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Resonance: "a vibrational collection"
by Lapis

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  • Reincarnation/Chakras   by  Lapis     19 y     4,460       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Resonance: "a vibrational collection"
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    The law of attraction pulls our spirit to the nearest circumstance. Sometimes the body comes along with the spirit, but not always. The law of attraction is not bound by one lifetime.

    When our body dies, its elements become part of the earth. Our spirit elements, our electromagnetic force - our thoughts and feelings - move on to find another body. Our feelings, through the law of attraction, continue to pull us into circumstances, life after life, until we have finally mastered what it is that we were meant to learn. Throughout each life we live, our intelligence grows.

    Eventually, we'll have learned all the lessons of our animal-type life. At that time, we move on again. We move to a state where we can embody and disembody ourselves at will, like Christ. Evolution of spirit never stops, it only transforms, like electromagnetic energy. Our spirit shifts from one earthly body to another until we're enlightened enough to become one with the divine.

    The key element in our spirit is electromagnetic energy. The key element in a human body is water. Energy travels easily through space. Water has a harder time, so our bodies can't come with us on all our journeys. But we are given new bodies. The law of attraction finds each of us a body that fits the criteria required to fulfill our karma.
    The Concept of Seven

    Feelings and intelligence flow into and out of our bodies through seven points. The energy of our spirit is focused at those points in the body. Those seven energy points are the chakras, individual centers that line up in our body one above the other, to give us the dimensions of our soul, our spirit, while it is in the body.

    Many faiths make reference to a concept of seven; the form of that reference varies from culture to culture. Hindus refer to the seven patalas as well as to the seven chakras. In Revelation, Chapter 1, verses 11 to 20, the Bible speaks of seven candlesticks and seven churches. In the Old Testament, Zechariah, Chapter 4, Verse 2, it mentions seven lamps. The Jewish faith refers to seven Noahide laws. A Blackfoot elder told me about a Native American myth of seven brothers and seven stars. In Nuh, Chapter 71, Verse 15, the Qur'an says, "Do you not see how Allah has created the seven heavens, one above another..."

    Some faiths and belief systems put the concept of seven outside of the body in the form of a myth or story. Others, like Hinduism and some new-age religions, put the concept inside the body, as I do. All the myths differ. But why do all speak of seven? Why is the number seven significant?

    Could all of these references to the concept of seven by different faiths have been initially intended to explain how the soul lines up in the body when it is reincarnated? When they were first spoken, could these references to seven have been developed to explain that our soul is a separate entity from our bodies?

    The holy words of different faiths have been spoken and re-spoken, written and rewritten many times. Without question, details and interpretations have been altered over thousands and thousands of years. Could all those stories have been initially intended to guide us to our spirit, so we could more wisely choose our thoughts and emotions, which transmit through seven centers in the body? I think it's possible. When we use our seven chakras with positive thought and emotion, we attract wonderful things.

    We all have the ability to feel our own seven chakras. The way to do that is to slow down our thinking enough and consciously focus on what's happening at the very center of ourselves. When we do that we are able to feel the chakras.

    1. Root chakra, felt at the base of the human spine
    2. Sacral chakra, felt just above the pubic area
    3. Solar plexus chakra, felt just below the ribcage
    4. Heart chakra, felt at the heart
    5. Throat chakra, felt in the throat
    6. Third eye chakra, felt in the center of the forehead
    7. Crown chakra, felt at the top of the head

    Experiencing the Seven Chakras

    Whenever we feel and think, we do so at one of our seven chakra centers. Separately and together, the chakra centers swirl within us and radiate the energy of our thoughts and feelings - the energy of our spirit. Think about a powerful feeling you've had. Where in the body did you feel it? Remember a great idea you've had. Did you sense a tingling? If so, where?


    When we really think about it, we can locate strong energy at each chakra. A feeling of wisdom fills our crown. Imagination and inspiration fills our third eye. Our throat sometimes tightens to hold back tears and sentimental feelings; it is the center for creative self-expression. Love is felt in the heart. Excitement triggers the solar plexus. sexua| drive, as well as creativity and honesty, is felt in the sacral area. Survival instinct is felt at our root.

    A friend who is intrigued by the chakras explained that energy spins and spirals into and through first one chakra, then the next and the next, all the way up our center. For example, before and after love fills the heart, where it is felt most intensely, it passes through all of the other chakras. The seven chakras serve as conduits through which the energy of our feelings and thoughts travel.
    The Concept of Rebirth

    We are eternal beings not because we have bodies, but because we have spirit. It is our spirit that elevates us to an enlightened state, whether or not it's contained within a physical body.

    A woman once told me that she actually saw a spirit leaving its body. She said someone else also witnessed that moment. I asked if the spirit had the colors of a rainbow and she replied yes, it did. Another person told me about seeing a white light leave a body at death. A spirit may appear to be either multicolored or white because white light is all the colors of the spectrum combined. Once, while travelling through a mountain pass, I saw a bright white rainbow coming from a cloud.
    Of Rainbows and Auras

    When the seven chakras line up in the body, they can emit the colors of a rainbow. Some earth-based religious cultures acknowledge this phenomenon. I interpret the Bible as also describing spirit as having the colors of a rainbow. In Revelation, Chapter 4, Verse 3, it says, "Vision: the throne in heaven...and there was a rainbow round about the throne..." In his book The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar discusses underlying similarities between Hinduism and Christianity. He refers to a luminous astral form around the heart with "seven different colors as in rainbows."

    When water moves away from light, like, for example, a departing thunderstorm on the prairies, we sometimes see a rainbow. Similarly, when the spirit (which is electromagnetic energy) moves away from the body (which has a major component of water) we sometimes see a rainbow.
    Beyond the Limits of Imagination

    If our spirit is truly a form of electromagnetic energy, as I believe it is, then there is no reason why we could not record this energy and track it. If our spirit moves from one body to another it must have some form of dimension. Do electricity and magnetic energy have dimension? These forces are measurable.

    I believe that one day we will discover a tool, possibly a type of computerized eye, that enables us to see the spirit on a regular basis. Do we have the capability of inventing an electric or magnetic energy chip, or source, that could be attached to spirit matter, able to transmit information in some way, so that we could track a spirit it to its next incarnation?

    Another option might be to define the vibration or frequency of individual human electromagnetic energy. The force of our thoughts and feelings - our electromagnetic energy - must have a distinct vibration or frequency emission, different from that of all other humans. Like each of us has unique DNA, we all have a unique thought and emotional pattern.

    Radio waves are also a form of electromagnetic energy and generate at different frequencies. We should be able to record people's individual electromagnetic frequency and after they die, try to match them with the new people being born on the planet. That might be a way to prove the existence of reincarnation. I think anything is possible. Perhaps a scientist who works with electromagnetic energy would know the answers.

    These ideas may seem farfetched, but consider how bizarre the idea of gravity or the theory of relativity must have seemed, way back when. In order to find the answers, we must ask the questions, as Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein did. We could all learn to expand the limits of our imagination.

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