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by thomas zudrell

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  • Fever Cures Swine Flu!   by  thomas zudrell     15 y     7,393       7 Messages Shown       Blog: Dorn Method
    Here is an interesting article about the recent swine flu craze:

    Fever Cures Swine Flu!
    by Fintan Dunne,, 27th April, 2009

    The epidemic is reaching crisis proportions. But this epidemic is one of medical meddling tied to commercial gain. The leading cause of all flu mortality is treatments which actually encourage avoidable acute respiratory complications.

    Only a small minority of people develop serious flu complications, such as pneumonia -which is the actual cause of most Swine Flu deaths. The mortality arises because a small percentage influenza cases go badly wrong. Instead of clearing up in weeks, they leave the patients possibly dead in weeks. Why does this happen?

    What's the first thing we do in cases of colds and flu? We medicate with over-the-counter analgesics. The most popular analgesics, including aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen, suppress production of antibodies and on average they deplete the immune response by a staggering 50 percent. Among other effects, aspirin uncouples oxidative phosphorylation; inhibits short-chain fatty acid oxidation; lowers lymphocyte transformation and lowers interferon production in response to viral infection.

    One study found flu symptoms last 5 days in participants who do not take aspirin or acetaminophen, compared with 9 days in people who do!


    When we have infection, our bodies turn the temperature up. This undermines replication of bacteria and viruses which grow well at normal body temperatures, but not at the temperature of a fever. The immune system itself is also more efficient at this higher temperature.

    To defeat flu, the body also lowers the bioavailability of certain minerals while switching to protein energy production to starve any bacteria of the sugar they would simply use to reproduce. That reduces the risk of a bacterial infection complications of a viral flu. Infections thrive on sugar.

    So this is quite a sophisticated body-wide response. But doctors and the public won't leave fever alone. Why on earth lower the body temperature -when this is simply defeating the natural and effective response? Perhaps we should ban thermometers, because doctors, nurses and parents are far too fond of using them.

    Here's an example of typical advice for a respiratory infection:

    ".If you can try not to bring your child's temperature all the way down to 98.6, because that may actually prolong the illness by delaying your body's efforts to kill bacteria and viruses. Usually, you shouldn't give anything for fever unless your child's temperature is 100.0 or higher..."

    There go two contradictory positions. If the body is right to raise the temperature, then the doctor is wrong to advise lowering it. This quibbling over degrees of fever is missing the point entirely. Healing effectively is the objective -not easing temporary discomfort.

    Fevers make people feel uncomfortable. That's life. Maybe we could just live with that --in the interests of speeding recovery for all and preventing a significant minority deteriorating into pneumonia and some into death.

    We should be working to facilitate the body, not thwart it. And the vital time is early in the infection. The sooner we can help the fever knock out the virus population, the shorter will be the duration of infection, and the lesser its severity. This will restrict the rate of transmission -and thus there will be less epidemic spread. It's a win, win situation.

    We should focus less on chasing particular variants, and instead improve general treatment thus reducing complications and deaths.


    In general, let the body decide it's own level of fever. It knows what it is doing. It has more biological data available to it than any doctor. And vastly more experience. Before medicine, the body already knew how to deal with influenza.

    The advantages of a body temperature of up to even as high as 103F outweigh the modest risk of febrile seizure. Fever increases interferon in the blood; increases the white blood cells that kill cells infected with viruses, and improves their capacity to destroy bacteria and infected cells.

    The body also knows when to eat during fever and when not to eat. Don't force food on an uninterested flu sufferer. It is also critical to avoid dairy products and caffeine at the early stage, as both increase mucous production. If caffeine is taken, let it be a little and preferably tea. Do not drink "plenty of fluids." Drink exactly what you feel you wish to drink. No more, no less.

    Take care with sugar. Use of sugars and fast releasing starches upsets the hormonal status quo and leads to poor immunity. This may play a significant role in respiratory morbidity in the elderly --by enabling bacterial infection of viral pneumonias and diminishing immune response.

    Fever offers a more potent anti-viral effect than any of the anti-viral drugs now in vogue. Fever is safe, natural and effective. Fever can help most of us to beat an infection in 36 hours and be well into recovery within a week.

