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My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!
by kerminator

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  • George W's war...   by  kerminator     17 y     3,020       12 Messages Shown       Blog: Uncommon Wisdom!!

     " While we all should hate war at times it is necessary!!"
       a True-ism

      Here is an example of why...

     George W's War 

    No one likes war. War is a horrific affair, bloody and expensive.
    Sending our men and women into battle to perhaps die or be maimed is
    an unconscionable thought. Yet some wars need to be waged, and someone needs to lead. The citizenry and Congress are often ambivalent or largely opposed to any given war.  It's up to our leader to convince
    them.   That's why we call the leader our 'Commander in Chief.'

    It's the same scenario in George W.'s war. There was lots of
    resistance to it. Many in Congress were vehemently against the idea.
    The Commander in Chief had to lobby for legislative approval.

    Congress eventually came around and voted overwhelmingly to wage war.
    George W. then lobbied foreign governments for support. But in
    the end, only one European nation helped us. The rest of the world sat
    on its hands and watched.

    After a few quick victories, things started to go bad. There were many
    dark days when all the news was discouraging. Casualties began to
    mount. It became obvious that our forces were too small. Congress
    began to drag its feet about funding the effort. Many who had voted to
    support the war just a few years earlier were beginning to speak
    against. Many critics began to call him incompetent, an idiot and even
    a liar. Journalists joined the negative chorus with a vengeance.

    As the war entered its fourth year, the public began to grow weary of
    the conflict and the casualties. George W.'s popularity plummeted.

    Yet through it all, he stood firm, supporting the troops and endorsing
    the struggle. At this darkest of times, he began to make some changes.
    More troops were added and trained. Some advisers were shuffled, and new generals installed.

    Then, unexpectedly and gradually, things began to improve. Now it was
    the enemy that appeared to be growing weary of the lengthy conflict
    and losing support. Victories began to come, and hope returned. Then,
    in the unlikeliest of circumstances and perhaps the most historic
    example of military luck, the enemy blundered and was resoundingly defeated.

    After six long years of war, the Commander in Chief basked in a most
    hard-fought victory.  So on that historic day, Oct. 19, 1781, in a place called Yorktown, George Washington sat upon his beautiful white horse and graciously accepted the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, effectively ending the Revolutionary War.

    What? Were you thinking of someone else? Sounds alarmingly familiar
    to recent world events?

    Just remember that the more things change, the more they stay the
    same. Our enemy(s) stand ready to defeat us on every front. If we
    don't make the effort to defeat them, we will be defeated.

    There have been only two satisfactory outcomes to any war, either to win or to lose!!





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    • Re: George W's war...   by  bayliss     17 y     2,030
      Are you comparing a war that was fought on our own soil to another that we are committed to destroying weapons of mass destructions that so not exist?

      A simple man, a simple thought
      a cute playy on words but without any substantive comparison and certainly very different circumstances

      You are dangerous
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      • Re: George W's war...   by  kerminator     17 y     1,553

         Thanks for your reply, Bayliss...    It is always good to hear from others that do not agree with you... 

         First I am a student of history, political science and the Truth...

         Maybe you did not know that just in the past couple of months ago,  the final { believe it was about 800 tons } Uranium was sent out of Iraq to process...  Also from reliable sources, { not CNN } there appears to be a trail that shows certain items which could be conscrewed as part of Iraq WMD were secretly sent to Syria in the hours before the US Forces closed in on certain Tech. Labs...
        There are other things which we know about, that do not get on the Evening News...  HUH!! 

         This is not to make any one look bad, just the facts...  Have sat in on cirtiques that the last words were " This meeting never took place, and we never discussed anything..."   Sorry but that is the Truth!!

         Now as to being dangerious,  it is not me who is planning mass distruction and complete elimination of whole countries...   You may find some people in Iran, Syria, and other parts of the world, who do not even have the nation of Israel shown on their maps... HUH!!

         The whole idea of the piece on George W's war is to show that history will most likely show the present president to have been on the right path...  Let talk in a couple of years, and see what happens...  Because if we cave in you will see more in your face actions by some mighty mean and uncaring people from the Middle East...  You can bet on that!!

         BTW: I have been to the Middle East, seen riots, race wars, been in ten (10) Islamic countries, and have a good understanding of world affairs... You do not get the correct views in the mass media!!

         If you want some more truth on world affairs, and help finding what is really happening in the world let me know, we will try to get you straightned out ...

         Again while we may not agree, it is good to see that you are thinking, lets try to get you some more facts... 

