- God Is The "I AM" Within Each Of Us! by #29621
13 y
12,155 2 Messages Shown
Blog: Son of Truth of Self
This message, from "The Christ Mind" by Robert A. Clark, is on Youtube:
Video #1
Video #2
Video #3
Update May 26, 2012 -
When I initially began to lift up my own spiritual awareness I did not know myself as the "I AM" that "I AM". I did not know who and / what I am, nor what life is nor what another is. How did I ever get to that state of utter darkness? There were three main deeply conditioning contributors: I attended public school, I went to church and I obeyed my parents.
One day, I rather suddenly realized that the "person" that I had been presenting to others was not my true self! I found myself in (and most fortunately through) an existential crisis (and that turned into a spiritual emergency)! It was a crisis that nothing in "my world" at that time could not "save me" from. Neither graduating from a college-prep technical high school, swinging incense in the church as a thurifer, enlisting in the Coast Guard nor my family of origin was able to really help me at all! And "help" I was convinced I needed! Where does one go when government, school, home and the church all appear totally impotent?
July 15, 2015 -
Just discovered a Yogananda site at the top of my search results for: "divine love"+"universal love".
"Those who have not gone into the silence of true meditation do not know what real joy is. ... joy itself is the perennial native state of the soul."[1]
[1] http://www.yogananda.com.au/pyr/love1.html
Christ Mind, i am that i am, god, i and my father are one, existential crisis, spiritual emergency, joy, awareness, spiritual, know thyself, yoganada divine love, universal love, soul
- Re: God Is The "I AM" Within Each Of Us! by #112033
13 y
Yes, God is the "I AM" within you.
If you do enough meditation to dissolve the concepts that imprison the mind, you will see it is so. We are all the same. One consciousness blooming out in different forms. It is too simple for the mind to comprehend even though it tries to understand. The mind is about complexity. It is an outward pull or movement away from the heart. You are the heart. The mind is just a tool, nothing else. You have to go backwards to see this. Unlearn. Dissolve concepts. Then the truth shines in its unlimited light.
Meditation is the way out of the mind and back into the heart. The truth of what you are.