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    Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....

Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
by Kerminator

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  • Why all the Government Mess?   by  Kerminator     10 y     15,215       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Absolute Truth Some Wisdom and Intercourse....
    What in America is really going on?

    - It's as if the government is trying to control every aspect of our lives, down to even our thoughts and our right to like, or to dislike someone or something, or any other practice. {Except to pay taxes!!

    > BTW: Did you realize that no one can really make anyone else think or act as they want them to?
    It is up to each individual {to use their God Given right of determination} - which is free will!

    - You have heard of free will or the right to make your own choices?

    - It is as if the government thinks that it is doing us a favor for allowing us to keep some of our own money!

    Which BTW: is bogus because we are actually paying all the taxes to begin with! Don't tell me that corporations pay taxes - because once you come to realize that they only collect tax money for the Gov't from those of us who buy or use their stuff! They do not pay any taxes, they just pass on what they get from us through purchases.. HUH!

    So you see it is our money to begin with, the Government does not actually make anything and the only money it has is taken from the working citizens!

    ** Please don't give me well the Gov't sells bonds... DUH which is a loan from the people or foreign Governments who buy them! But who pays back the interest, with inflated costs plus the original loan amount? DUH!
    It is us tax paying citizens - fool! HUH!

    - All our freedom of choice and privacy are being systematically removed daily.

    - America was founded in order to get away from this kind of government repression and control.

    - BTW: Anything the government touches it seems to mess up.

    - Therefore the bigger the government gets the bigger the mess gets.

    - What do you think?

    I think it needs to be controlled by the people!
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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