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"Vaccines as a primary CAUSE of food allergies"
by llasidog

50 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 457,610 times
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  • Still don't get it? Why don't all children have food allergies?   by  llasidog     15 y     4,001       2 Messages Shown       Blog: "Vaccines as a primary CAUSE of food allergies"

    Question: I am confused. If peanut proteins are in vaccines then why didn't my daughter have a reaction when she got her vaccines last week?

    Let me explain it using marbles. We are going to make a big batch of vaccine, enough for 100 shots. (This is totally fictitious and the numbers and protein does not coincide with actual vaccines.)

    The trace amount of protein is represented by the following marbles:

    Protein from the mixed oils in the diluent in the adjuvant:

    Peanut protein  - 16 marbles

    Soy protein - 4 marbles

    Lupin protein - 2 marbles

    Sesame protein - 3 marbles

    Protein from the culture medium:

    Beef protein - 2 marbles

    Total marbles in the batch of vaccine: 27 marbles

    It is possible for one shot to have all 27 marbles in it. Or one marble could be in only one shot - so 27 of the shots have one marble each.

    So the chances of there being a shot with no protein in it is at least (100 - 27) = 73 out of 100

    And your daughter would have had to get one of the shots with peanut protein in it to have a reaction which is only 16/100 or 16% chance.

    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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    • Re: Still don't get it? Why don't all children have food allergies?   by  andygibb     15 y     3,201
      also consider, in my humble opinion, some illnesses take years to develop. i was a dope and got a flu shot every year. i have an autoimmune now. i cant be sure the flu shot was the only reason, i was also vaccinated as a kid, and became very ill after each vaccine. i have the gene marker hbla-27 which lends itself to reiters syndrome. i had amalgams for 20 years... my point is this... not all illnesses manifest themselves immediately... but given enough time and insult to the body and immune system... it was like unwittingly setting myself up for what came next.

      look up the term vaccinosis and thuja on google... it was an eye-opener for me. recently i ran into a post with someone's symptoms close to mine with a part of the answer as thuja, belladonna (iritis) and rus tox (rhuem) and tried the remedy that was given to them. i feel like i am among the living again. (at least i am among the living again.) yes thuja helped my reiter's ... did it also help because i never recovered initially from the vaccine shots? in my mind, it is a good possibility.

      also look up on utube, "swine flu conspiracy" and if you are old enough you will remember the julian barr syndrome 1975, that resulted in paralysis in some who got the swine flu vacinne back then with the previous "swine flu hysteria of 1975."

      we are doomed to repeat what we dont learn from in history.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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