” To seek aid in time of distress from a Supernatural being is an instinct of human nature.
I believe in the truthfulness of this instinct, and that man prays because there is something in prayer.
As when the Creator gives His creatures the power of thirst, it is because water exists to meet it’s thirst and when He creates hunger there is food to correspond to that appetite; so it is when He inclines men to pray it is because prayer has a corresponding Blessing connected with it! ”
- C. H. Spurgeon
Many people even those who think of themselves as religious are just luke warm and loving it! They are neight Hot or Cold!
They live a life where they have attempted to erase Hell!
So what is hell? The best explanation is a place of conscious suffering or punishment; originally set aside for the Devil and his dark angles, now to include all those who do not love or accept Jesus... Which is all unbelievers who do not know God!
What has God said and what have we humans made up?
We need to stop apologing for God and start apologing to Him for being embarrased by the ways He chose to reveal Himself!