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Peacemonger-Peacenik-Refusenik: Conscientious Objector
by rudenski

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  • Military Recruiting in Kindergarten   by  rudenski     16 y     3,456       2 Messages Shown       Blog: Peacemonger-Peacenik-Refusenik: Conscientious Objector

    Lowering the Bar: Kindergarten Recruitment

    Tuesday 17 November 2009

    by: Jon Letman, t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

    How old is old enough for students to be approached by military recruiters?

    High school? Junior high? Fourth grade? How about ten weeks into kindergarten?

    Last week at the dinner table, my five-year-old son announced blithely, "Soldiers came to school today." He then added, "They only kill bad people. They don't kill good people."

    He made the announcement with the same levity he uses in recalling the plot line of Frog and Toad or a Nemo video.
    My wife and I looked at each other incredulously.

    "Soldiers came to school? What do you mean?" I asked.

    He repeated himself and then I remembered - it was "Career Day" at school. My son mentioned a bus driver too, but it was the soldier who stuck out in his mind. When my wife asked if the soldier was cool, he nodded yes.

    The soldier had given my five-year-old a gift. From his yellow backpack, he produced a six-inch, white, plastic ruler with big, bold, red letters reading "ARMY NATIONAL GUARD" next to a waving American flag and below that
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • Re: Military Recruiting in Kindergarten   by  rudenski     16 y     2,566
      I was a psychopath who role played killing peeps... played video games
      where I killed hundreds and thousands of peeps... practicing...
      for the real thing... I threw three paper routes a day when I was 14-15 to pay
      for flying lessons to fulfill my fantasy of dropping a nuclear bomb on moscow...
      I believed God wanted me to kill millions of atheist communists to save the
      world from evil... I was brainwashed by dark religious, corporate, and political
      If you want to feed your children to the haters... warcraft is the gateway drug
      to future killers... a poison pill for the soul///\\\

      tHEY USED TO CALL MOTHERS FEEDING THEIR children the American diet "kitchen
      assassins" but there is a greater danger ...lurking in the homes of children
      around the world... Hitler Youth or Americana Militarism... If there is a
      difference it can only be found in the change from vilifying jews through
      calling them monkeys to role playing monsters and through bait and switch
      tactics calling the monster's Muslims...

      but when one's child opens fire on their first human being...their innocence
      vanishes and they think of their mother who gave them 40 bucks to buy the video
      game all of the kids were playing... Did they kill that Muslim mother and son
      for mum or was it all a trick? When they return home mom hugs her son because he
      is alive... but thousands of miles away... a family mourns... the video game had
      become much too real for the family whose anguish will never end...
      Was mom right to give her son the forty dollars? Was the father right to be so
      proud his son went to serve his God and country? What God did his son serve?
      What cheek did he turn?

      I died and went to heaven... I met God and was just like your son and the Light loved me bright... but those hours I
      spent plotting and scheming the deaths of my nation's enemies were just fast
      forwarded past... Mom's are like that... If their son were to be a mass murderer
      she would say he is not guilty... he could never do that... but deep inside she
      would know that she was the mass murderer... who gave her son the forty
      dollars... she might has well have bought the gun...
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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