- Please help if you know about Joint Problems/ Changes by AznDollie
12 y
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Blog: Joint changes and problems, Please help
I have been researching and taking pictures of my hand for a year bc it changed completely. I would like to hear what everyone else thinks it might be, bc my Rheumatologist didn't think anything was wrong with me!
So i've been obsessing over my wrists, hands, feet, and knee for a year now. I started to notice my hands and feet changing size, shape, and color. I didn't take it serious because i'm 22 years old so of course I never thought about arthritis.
I have an album with 500 photos of my hands, feet, etc. I was amazed at how my own body changed. I became a stranger in my own body. I scheduled an appointment with the rheumatologist because i thought that he would recognize it for sure, and all the symptoms i mentioned....but he told me sorry and that he couldn't help me. I want to know if i'm crazy or the rheumatologist was against a young girl having arthritis.
My Symptoms:
-Joint Pain
-Wrist pain
-Numbness in toes, and fingers at times
- Stiffness
-Changing the way i hold things and do things bc of my hands
-Dropping things
-Fingers growing and changing shape
-Feet/toes growing
-knee pain
-thumb and finger would hurt, so i'd have to use my middle finger to type etc.
-muscle weakness,
-Ganglion cyst
-Nerves are off
-Wrist grew, and i cant bend my wrist properly
-Tingling in the feet, hands
-big knuckles
-hand/feet deformity
-shoes would be tight
-Writing became difficult
, I know its crazy bc im only 22, but I need help bc its changing my life.
My fingers are super long now and bony and bigger. My left wrist bone sticks out a lot and is a lot bigger than my right wrist bone. Ganglion cyst on my right wrist that hurts once in a while. My nails are growing different and seem to be slante/sideways.
- Re: Please help if you know about Joint Problems/ Changes by #40058
12 y
1,420 1 of 1 (100%)
If no one already said this, this definitely looks like rheumatoid arthritis.. Not to be rude, but if you may have
had implants, you might want to see if they may have affected your body. Seems like definitely you got toxins or chemicals in your body for it to affect you so fast. Also look into Scleroderma. It is also a form of arthritis that affects the skin, lungs, and organs. Do you have any mercury fillings in your teeth? Just try to go back in your mind and make a list of things, traumas, surgeries, or drugs you may have taken-like Think back when the symtoms started. I hope this helps and I wish you well. It is hard to get the doctors to take us seriously. What a shame.
But keep searching. But I definitely see that you may be suffering from RA. Hang in there. I believe in you.
- Re: Please help if you know about Joint Problems/ Changes by whenwillitend
12 y
I'm so sorry you are dealing with these kind of symptoms when you should be pretty carefree at this time. Any age is bad of course, but ..you know what I mean. I'm dealing with a different issue, but I have done a lot of research and have run across some of your symptoms that you wouldn't normally associate with the cause, and I'm definitely NOT saying this is what you have going on.
First off, I would say to find a good naturopath...if you are anywhere near Kansas or Missouri in the states, I can help you with that. They use a diagnostic tool that will point to the root problem, and what to do about it. See http://www.ehow.com/info_8642754_computers-used-naturopathic-diagnosis.html.
My naturopath got trained after dealing with his own health crisis, so he's been there http://www.spiritofhealthkc.com/
Now to what I found in my research ...parasites can cause all kinds of joint trouble (I'm personally dealing with this) They can get into a joint and encapsulate themselves there causing edema (swelling) severe pain and that affects joint mobility. Pain may move from one joint to another..it may not stay the same every day. They can also cause skin pigment changes due to the toxins they put off.
Numbness and tingling are also caused by these major pests ..I have hands that go numb off and on and one night it was the sole of my left foot due to the parasite in my left knee. For a week I had issues with left leg pain until at it's end it had whole leg involvement ...
I also have a ganglion cyst in my right wrist at the moment ..am not sure what causes these, but the last one I had I took care of the old fashioned way and slammed a book on it..(hurts but it's effective lol)
These pests can clog your lymphatic system and cause a build up of the bodies toxins causing brain fog, adhd like symptoms, memory loss, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, visual changes, mood disorders, and edema in extremeties.
Again, let me say..I'm not saying this is what you are dealing with...but if any of this fits you, it's a place to start.
I would at the least, just because EVERYONE should ...do a g.I. and liver flush or cleanse.
I hope this helps you in some way...contact me if you'd like further info or links on some what I've told you...and don't ever give up looking for answers or advocating for yourself!
- Re: Please help if you know about Joint Problems/ Changes by jjallen
11 y
I really don't know, but depending on where you live and finances, check out Lubecki Wellness Clinic in Sacramento. His Homeopathic imprinter will treat all things like virus, infections, fungases etc, I have one and it really does seem to work. I would also check out "furnace" seminar at qinway.org really weird stuff, but has helped me with a supposedly incurable disease. I am so sorry at your age that you have to deal with this. Much love and blessings sent your way!
- Re: Please help if you know about Joint Problems/ Changes by #110902
11 y
This can not be reversed, but stopped. A friend of mine went to see a holistic practitioner and he helped her a lot with the same problem. His name is dr. Arash Mohrdar.