Hello guys and girl's,
firstly, i am not here to make you read a big ass paragraph only to finish reading and see a LINK that directs you to a site that charges you a shit-tonne of your pounds, dollars and yen to discover the 'secret cure' i'm just going to tell you my personal way that (I THINK!!) i may have resolved this horrible handicap of life. but first i'll give you the back story of my diagnosis and how my first outbreak manifested as this may help you to detect in early.
I was diagnosed with HSV-2 in late September of this year (2014) some of you may sasy "well that's to early to know if you have cured/treated/suppressed it or not!? well personally i feel catching it early is half the battle, but i'll go into more detail about that later. i'd been suffering with a UTI for about a week before any lesions appeared so during that week i went on various anti-biotics to no effect and had a sexual health screening which all came back negative, when i woke up 2 days after my clinic visit I felt a sharp twinge almost like a static shock on my shaft i initially thought to myself to stop buying cheaper boxer shorts but in fact when i got in the shower. there they were, 2 Bad-ass open sores.... now i've always been a germaphobe and have always thought that the littlest symptom around any part of my body would mean that i had the worst and rarest illness around so needless to say i was very clued up and knowledgeable about most conditions that affect the body. so i started crying, as i knew what it was straight away. and for a man who religiously wears condoms and showers and put's antiseptic on his dick after sex 100% of the time i was really confused to how i could have got herpes, especially as it is substantially rarer in the UK than it is the USA. so obviously i tried to convince myself it was shaving rash to make myself feel better, or it was acne of the cock etc so i left it for a few days and as expected they multiplied and blisters formed on both sides of my shaft, the tip of the penis, underneath and right on the the middle, in short, i was riddled. i went to the doctors to get my tests done AGAIN and get a swab. Now i must state all my lesions were completely painless even to the touch, and the majority all had hairs in the middle. this usually screams out that it IS NOT herpes as lesions are very untypical to be painless and on hair follicles, even the docter (who had seem some 120 cases of genital herpes) said he was 80-20 sure that it was NOT herpes.... he did a culture and prescribed me with antibiotics for 'folliculitus' 2 weeks later after no luck with the antibiotics i get a phone call and ALAS i was positive for HSV-2!! me and my girlfriend at the time were in shock.
(oh yeah throughout all of this i was lucky enough to have a very supportive girlfriend who didn't care i had it, thet's either true love, or a girl who knows she's given me the gift that keeps on giving)
she'd never had a past history of herpes? never had any symptoms? here ex was a serial love-rat so maybe she picked it up and is Asymptomatic? or maybe it's something ive had for years and has only just surfaced? there are to many questions ir regards to where you acquired it so please never point the finger, it's just to tough to call.
i decided to act at this point, and i knew that i would NEVER treat this thing medically through the NHS because the big secret is kids, Herpes is a multiple billion pound/dollar business.... pharmaceutical companies make far far far much more money just treating/ suppressing recurring conditions than they do curing them. for example cancer, now i don't mean to be insensitive but that is a trillion pound/dollar a year business for the government and medical company's, and unfortunately it also acts as population control, of course they have a cure. but with the amount of money it pulls in treating it why would they release it? they dont care about you... only there profit, and if everyone lived to 100 disease free well the world would start to clog up with the birth to death ratio being completely f***ed up. with herpes your always gonna come back for that Valtrex prescription aren't you? the difference with natural remedy's which im sure you have all read about can not be patented by big medical companies and would rather you not know about them.
my first purchase was a topical one, i went down to my local shop and purchased £14 Manuka honey and put it on the lesions. 3 days later i scabbed over and my gentleman piece was shiny and new again. i felt fine and kind of put it behind me. but then a week later BOOM. round 2! it happened during a gig (im a guitarist in a band) i remember taking a piss and there she was. sat smiling on the end of my pecker. but this time it was only one lesion on the tip and a few teeny tiny ones on the side, so not to bad i guess? but it brought a friend with it. a nasty case of Balantis (Male thrush) the herpes virus allegedly makes you susceptible to this. due to the short time between outbreaks i could tell i'd be in the group of people that get them far to regular. this outbreak cleared up within 5 days though.
By now i realized treating it topically wouldn't really help me in the long-term it just speeds up recovery. i did my research and started to buy in the natural products i'd been learning about with anti-viral properties. as follows:
- Vitamin D
- Olive Leaf Extract
-Vitamin C
-DMSO w/aloe vera (rose scented) *
- mediterranean Oil of Oregano. *
- coconut oil
- Clover leaf farm 'surivon' (Lemon balm ointment)
* = important
(I'll detail amounts and regime shortly)
now with my above arsenal purchased i did not really know how to implement them properly. so i rather foolishly but LUCKILY purchased one of those stupid 'super magical wizard herpes cures!' and it actually turned out to be pretty f***ing bang on with it's science! the herpes protocol is worth the £30, but the product the protocol say's to buy is now illegal and impossbile to get hold of in the UK. so i changed the formula.
so that was my back story sorry if i bored you. so here's why you should read on. i have tried to tigger this virus back into action in every way possible to see if i still have it.
- I have binge drank and done whole day benders on bottles of wine, yager bombs, to many pints to think about and full fat coke and spirits for up to 3 days in a row. zero outbreaks.
