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    Getting the parasites out

Getting the parasites out
by mizmac

71 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 204,227 times
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  • ZAPPER arrives and I test it out   by  mizmac     9 y     1,971       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Getting the parasites out
    The zapper I ordered arrived yesterday. Eager to try it, I did 4 20 min sessions with a 20 min break between. I did this in the evening and went to bed.
    It was a very restless night but with no nightmares, which had been plaguing me for a while.
    Today I woke up and things were different. I had been having trouble with a tight IT band muscle on my left side. I injured it in the gym months ago and had spent time and money on both my body worker and doing foam rolling to work it out. I had difficulty putting on my left shoe because it was so tight. I also could not sleep on it for long as it became painful. But this morning.....drum roll please... The tightness is 90% gone!!! I also had two toes on my right foot that had become very painful if they were touched. I believed that some salt crystals had collected in the toe due to bad circulation. And the pain in the toes is gone too!!! The third thing I found is that I have had a clogged sweat pore in my right armpit for 40 years. Occasionally I could drain it by squeezing it. Today, it is very small.
    I am very happy and I am anxious to see what else happens with continuous use of the zapper. Now I will have to read Dr. Hulda Clark's books. A brief review gave me the impression that she was a little bizarre. My mistake. Am I sorry that I didn't order one months ago? No, it's been a really interesting journey and I am worried that the zapper would have changed the way that I expelled the worms so quickly after they died. If they had stayed inside my body and the die off symptoms had been worse..damn. I wouldn't want that!!
    Now I'm wondering if I need to continue to do the protocol for 12 months to eliminate all the possibilities of future worms or if zapping is enough. I will ask the Forum.
    Next on the agenda is BRAVO probiotic. My research into it has led to the revelation of a series of murders of doctors that were using the GcMAF (the main ingredient in the probiotic) protocol to cure cancer and autism. I still need to do more research on this but from what I've learned so far, it is really scary what Big Pharma is doing all over the world to keep us from healing ourselves! The ingredients arrived yesterday to make the yogurt probiotic. It is currently sitting in my oven fermenting. More later!

    Note that I post my complete protocol on the first post in this blog. I go back and edit it occasionally as things work or don't.
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Re: ZAPPER arrives and I test it out   by  sdrt123     9 y     986
      what kind of zapper did you buy and how much did it cost, if i may ask?

      will be interested to hear if you think it is improving your condition after a few weeks or months. i am considering buying one too. so many different protocols to try on here that after a while i just get overwhelmed and give up.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: ZAPPER arrives and I test it out   by  MIZMAC     9 y     1,136
        I may never know if the zapper has improved the parasite problem. I believe that I may have killed all of the adults already. I did the protocol(or a version of it) for almost 5 months before I ordered the zapper. I think that one of the best things that I did was the activated hydrogen and the frozen cod liver oil capsules along with the diatomaceaous earth and the herbal formula. All are cheap and easy.
        Send me another note in a month. I will know if the parasites are gone. I haven't seen any since about the new year. That was 5 days after the full moon. I will be starting another parasite protocol in about 15 days.
        Good luck with your cleansing. I am feeling better than I have in years!
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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