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My Health Journey
by Sacristia

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  • Day 8 of Water Fast   by  Sacristia     13 y     7,214       3 Messages Shown       Blog: My Health Journey

    March 16, 2011

    It is a lovely day.

    Today, as I was driving to work, KLOVE was talking about how today is John 3:16 day. I was surprised because I have never heard of it before, but still it was inspiring and lovely to focus on that piece of scripture today.

    I laid in bed too long in the morning, as I was feeling really achy, and the acetone smell was outrageous that I couldn't hand it. I got up early (around 6:00) to brush my teeth, scrap my tongue and use a bit of mouth wash. After that I got back into bed and tried to sleep some more. I have to say the hardest thing is the weight of Mekong laying on me that make it harder for me to sleep.

    So since I didn't get out of bed until around 8:25 a.m., I didn't listen to the Bible or read my Focus for Lent like I usually do. I was feeling really rough that I didn't really want to go to work. Yay, detoxification! NOT!

    Work just dragged on and was so very slow, due to my off feelings, which at times the smell coming from me made me want to gag. I am glad that no one was a around me much of the day.

    As to how I am feeling and how it is going. Here it is: my urine is cloudy at times, but it is very frothy. My ketone strips tell met that I have high ketones in my system, so I am trying to drink enough water to help flush them out. I haven't had any nausea, but I am certain that I will have it here soon. I had a bit of a sour stomach but it didn't last long. My hands are always cold, and that is one reason why I crawl into be when I get home, so I can get warm with heat pad. It was 40 degrees out, which was lovely but my hands were frozen. Sometimes they feel like ice! My legs are okay because I am still wearing my legwarmers under my pants as well as wear a tank top under my main shirt, so I am not freeze anywhere but my hands and sometimes my face and neck. Funny. I am getting chills, which sometimes cause me to sneeze. I can feel the goosebumps on my arms when I get chills or get cold. It is horrible. I need a warm blankie, but I know it is part of the process of water fasting.

    I noticed that my fingers are much skinner then they were 8 days ago. My two rings whirl around easily on both of my hands. They are a size 7, as they can be fit on 6 fingers (three on each hand: middle, index and thumb). I was feeling around on my body ( I know that sounds risque, but it is how I am when I am fasting) and I can feel my hip bones again, which I haven't felt them it probably going on a year and half (since Phil moved in). I hand also feel my collar bones too, but I can't see them. I have been watching my breast very carefully, as I really don't want to lose what I have there. Plus I don't want to lose to the point I sag either. So far, in all the weight that I have lost since November 1, 2010, my breast size has not changed with I am happy with. Other then that, my hands and feet look tiny, and my neck is getting thinner and more willowy, when I look. When I hold up my head, my neck almost looks elegant and swan like, even thought it is not really long. I have been wondering if I am going to be able to get back to my original size I was when I was 18 years old. I was a size 3 / 4 and I was 104 pounds. I read that what yous should look like and weight on average is based on what your parents looked like at 18 years old. Well, my mother was very skinny, as well as my father was. So I know that I should be an average weight, which is between 104-115 pounds. I would love to get back to 104 pounds, but if I can hit 107 pounds, adding 8 pounds for intestinal weight which would come to 115, I will be happy. But. . .

    But, I am still going to lose that little fast food fat leech that is hanging out around my navel. My best friend, Christy says by her visual estimation that it is probably about 5 pounds of fat, but no more then 7 pounds. I told her that it drives me nuts to have it there now. She did remind me that it has been reduced to what it originally was, as the measurements are the proof. In my excitement to lose it, I had forgotten that. LOL. It probably will be the last 5 pound (the hardest) to lose. POOOH! I have also noticed that my size 6 pants are a little bit loose as well. They are stretch material pants, and their waist area, does not come up as high as the black dress pants I have do. I tried those one, and they still don't fit me as I would like them too. They still feel too tight. It might be me as well, as I do like slightly loose, as it if more comfortable then binding. Back in last October 2010, when I was wearing size 10s, it was very binding and sometimes I would have a ridge in my skin where they were cutting into it. Yep, I had the choice then to either purchase a size larger or lose some weight. I really woke up regarding my weight and how I really eat. It makes me think that people don't gain weight instantly, but they gain it over time (such as me in a year and half). It also make me think about my mother and how she has gained weight. It is something you either fight or accept, and most people in America seems to be accepting a heavier weight, but in the long run they will be also accepting heart disease, diabetes, and other health problems.

