Boy is OK after tree branch skewered his neck Garret Mullikin, 12, was riding a dirt bike for the first time when he fell off it — and onto a thick tree branch that drove into his neck and through his lung. Now recovering after emergency surgery, he said he feels “a lot better than when I got the stick in my neck.”
Animal Tracks From a petite panda to a sleepy sea lion, find images of animals great and small.
The New York Times via Redux Pic
The Week in Pictures Vibrant fields of sunflowers, a high-rescue drama and Michael Jackson memories are among this week’s attention-grabbing images.
The Week in celebrity sightings Lady Gaga gets wild in Malta, Will Smith and Jackie Chan party in Beijing, Mickey Rourke checks the Paris fashions and more.
updated 1 hour, 29 minutes ago
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NEW YORK - David Arquette is going to sleep in a box in New York City to raise money for the hungry.
The 37-year-old actor is staying in a Plexiglas box above the Madison Square Garden marquee on Tuesday and Wednesday to raise $250,000 for Feeding America — the nation's largest domestic hunger relief charity.
Donations can come through text messages, on site and a Facebook page set up by Mars Inc., the company that makes Snickers candy bars.
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This is amazing. To think he can sleep in a box on MSG property but I locked my bicycle in front of the Border's to go in and pee. A security guard was ready to clip the lock off my bike!!