June 21, 2020 - Nutrition For Mental Health -
"... nutrient deficiencies common in vegetarian diets (the most robustly studied being long chain omega 3 fatty acids and B12, though I think zinc and creatine and even too low a cholesterol could also be issues) could accelerate or worsen pre-existing mental conditions."[3]
October 13, 2019 -
"... The quickest way to heal from trauma and stress is to use Dr. Price’s remedy. This consists of putting alternating drops of cod liver oil and high-vitamin butter oil under the tongue, several times per day. The high vitamin butter oil provides vitamin K2, a co-factor for vitamins A and D and key factor for a healthy brain and nervous system. Applied under the tongue they are immediately absorbed, bypassing the digestion ..."[1]
November 26, 2019 - Magnesium -
"...Flooding the body with magnesium increases a person’s chance of surviving cancer and living a longer pain free life. When I say flood it behooves a cancer patient to simultaneously use different forms of magnesium and different forms of administration and even to take intense magnesium baths and get daily magnesium massages.
However, there are fundamental biological reasons why magnesium chloride was chosen by early researchers into its use as a cancer treatment. Magnesium exhibits its maximum valence in combination with chloride. Magnesium chloride is the ideal oxidizing and reducing agent in the tissues. This combination has apparently been selected by nature to stimulate to the maximum inter and intracellular change. The great versatility of this combination to reduce and oxidize brings about a complete ionization, and therefore a normal functioning of the cells.
Thus, though I do recommend different types of magnesium the backbone of magnesium medical treatments is a pure form of magnesium chloride, which can be administered intravenously, orally, Nebulized, transdermally in baths and used directly on the skin. Industrial made magnesium chloride does not even come close in terms of purity of heavy metals."[2]
[1] http://nourishingtraditions.com/dietary-support-for-the-alcoholic/
[2] https://drsircus.com/general/magnesium-deficiency-as-a-cause-and-essential-treatment-for-cancer/
[3] https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolutionary-psychiatry/201211/youre-vegetarian-have-you-lost-your-mind
healing, trauma, stress, cod liver oil, high-vitamin butter oil
Chef JeM