-I have eaten whole bags of chocolate before bed. zero outbreaks.
- i have had days and nights of condomless sex and masturbation applying as much friction to my penis as possible. no outbreaks.
science tells us that every time you have an outbreak herpes multiplies on your skin. that's why your first outbreak is the worst because it travels down your nerves and really wants to make more of itself so it's stronger. and the more of the virus the harder i guess it is to remove right? so my theory is if you act quickly and dont allow it time to mass reproduce itself the less resistance there is to mop up right? so this is why i feel maybe this regime will favor the more recently diagnosed! but according to the protocol i purchased online the people that have done it had been battling it for years and still beat it. im just guessing it will be quicker for those with newer infections.
this is what i did after my 2nd outbreak had cleared up:
(this is what personally worked for me and i am in no way suggesting anyone follow this regime and if you do firstly make sure your allergic to none of the above and work your way up in dosages do not just plow straight in. i'm a big lad about 6" 12.5 stone so dosages will be less if your smaller. work out whats right for you.)
/-/ for 4 days MEGA dose on Vitamin D // 50,000UI x day for 4 days, then after 4 days knock it down to 15,000UI a day. (CAUTION: visit your doctor and get a vitamin D deficiency test, if you have a deficiency start taking it. if your levels are normal then DONT.
(If you have enough vitamin D in your body then you wouldn't have acquired the virus in the first case. the immune system would have nuked it whilst it was still entering the body. adding vitamin D will supercharge your immune system and promote white blood cell multiplication so when you expose the virus with the supplements that follow it will eradicate it quicker.)
/-/ Olive Leaf Extract 750mg (20% oleuropein) 1 tablet 3x a day. double the dosage during active infection where lesions are present. (YOU NEED TO GET 20% OLEUROPEIN)
(WHAT DOES'NT THIS SUPPLEMENT DO!? This vitamin is a power-house of goodness. olive leaf extract it taken from... well the olive leaf. it's active compound is Oleuropein and it kills every pathogen, virus, parasite and bacteria it touches. olive tree's are immune to pretty much everything and it's all because of this wonderful compound. this will actively seek out the virus and destroy it's coating letting your immune system mop up the remains.
/-/ L-lysine 1000mg 1x tablet 3x a day.
(this will compete with Arganine in your body, Arganine is a well known herpes tigger and it is in all your favourite foods like nuts, chocolate, red meat, pasta's, bread etc. taking lysine will cancel out that compound starving the herpes virus so it can not multiply)
/-/ Vitamin C 1000mg - 1 tablet a day 3x a day.
(you can never get enough vit c! it's a super immune booster but humans cant produce it in the body)
we all know that herpes lives at the base of your spine in the nerve ganglia. where unfortunately your immune system cant reach and thus people say 'IT'S INCURABLE'
we just need to find a substance that can get in there! introducing DMSO cream! it's a super solvent that will absorb extremely deep into the body! it also has oxygen in it which is a well know killer of everything nasty as pathogens, parasites and viruses cant live in oxodised environments. now DMSO is good on it's own but if you use it as a carrier for another super supplement then your in business....
i recommend google searching 'DMSO with aloe vera (rose scented) this is the best and most natural product.
Oil of Oregano!! this stuff is an essential oil and man does it pack a punch. it kills all the bad things you can think of on contact and is an amazing product to use for multiple body conditions. there were reports online of it treating AIDS, cancer and everything.
now what you wanna do with this is:
/-/ every morning after a shower and every night after a shower dry your back really well and take a big finger sized dollop of DMSO cream and place it inside the lid of the pot. then take your oregano oil and add 8-12 drops and mix together. then apply this to the base of your spine from the top of your arse crack upwards and leave it there for 20-30 minutes before rubbing this in. CAUTION! DMSO will carry ANYTHING on your skin into your body and blood-stream make sure your back is extremely clean and your hands.
And that has been my regime and about a month in i have not once had a lesion of felt prodromal symptoms of a herpes outbreak. you want to follow this regime for about 60 days to be sure it works. i'm not saying it's a definite cure but hey the science is right and well somethings definatly working.
A few tips about preventative measures!!
as a precaution after every shower i moisturise my genital area with Pure 100% cold-pressed raw extra virgin coconut oil. it's a potent anti-viral and smells great and tastes great for your partner ;) the reason for this is, is that it is a potent antiviral and i figure that if it's constantly in your skin then herpes wont be able to thrive there at all.
also a great little purchase i found is 'surivon' it's a lemon balm based healing salve and is meant to be a top combatant against active herpes sores due to it's strong antiviral properties, it is also combined with neem oil which is another well known killer of herpes. it says that it can cut the healing time by over 50% and even double the length between outbreaks as it blocks the nerve path's with antiviral goodness! i have not effectively used this though as i have not had active herpes since i purchased it.
ask me any questions you like and i will continue to post my progress for up to 1 year + so you can see if i am indeed on to something with my regime.
good luck fellow fighters x
(none of the above is deemed as medical advise, only an account of my personal use of natural product that as stated by the company's are [U][B]not intended to cure/treat ailments of the body[/B][/U])
*the bold bit is what big pharmaceutical company's pay/make manufacturers of natural earth sourced products say on there labels.... makes you think doesn't it? ;)
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