I stress in my book are the Drama Queen who wears you out with her dramas; The Sob Sister, who whines all the time; The Blamer, who cuts you down with criticism and The Go-For-The-Carotid type who purposely cuts you down without any respect for your feelings. Keep an eye out for these types so you’re aware of their methods, and stop them from draining you.

    Strategies for Dealing With Energy Vampires

    1.Take an inventory of people in your life who give energy, and people who drain. Specifically identify the energy vampires, and begin to evaluate people you'd like to limit contact with or eliminate. Plan at least one complete afternoon with people who give off positive energy and avoid drainers. Notice how this beneficially affects your physical and emotional well-being.

    2. Set Clear Boundaries. It’s crucial to limit the time you spend discussing a vampire’s gripes. When approaching him or her, remember: the difference between being a bitch and setting boundaries is attitude. Instead of saying, “You’re selfish and self-obsessed, I can’t take you anymore,” which a part of you likely feels, take a breath and shift to your heart.

    3. Meditate. Sitting in meditation is a life-line to your center, to the earth. It will ground you when you’ve been struck by a vampire. By calming the mind, you can re-align with your essence. Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. Then gently extend your awareness downward to strata, bedrock, minerals, and soil. From the base of your spine begin to feel a continuity with the earth's core. Allow the earth's energy to infuse your body and stabilize you. Whether you meditate for five minutes or an hour this is sacred time.

    4. Walk away. If you feel your energy being zapped don't hesitate to politely excuse yourself from a killing conversation. Move at least twenty feet from the person, outside the range of his or her energy field. “I have to go to the bathroom” is a foolproof line. Most people are oblivious to how their energy impacts others. For years, reluctant to hurt anyone's feelings, I needlessly endured these types of situations and suffered. How many of us are so loathe to appear rude that a raving maniac can be right in our face, and still we don't budge for fear of offending? In a spot, physically removing yourself is a sure quick solution.

    5. Build an energy shield around you. When you’re with vampires you can’t get away from visualize a protective shield of white light surrounding every inch of you. This lets positive energy in, but keeps negative energy out—particularly efficient for vampires at family dinners or social events where you’re trapped.

    I hope I’ve inspired you to be more fierce about asserting your energy needs. Never put yourself down as being “overly sensitive.” Sensitivity is an asset as long as you learn how to protect yourself from negative vibes. Understanding how you react energetically in the world is particularly important if you’re chronically tired and want to build vitality. Knowledge is power. Meeting your energy needs can balance mind, body, and spirit to create a vibrant life.

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    • Do you really believe this? If you are whole and balanced no one can tou...   by  9thbody     19 y     962
      you canhelp balance those who "suck" your energy-by balancing them
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    • Empaths   by  today4th     19 y     1,550
      Lapis, this article was excellent and reaffirming that it's no 'crime' to be sensitive nor to protect oneself from energy leaching vamps! Off hand, I can only think of a few people who don't drain me: my youngest daughter and one of my brothers. Everyone else completely saps me but I'm beginning to understand energy. Being empathic is a curse when you honestly do absorb everyone else's bad vibes and the reason you do, is that you are intuitive- A HEALER!! They KNOW IT, whether consciously or not, so they gravitate toward you like a magnet. They aren't necessarily 'evil' meaning bad, terrible, sick people at all. What they are is in need of help, and you're IT if you're within reach because being an empath, you cannot help giving off the love and reassurance that you inately know they need. You, on the other hand, are left bone dry- like a wilted flower.

      So, now I get it. The author of the article mentions becoming grounded . . . by becoming centered with the earth . . . is that why I love playing in the dirt so much- via gardening? I love to get my hands in it and just absorb the energy from the earth, literally. Very therapeutic after a long day of being drained by those who lean on me to keep them up. My oldest daughter, who is 11, drains me terribly- so much so, that sometimes, I cannot be around her at all- have to physically remove myself from her presence. She likes to make me feel guilty and she's emotionally demanding beyond normal. Any suggestions how I can help her without getting so drained?

      Again, thanks for your blog! I enjoy reading it.

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      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Empaths   by  9thbody     19 y     922
        That is a story of the highest are love -why do you think everyone wants to drain you? You are out of energetic balance, try Kundalini yoga, grounding is an energetic principle-when you are balanced inhealthy, you can nuture and give-actually help balance the "energy vampires" It is ridiculous-it is maya-an illusion to what blame others... for what....Being sensitive is difficult when you are out of acupuncture, energy healing (al la Barbara Brennan practitioner) and KY-you will be one can suck anything from you when you are balanced...AND as a real healer you can afford to give...without depleting yourself.
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        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • LAPIS, What program did you use to make your signature?   by  lisag     19 y     940
      Hi Lapis,

      I know I"m not responding to your blog here! But, I'm so curious to know what software program you used to create your signature. Its really nice. I'd like to make my own.

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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