    I have to take an active role in my health, that also means watching what I eat, not just exercise.

    I have been craving taco like fixings. But healthy, like avocado, chicken, homemade salsa, and bean sprouts. Why bean sprouts? I don't know. But I am seriously going to think about investing in a little bean sprouter (which I have never done myself, I have always bought them at the store in the past) as I think it will be good for me. Once in a great while, I have bought them for meals like homemade Chinese food, but I have never tried them in pitas, salads or the like. I probably will after my re-feeding stage is over, will try a couple in meals and go from there. But I am craving taco stuff. Not necessarily junk food, but crunchy, veggity, goodness like fresh green peppers, onions, tomatoes, lettuce with shredded chicken and slices of avocado. LOL, I am making myself hungry. Oh well, I will eat again, once my fast is over with. No reason to get big eyes or an imaginative brain over food. It is not time for me yet.

    But. . .

    I do have a recipe to post. I already have a homemade recipe to make corn tortillas, This way eventually I will be able to put them to good use. Here it is:

    Baked Tortilla chips and Taco shells

    Here’s an easy way to bake your own tortilla chips!
    Soft corn tortillas

    Preheat oven to 325 F. and place yellow corn tortillas on the wire rack. Bake until they begin to turn a darker color, about ten minutes, but remove immediately, as they will burn if left in the oven any longer.

    To make non-fat crispy taco shells, place each tortilla so that it is centered over two of the wires on the rack, placing the edges of the tortillas under the other wires. Bake as above – they will curl around in an upside-down ‘U’ shape to make perfect taco shells.

    From Dr. Neal Pinckney, Healing Heart Foundation

    Also here is the taco that I have been kind of dreaming about, but far other ingredients it:

    Shredded Chicken Tacos


    Whole Wheat Tortillas
    Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast (cutlets work well too)
    1 can diced tomatoes w/ chiles
    1 bag Birds Eye Pepper Stir Fry (green pepper, red pepper, and onion)
    Homemade Taco Seasoning (cumin, onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder)
    4 tbs fat free sour cream (.5 tbs per taco)
    1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
    Black Beans


    Makes 4 servings, 2 tacos each

    **This recipe includes black beans that have been soaked, not from a can. Put 2 cups black beans in a bowl and soak in cold water overnight**

    1. Pour one can of diced tomatoes in pan with chicken breasts. Cover chicken with taco seasoning and cook until done.

    2. Remove chicken from pan and set aside to cool.

    3. Cook Pepper Stir Fry in same pan with diced tomatoes.

    4. While that's cooking, shred chicken with fingers.

    5. Warm tortillas in microwave or oven.

    6. Wrap each taco with chicken, peppers, black beans, a little cheese and sour cream and you are set!

    *I usually serve this with some rice pilaf for a yummy meal!

    Number of Servings: 4

    One thing that bugged me about this recipe, she doesn't talk about cooking the beans, just soaking them. LOL You would think I would be thinking about St. Patrick's Day food, but I went with a recipe that I was craving. LOL No more thinking about food for me. My stomach is feeling sour. It must be time to drink some water. LOL

    Well, I didn't do much, as I hadn't planned on going home and crawling to to bed, but that is what I did after I did a couple things. I returned my movies (and rented more) and put gas in my car. It is outrageous that I put $20.00 in my tank and I only got a little over 5 gallons of gas! I miss the days that I put only $10.00 in weekly. Last year, it jumped to $15.00 and now it is $20.00. My budget allows me to put an amount in weekly and I ration it at times if I am going somewhere special out of town. Like that is going to happen anytime soon. Ha! I am glad that I got a raise, because that will pay for the extra amount I have to put in my car for gas. I am not complaining too much, as I read that gas is about $4.46 in California. It is only $3.59 here in Central Ohio.

