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Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
by kerminator

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  • Where did this evil darkness come from?   by  kerminator     10 y     2,727       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Brain Boot Camp or Mindset Mastery
    I've been thinking about how much the American society has changed in my 70+ years. Most of those changes, in the moral realm, have been destructive and not beneficial.

    I was born and lived up through the fourth grade in a small town in southern Georgia - about not more than 4000 people.

    Then when I moved to a larger city in Florida in the 5th grade, and knew everyone in my high school 1960 graduating class, to one degree or another! We had Prayer and Bible reading each and every morning. Our S.A.T. scores were higher than they are today even with Billions of $ having been spent on so called education!
    {It is as if we entered a time warp or parallel universe!}


    Looking at how many broken families we knew of in the 50' - 60's; actually very few! That was the exception; like my mother divorced my father who was into criminal actives and never home in 1952; but over all we pretty much expected a mom and dad to be in the home for nearly every family.
    I’m not at all sure if any of the girls in my class had to leave school due to pregnancy; I don’t remember anyone in that situation, although, there may have been some.. Once more, that was the extreme exception. Marriage was to come first.

    No one in the 1950 - 60s talked much about homosexuality, with no such thing as same-sex marriage. These were out of sight, out of mind. No one worried about such stuff.. It was not even on our radar screen. We had our share of bully-types and those who reeked of general rebellion and cigarette smoke, but if anyone ever was high on drugs, it wasn't evident.
    {We were aware that Mary Jane existed but did not know anyone who used it! That was for classes which graduated from the late 70's thru today!.

    Abortion was a word with which we had little to no acquaintance at all. I never knew anyone who had an abortion. Of course, it was illegal then; because the floodgates of Roe vs Wade had not yet been opened.

    Now a days I sometime feel like I’m living in an alien culture today, a sort of virtual world that is an anomaly — as this is not the way things are supposed to be.

    Families are not supposed to be disintegrating at the alarming rate we now see in recent years; where traditional marriage is in the process of being destroyed completely by the radical homosexual agenda! With the number of abortions since Roe v. Wade — more than a staggering 56 million — deaths defies all rational expectations.

    ** Which is really counter productive because we are told that it is necessary to bring in many Muslin and Mexican immigrants to keep the work force in the U.S up...

    It’s absolutely horrifying, yet we are practically numbed by the immensity of the figure. To many people’s minds, the aborted babies are just more statistics rather than real persons who have had their lives snuffed out. They are the most innocent victims of all; they never did anything to deserve such treatment. {What would be the reaction of these statistics if these deaths were from Gun violence?} Why do the political leaders for the most part support such horrendous killings?

    {As a matter of fact aren't you glad that your mother did not have an abortion when you were born? You bet you are glad, because otherwise we would not be having this conversation now!}

    Now we've even come to the place where the Governor of New York says pro-life people, those who believe in the self-defense of carrying arms, and those who refuse to accept the movement away from traditional marriage are to be considered extremists who have no place in his state. (really?)

    ** Exactly how did he come to this point?
    First it is against the traditional principles of this country - based upon the U.S Constitution
    {Which BTW: Liberals - Hate and Socialist want destroyed}

    Question exactly who built the USA of today? They were basically hard working, tax paying mainly Christian belief European decent peoples - with a smaller ratio of some other peoples...
    { As a student of history; I never saw any mention or proof that Muslims did any thing to build this country! Nada Zero !}

    So what went wrong?

    ** The main thing is that we have forgotten God and got to the point where we feel that we (mankind) are superior to Him!


    This is the big problem; we actually need Him! Our lives are dependent upon Him ...

    "The great I Am!"


    I can’t imagine, as a high school student back in the late 1950s, followed by service in the US Navy - going on to college in 1960's; even with all the drama of Vietnam and the beginnings of cultural shifts at the time, that any Governor (or anyone else) would ever feel comfortable making a statement like that.
    {It did not happen}

    Statue of Bigotry

    It’s easy to sense a deepening spiritual darkness upon the country and the world, yet we cannot allow that to lead us toward despair.
    We who are Christians are to be the rays of His light in this dark world. Although I am sometimes stunned when I consider the plunge our society has made into new lower levels of depravity,

    I have hope when I view hundreds of thousands congregating on the Washington Mall to show support for the sanctity of human life.
    It tells me there are many others out there who share my worldview {That is the hope of the Gospel of Christ reigns supreme}. All is not lost. If we can encourage each other enough and work toward unity of purpose, we will give God something to work with - through our Faith.

    One thing God has never required a majority on His side to move a mountain.

    Bear One Another's Burdens

    Galatians 6:6-8

    6 The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.
    7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.… {Believe it}

    He will always honor the dedicated remnant. We (you) should determine to be part of that remnant.

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Re: How did this evil get into our land?   by  kerminator     10 y     2,734

      When, how and why did this happen?

      First it occurred while many of the people are just living the so called "American Dream " and going about everyday life.

      While evil seeps and creeps into every place where a good constant vigil is not kept through the Word of Almighty God! If you sleep you weep!

      Can it be corrected Absolutely! Pray and:

      Matthew 6:33 (KJV)
      33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
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