Day 7~ had a rough night with restless legs. It was so irritating that it became painful and I couldn't sleep. I checked out some info sites on fasting and learned that the toxins pool in the legs. I have been extremely nauseous all day, so much so that I wondered if I can really do this. Apparently being 35 pounds overweight (now) with 48.5 years of toxic build-up is the reason for the nausea. I am living off of "dirty fuel" and it is making me feel sick. My breath is icky and although my gums used to hurt~they don't anymore. My time of the month came and went with extreme cramping but unusually light flow. The TMJ has disappered but I don't know if it will reappear once I start chewing something again. I took 2 baths and a shower throughout the day to warm me up~wish I wasn't so uncomfortably cold. I checked some other blogs and all my symptoms seem to be within the norm. I still have a mild headache and upper backache. I took it easy today and didn't do much. Since this is a spiritual fast for me (for breakthrough), I feel sad that I have spent less time with the LORD now than I usually do but I spoke with a dear friend, nearing the end of her 40 day fast, who encouraged me. She said she had the same problem at first because it was difficult to focus~to focus on the Word or prayer. She suggested worship music which I will start playing tomorrow. I lost another pound. It has been about a pound a day thus far making my weight loss, for the 3 day prep-fast and 7 day water fast, a total of 12 pounds. My tum has gone way down and my face has lost its puffyness. I would like to start doing some light exercise but I will have to play that by ear since all I want to do is nothing.