    So when I got home, I took a couple of my movies, and headed to the bedroom. I am was really really rough and I wanted to lay down and rest. Of course, I brushed my teeth one more time. I believe that made it the 4th time today and it was only about 6:15 p.m.

    Mekong was all for laying in bed with me, as I watched “Space Chimps for a little while. I tried to read, but I couldn't concentrate long enough to really get much reading done. I just relaxed and drank a little bit of water. Mostly I just laid there and relaxed until I fell asleep around 9:30

    I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a rougher day for me, as well as smelly, and colder.

    EXERICISE: walked 1.79 Miles,

    WATER INTAKE: 12 ounces

    WEIGHT: Unknown
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
    • Re: Day 8 of Water Fast   by  lysabeth     13 y     2,445
      very nice. thanks for this information

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Re: Day 8 of Water Fast   by  ALB     13 y     2,815
      Read a few of your blogs. Very interesting and informative.
      I mostly post on the weight loss fating forum. People on the water fasting forum can sometimes be a bit overly religious for me and sometimes seem pretty close minded about a lot of other things as well.

      I wouldn't worry about ketones. Thats goint to be normal if you are burning fat and you dont' want to drink too much water to flush them out. Fact drinking too much water on my last fast think was big reason was so dizzy,lightheaded and got bad fainting feelings even when walking around not just from getting up quick. Blood pressure really goes down on water fast ,you may want to get a monitor.I am thinking to get one next fast probably.
      You are taking in no salt and no potassium and drinking too much water will flush it out of your system even faster.Lack of potassium is bad you can start getting bad muscle cramps and the heart is a muscle! yes could be fatal.Lack of sodium can drop blood pressure really really low.
      I am pretty sure that cold feeling is also from low blood pressure.

      I took some potassium pills when started getting muscle cramps in legs they helped that problem.I maybe should have took some salt pills as well but if didn't force myself to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day likely would have been ok on my fast and not had sodium or potassium deficiency problems. Next fast going to try to drink when thirsty as many advice and take salt pill or potassium pill if think need too. Passing out when walking around is not very fun.I didn't but came very close several times. Scary feeling.
      I switched to juice on day 31 and did 3 days juice, 2 water and 4 juice to make 40 days total.
      The juice fast part was much easier than water,energy was much better, I did light exercise aerobic type on my treadmill slow walk at like 2.8mph and sometimes rode my exercise recumbent bike. I didn't do any weights during water fast but been doing them 3x week sine past fast.This is end of week 5 of my post fast. I started off very overweight, am male, was 260 and am only 5ft 6. I am heavy frame. I hit 217 at end of fast, gained back to 227 highest week or so later and was eating sodium and fair bit of carbs and now at end of 5 weeks holding at around 222/223/224 range. I seem to be able to hold there with my exercise,treadmill or bike 5x week and weights 3x week.
      I am also no eating breakfast since fast ,if do eat breakfast type meal then just have brunch.
      I also do EAT STOP EAT intermittent fasting twice a week as well. You fast for 24 hour periods twice week.

      I would have thought all that would have made me drop more weight but as said seem to be able to hold not lose ,am in plateau or something past week or so.
      I may do shorter fast like 20 day .3 juice, 2 water and 4 juice couple more times trying to get to 180 maybe even 160ish for final weight.I don't use bmi I prefer to look at Bodyfat and muscle mass.

      Also lot of women in my experience for some reason think men want them to be thin boneracks. Most men don't.
      I like my women high normal or even bit overweight.
      My first wife was 5ft zero and got anorexic near end of our marriage. She was around 80 pounds at her lightest and looked terrible and that was after we/she had 3 children.
      She looked much better around 100 to 110.

      She definitely is anorexic like many many women.
      So please keep in mind that you can likely be bit heavier than you think you should be and probably look better.

      Women also need more essential bodyfat than men.

      Anyway like reading your blogs. You can read more of my my posts on fasting for weight loss forum.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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