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    My comments: I can only agree because of years of experience following natures path. Me and my family stopped suppressing our bodies responses to outside stresses or better said we are trying first to assess what is actually going on first before responding with any chemical weapon.
    Since we look for balance in our structure, diet, soul and work our health and wellness improved a lot and we learned to appreciate being sick (luckily we have be spared from serious problems so far) as challenge and natures way to prepare and train our system.
    More about my work:

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    thomas zudrell
    • Re: Fever Cures Swine Flu!   by  #27054     15 y     3,911
      I must have a copy of this most interesting post.
      I have thought much of how one's body can heal itself and read so much how our immune systems are not working like they used to, it seems we do not allow it.
      It appears you my friend has given part of the this answer.
      Thanks so much.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    • Re: Fever Cures Swine Flu!   by  #38782     15 y     5,575
      Hello Thomas!
      This article is very interesting and I´d LOVE to believe its true, because I hate interfearing with the body´s natural response, as in a high fever.... but my own experience makes me skeptical. Of course, I know EVERYONE is different and responds in a different way - so my personal experience is just that!
      Some years ago I developed a pneumonia with a temp. around 40 - 42 degrees Centigrade. This "raged" on for 3 weeks. At the beginning I decided not to do anything about it, in the hopes that it would just disappear on its own - since I´m really very healthy. However after the first 10 days and with no signs of it returning to normal, had to go to the doc and even they could´nt at first figure out what it was because listening to my lungs, blood work and x-rays etc did´nt confirm a typical diagnosis for pneumonia. After about 3 weeks of so of this high fever, the body finally responded to some heavy duty antibiotics. The whole affair left me totally weak and the liver seemed to have taken quite a "beating" with blood analysis sky high. A month or two later the same symptoms (high fever etc) returned. This time around, I went to the doc and asked to be prescribed the same antibiotics and was back to "good" health within a week. Since I´d been off work for a whole month the first time around, could´nt "afford" to go thru the whole sickness once again. THANK GOD no further relapses and for good health!
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
      • Re: Fever Cures Swine Flu!   by  thomas zudrell     15 y     3,865
        Thanks for your post and the word of caution I always appreciate an open but challenging mind. It is very difficult to say why your case was as you described it but as you said people are different. I had very good experiences with medication and antibiotics myself and I would never dare to say that medication in general is bad. I just believe that we need to be more cautious in how and when to use the big gun.
        Most people in modern times do not challenge the recommendations of school medicine and the media and simply follow whatever is presented because natures way is most often not as convenient as taking a pill. We need more awareness for ourselfs and are on the best way to loose it completely when we look for solutions only on the outside!
        My concept: If a fever lasts for more than 3 days and has a very high average temperature I consider laboratory test to confirm a severe infection or not. It is paramount to do the right thing of course but there is no such thing as a cure for all as we have to be treated individually. This requires time and knowledge and unfortunately many doctors do not have one or the other. A patient should be carefull when a diagnosis is made without proper assessment and in very short time but should take in account that a doctor may have more knowledge and experience than oneself. The more we learn about health and nature the better the chances that we make the right decisions and that is why I just love curezone.
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        This is my avatar. Click here to see my profile.
        thomas zudrell
      • Re: Fever Cures Swine Flu!   by  Hidden Username     14 y     3,682
        This is what I'm afraid of at this point.
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    • Re: Fever Cures Swine Flu!   by  hmankey     15 y     4,144
      The body is designed to heal itself, and that is why we have an immune system. We have grown up in a culture that wants to "get rid" of any discomfort, and wants a quick fix! Well, most people fail to recognize that in doing so, it is hurting in the long run by suppressing our natural immune response to sickness. By suppressing symptoms, we are actually prolonging our illness and could be making it worse.

      Thank you for the article. The best way to help others is to educate them on how the body works and what natural ways they can help their bodies heal themselves. For instance, oil of oregano is an excellent natural anti-viral that helps the body fight against bacterial, viral, fungal and inflammatory illnesses. Nature provides us with all sorts of natural remedies to help our bodies heal themselves.

      I am also on a crusade to educate others on the benefits of natural healing. I am also working on my Bachelors Degree in Alternative Medicine. Please stop by my website for articles pertaining to natural healing and leave me a comment if you wish.

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      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Doesn't work in my case.   by  Hidden Username     14 y     3,839
      I've had on and off fevers for 6 days. I had only taking an asprin twice because I Couldn't stand it anymore.

      Whatever the hell is wrong with me has not gotten better or worse. It's staying the same. Actually possibly worse. No "natural" or "healthy" thing I have tried has helped much at all.

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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