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40 Day Juice Fast
by crysaria

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  • Question?   by  crysaria     16 y     50,875       4 Messages Shown       Blog: 40 Day Juice Fast
    So, before I bore you with all the details, I have a question for all you fasting experts out there!

    During my juice fast, I am considering keeping 1 almond milk (unsweeted, 40 cals/cup) + hemp powder shake a day, mostly because I still plan on working out (circuit training 3x/wk). How will this affect my hunger levels throughout the fast?? What effects do you think this will have on my weight loss or anything else?

    Also, what about sweetening it with xylitol? How healthy is xylitol, for real (what are the theories)? Is this a big no-no, or can I get away with it?

    I am pretty healthy, vegan since I was 14 and mostly raw for years, so while I definitely want to detox for health during this fast, it is 95% about weight loss.

    Thanks for your help!!
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    • Re: Question?   by  Emmaus     16 y     1,507
      The almond milk could definitly keep your hunger up; you couldn't make it weak enough! HOWEVER, when I did a 40 day fast, I sometime supplemented with soya milk (which would have the same hunger-inducing properties, because of its fat content, etc) -- and I really didn't find it unbearable. Also, a juice fast isn't as hunger-inducing -- for me -- as a water fast, so on the whole...
      However, are you making this almond milk yourself? You need to be especially careful when on a fast not to be taking in any preservatives, etc etc.
      Hemp powder should be fine. I also supplement with Kelp (for iron) and wheatgrass; this you can either juice yourself or use the powder. More important than "calorie content" is making sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals.
      I don't know about zylitol (sp?!) but honey is actually an excellent natural product; super fast absorbtion and (in moderation) perfectly fine during your fast. It has great properties and I'd recommend that as a sweetner.
      Hope that helps!
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      • Re: Question?   by  crysaria     16 y     1,546
        Thanks Emmaus! I think I'll skip the almond milk because of the fat content... just doesn't feel right for a really healthy fast. The hemp - I'm still undecided. That has a little fat too. I think I'll start without it and see how I feel - maybe get to the point where I don't care about eating anymore and try it once to see how things change.

        I'm definitely supplementing with tons of spirulina (love that stuff) and another good green powder and berry powder.
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        • Re: Question?   by  Emmaus     16 y     1,831
          Hey Crysaria,
          Good to hear about your planning. While I don't think skipping the almond milk is a bad idea (because of how it will affect your hunger), bear in mind that fat content per se isn't necessarily a "bad" thing in a fast, we just have to be really careful how we differentiate and what we take in. For instance, we tend to think of "fat" (on our bodies) being the same as "fat" (a tub of margarine :) ) I'm sure you're well aware of things like Omega 3 and evening primrose oil -- which is a fatty acid supplement...the "fat" that is in an avacado, for instance, is highly beneficial to a healthy body. Now, I'm not advocating adding avacado to your fast (lol!) but I just mean that doing without a supplement because of its fat content might not be the best idea.
          When you're on a fast, particularly if you are diluting your juice with water, you're already far below your daily required caloric intake (which, if you want to lose weight, is good!) but if you measure the calories from what you might be getting from the hemp or other supplements, it's minimal -- and more than worth it in terms of what those supplements offer. While we don't need the extra calories while on a fast, they have a lot of nutritional and vitamin content which we lack. Of course, you're getting a LOT of that from the juices you're making, but it can't hurt to "overload" your body with healthy vitamins -- as this is part of the cleanse!
          Returning to the evening primrose, for instance -- it contains an essential fatty acid, gamma-linolic, which affect cellular signaling and mood, amongst many other things. Since you've fasted before, you probably remember that there were several highs and lows -- so anything which is going to help, hormonally, is good!
          I'm not advocating swalling cups of supplements a day, just to clarify; but I think the hemp also contain essential fatty acids (like e. primrose) and is also an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus, etc etc.
          Other than that (my thoughts!) it sounds like you're doing well! Keeping good track of your nutrition and setting yourself up for a food experience. A comment you made struck me-- you might not have meant it this way, but I'll just follow my train of though! -- about waiting for hunger to go away...I'm not sure if you were referring to the 3-day initial period (after which hunger pretty much dissapears!) or over the longer term. From my experience, in long fasts, you need to be prepared for times when the hunger may come back -- with a vengeance! The thing to remember in those circumstances is that, first of all, our bodies were meant to in the long run, hunger will be something to be understood and controlled, rather than eradicated (unfortunately!) One of the wonderful things I've found about fasting, however, is that it reminds me that hunger isn't as scary as it feels......and continuing to be hungry, when you don't immediately turn to food, is ok...and that destroys its power and keeps it in its place (as a healthy reminder!) the other thing, of course, is that while you're juice fasting your hunger will probably be easier satiated (because of the psychology of "taste" -- and the energy from the juice)...Anyway, if hunger does come back, don't be afraid that you've eaten/drunk something wrong. Especially over the long term, our bodies try and remind us that hey -- eating is alright! -- your stomach has shrunk, and you're getting ready for food doesn't mean it's time to end the fast, just that things are in order and that is natural. Be bouyed up when that happens...and go have a glass of juice :)

          All the best
          Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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