- You can do it by nessa0789
16 y
6,604 2 Messages Shown
Blog: MY 30 day juice/ water fast for weight loss ( :
Wow its been awhile since Ive been on here .... I did complete my juice fast 30 days ... I ended my fasting weighing in at 141 . That's a total of 42lbs gone baby ... I haven't gained Any weight back I have continued to eat healthy and i have been going to the gym four times a week .. Whatever ever you do don't give up . If i can do it any one else can . I ended my fast about a week ago .. I have feel so much healthier and my skin is glowing ... I love it ... And for all the people who say that juice fasting isn't good for weight loss ,That you'll just gain the weight back . I'm prove you wrong !All it is is mind over matter .. You can do anything you put your mind to .. Well good luck to all of you out there . Need any support I'm here .
Well I'm hoping to do another 15 day fast sometime around the new year ( :
well I'm out
- Re: You can do it by mkaluna27
16 y
Great Job! That is awesome! I am about to start my juice fast in about a week. I plan to at least do 20 days. I have done a 10 day MC before, but never a Juice Fast.. Could you answer a few questions for me? What was your typical day like?...how many drinks a day, what kind?? Did you take a laxative tea before bed? Did you have problems with bowl movements? Thanks for your help! I am super excited and cant wait to lose 20 pounds and feel better!!!!