        Thanks  K

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        • Re: George W's war...   by  bayliss     17 y     2,134
          Its a completely different set of circumsatnces regardless of your inside knowledge of uranium, etc shipping etc

          If you truly are a student of history, then you already know the comparison is not good

          And the manipulative construct is pretty close to George W II,

          MY Country love it or leave
          Nationalism based on repression?

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          • Re: George W's war...   by  kerminator     17 y     1,844

             Thanks for your reply...

              Do not remember any mention of " Love it or leave it"  and as far as repression, how does that play into looking at the present vs the past situation comparison?

              Maybe you could read about many of the past Presidents who did unpopular things at the time, but the Truth prevailed and now we are glad they did the right thing...  That is the message of this blog post on the two " George's "...  Truth!!

              I would like to hear or see your views on this country and it's present course of action...  What is your view of how things should or could turn out?? 


             See Ya   K

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            • Re: George W's war...   by  joaniee     17 y     2,071
              You my old friend are a lost cause
              that is all
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              • Re: George W's war...   by  kerminator     17 y     1,711


                 Thanks for the reply...

                 While I may be lost to some, I at least have found myself, I think... Sometimes!

                 "It is just the truth that we should seek and live by on our journey on this pathway of life..."

                 a True-ism Sept 2008

                  Please read some of my other posts from the six blogs I write on CZ then visit my web site @  to get a better picture of where I am coming from dear friend... 

                 BTW: I admit that I do not know it all, but at least I try to present what is there...

                  Thanks once more for your views...



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      • Re: CNN lied to us in every report from iraq...   by  white tiger     16 y     2,360     1 of 1 (100%)
        CNN (Communist-News-Network) has lied to everybody in every CNN report during the iraq war.

        Ask any soldier in iraq. Especially those in special warfare with the Navy SEALS and other US special forces.

        Every one of them will tell you that CNN lied about everything that happened every day! And I mean bald faced lies.

        Every military report of daily opperations are sent to all the press. CNN puts such a distorted twist full of lies that our soldiers were shaking their heads in disbelief of such CNN lies! And all the presses get the exact same progress reports as CNN gets.
        Some prefer truth and some prefer CNN lies, because bigger lies stirs up bigger news and resentment breeding hatred by CNN.

        My son is in Special Warfare. He was in iraq two time, and awarded a bronze star.

        If you really want to hear the truth about what has been going on in iraq, ask the citizens that has lived in iraq every day, and ask our soldiers that were and are there. Compare what all of them say, and then compare all the lies that CNN has told you.

        Ask all the iraqis how they feel about the Saddam era as compared what it is like in iraq today!
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        white tiger
        • Re: CNN lied to us in every report from iraq...   by  kerminator     16 y     1,422     0 of 1 (0%)



           Thanks to your son and all that serve!  One of my sons was in the USMC...  I was Navy...

           Recently was in a discussion with some fellow workers.. 

            During the course of conversation; the discussion gravitated to the reason many people were purchasing all the Ammo and getting more firearms...  It comes down to the fact that many thinking people are becoming concerns about the recent change in government in the USA...

             It all comes down to the fact that a large group of voters, many who usually do not know what the candidate really stands for or even cares...   That is as long as they think they will get something from the government system...  Deserved or not!  Most of these voters get most of their news from the CNN type news media... So why do we think they would ever want to know the truth?

           It comes down to the fact that many THINKING PEOPLE; have been concerned that the country is bring directed by the Mass Media and those who want to continue to control the political system in the USA...  

            They have forgotten that the real power is suppository in the hands of the people!


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        • Re: CNN lied to us in every report from iraq...   by  peggyaus     16 y     1,555
          CNN is owned by sharia finance now. FOX is also being bought up by the same interests.
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          • Re: CNN lied to us in every report from iraq...   by  kerminator     16 y     1,496


             Thanks for your reply:

             Not sure about the ownership, it may well be true... 


             If there is one thing the non Muslim world needs to be concerned about it is " Sharia "  law, finance, or any Islamic Jurisprudence...   Because they have only one goal; which is to put all things on this earth under Sharia law or control! 


             As a US citizen today; if you are worried about the splintered (over 285 denominations) "Christian" church, which does not plan a take over of the world system; then you should be terrified at the growth and involvement of the solidified Islamic movement in the world today!

             BTW: They do not practice, any separation of church and state; because their Islamic church is the state!

             Take time to look up "Islamic Banking" @ Wikipedia's site!

              I have been to ten (10) Islamic Countries: Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Aden, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Somalia, & Zanzibar...  They are not interested in anyone else unless they come under Islamic Law...

             Will post some more later... 

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