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Son of Truth of Self
by Chef JeM

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  • True Communion   by  Chef JeM     8 y     2,974       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Son of Truth of Self
    "'It is not right to take the children’s food and throw it to the dogs’, said Jesus. In order to interpret these words correctly we must understand what this food and these dogs correspond to in our inner life. Food is all the good things prepared by our heart, mind, soul and spirit. And we must not allow it to be eaten by the dogs, in other words, symbolically, the animals of the astral plane, but we must take great care of it so we can feed the angels, archangels and all the heavenly entities. Visitors from the divine world would be happy to stay amongst us, but when they approach, if they see that they are not expected and that lower entities have already eaten everything, they will go away. Luminous spirits come down to visit humans every day; they are royal guests who bring presents. So when they come, we must at least be able to welcome them and offer them the food they appreciate: the purest thoughts and feelings. Otherwise, they will leave."

    This is true "Communion". What I experienced in the Episcopal church of "communion" through the later part of my first nineteen yeas of my life was simply a dead religious ritual. "The Church" was at least a step up vibrationally but did not compare with the above presentation by Omraam.

    April 15, 2017 -

    I have blogged some about my experience "in the Episcopal church" I have also mentioned that I have the Design for the Love of the Spirit. My original attraction to "serve" in the church probably came through this Design within me. I did "serve" for about seven years until I realized what for me was dissatisfaction with the ritual I was performing. It was time for change for me and at first I questioned the priest, however that did not go anywhere! My questioning the ritual along with all my other questioning were all part of what led me into a spiritual emergency. My passage through my own spiritual emergency changed everything for me as it initially was a type of initiation into a direct path to Spirit that I was designed for!

    "Evolution is the law of life, which is why it is illogical to strive to perpetuate the forms of a religion."[1] This is especially true when we consider the fact that the religions (certainly Christianity) were developed by and for seven-centered human beings that may have been valid up till the early part of the nineteenth century when our form evolved to nine-centeredness! Fortunately it was not my destiny to continue living in a seven-centered, mind-dominates, "not self" way and therefore my "exodus" from the original forms of religion that I grew up with was inevitable! I am free from the forms of religion. All grateful I AM!

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    Chef JeM
    • Re: True Communion   by  r1deforever     8 y     4,351
      It sounds nice but what does it actually mean in practice specifically?
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: True Communion   by  Chef JeM     7 y     4,626
        Thank you for asking, "r1deforever"!

        Re: "In practice specifically" - this is about cultivating "the purest thoughts and feelings" within us. This cultivation is a matter of awareness of the quality of our thoughts and feelings on an ongoing basis. It's this awareness that needs to be cultivated by each individual as no one can do it for us. This awareness may begin with any number of "practices" depending upon your spiritual orientation or not. Beyond that any further sharing regarding a specific practice would require further introduction to your orientation. Does this help?

        In Gratitude!
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
        Chef JeM
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