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Southern Etiquette or life in Dixie
by kerminator

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  • What a reader said!   by  kerminator     15 y     3,626       4 Messages Shown       Blog: Southern Etiquette or life in Dixie


     First let me say I am not nor will ever be perfect, I write only from observations, inspiration or personal experience... Only Yeshua has ever lived a perfect life on this earth, and they nailed HIM to a cross!

    Received an Email from a reader, (who is one of the few that I have actually met in person) who had found a 1953 Newspaper article on some criminal behavior of my father!  Well since I am a Jr. named after him; it would appear at first glance; that I must have started on a life of crime at an early age (11) eleven at the time of occurrence...  My Mother had Divorced him some years before in 1951...  Well this is a common confussion thus the reason that I ask you to never name your children directly after a parent as it causes too much confusion later in life... 

    Yes, later when in my twenties, while serving over seas in the Navy, I received a notice for me to appear in court in Florida,  because of the confusion between myself and dear old Dad...  Over the years I have had various authories come to the door seeking my father and come to realize that I was not he!  Yes, he served time in the Florida State Prison at Raiford FL, and as such I have been branded scoundrel...

    He passed away in 1968!  When I was 26, never saw much of him, while he was here...

     The only time I have been in a jail was visiting those to whom we were directed to in Matt 25: 34 to 40 You may want to start at verse 31 to get a better picture of this occurrence which is yet to unfold, dear friend!   It may even give you cause to change some things in you life!

     BTW: If you are confused reply or Email and we can help you find the Truth in your life! 


    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • Re: What a reader said!   by  InnerCalm     15 y     3,114
      Do you wear striped pajamas in memory of your father?

      BTW, I think more than Jeshua lived perfect lives.

      He said afterall, all these things you can do and more.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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      • Re: What a reader said!   by  kerminator     15 y     3,099


          Well what I may or may not wear in not the real question here! 

          Only Yesuha has ever lived sinless and perfect upon this earth!  

        While each person living on this earth is given a free agency to make two choices which will effect their eternal life!   

         1) Seek the Grace of Almighty God, then accept the forgiveness through the shade blood of Yesuha!

         2) Then seek to live in Faith the Word of God!

         The first is Grace, a free unmerited gift of God to all;  Grace is what God does; Faith is where we accept HIS plan of Salvation! 

         It is not the Truth that sets you free; it's the Truth you know that will set you free (John 8:32)

         The truth is you need to put your faith in what God has already done, not in what you may do! Almighty God has already provided healing, forgiveness of sin,  prosperity and more tha we can list here; however it must be appropriated by you Faith! 

         You can think, you can pray, you can accept God's Grace, yet you must act upon it in Faith;  Believeing,  for it to become completed!  There is nothing else that you either can do or is necessary for your Eternal Salvation! The way and the work has been done all that you can do is accept it or not!

         There is nothing we can do to earn HIS Grace and only our free will choice and action(s) in Faith will gain Eternal Salvation in Heaven!  All else is hopeless and of no effect, except to those in this earthly life; which will end!

         Your only Real Sin will be to not accept Yesuha as the Truth, The Light, and only Way to God! 

         This is the message of the Holy Spirit!   

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: What a reader said!   by  kerminator     10 y     2,336

        How is your day?

        Thank for your reply alway enjoy sharing with others

        In reviewing comments, reread you statement:

        " BTW, I think more than Jeshua lived perfect lives."

        Well maybe " perfect" by some world standard; but certainly not sinless and with the shadow of the Holy Spirit of God over Him! Because He Jesus was the incarnate Son of God!

        ** As far as greater works:

        Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

        Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me,.... Having mentioned his miracles as proofs of his deity, he assures his disciples, in order to comfort them under the loss of his bodily presence, that they should do the same, and greater works; for we are not to understand these words of everyone that believes in Christ, of every private believer in him, but only of the apostles, and each of them, that were true believers in him: to whom he says,

        the works that I do shall he do also; he shall raise the dead, heal all manner of diseases, and cast out devils; things which Christ gave his apostles power to do, when he first gave them a commission to preach the Gospel, and when he renewed and enlarged it: and which they did perform, not in their own name, and by their own power, but in the name, and by the power of Christ:

        and greater works than these shall he do; meaning, not greater in nature and kind, but more in number; for the apostles, in a long series of time, and course of years, went about preaching the Gospel, not in Judea only, but in all the world; "God also bearing them witness with signs and wonders, and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost", Hebrews 2:4, wherever they went: though perhaps by these greater works may be meant the many instances of conversion, which the apostles were instrumental in, and which were more in number than those which were under our Lord's personal ministry: besides, the conversion of a sinner is a greater work than any of the miracles of raising the dead, &c. for this includes in it all miracles: here we may see a sinner, dead in trespasses and sins, quickened; one born blind made to see; one who was deaf to the threatenings of the law, and to the charming voice of the Gospel, made to hear, so as to live; and one that had the spreading leprosy of sin all over him, cleansed from it by the blood of the Lamb yea, though a miracle in nature is an instance and proof of divine power, yet the conversion of a sinner, which is a miracle in grace, is not only an instance of the power of God, and of the greatness of it, but of the exceeding greatness of it: and the rather one may be induced to give in to this sense of the passage, since it is added, as a reason,

        because I go to my Father; and upon my ascension the Spirit will be given, to you, which shall not only enable you to perform miracles, as proofs of your apostleship, and the doctrine you preach, but which shall powerfully attend the Gospel to the conversion of multitudes of souls.

        John 14:12 Commentaries

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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