- Day 2 2:16am by #96018
17 y
1,984 2 Messages Shown
Blog: My Attempt at the 30 Juice Diet
Went to the gym and worked out...YEAH burned some calories then went tanning :) Haven't noticed any weight loss but feel GREAT! Been having some gas though... which is ok since I feel AWESOME! Wish I new about this sooner :)
Thank GOD it is Friday! Cannot believe that the week flew by sooo fast! Looking foward to tomorrow as it is SATURDAY! WOO HOO!!! And that means that it is ALSO DAY 3 (well technically it is already Day 3)
Still hungry and getting girgling sounds... headaches on and off but the energy is freakin' AWESOME! Who knew????
Well talk to ya laters :)
Keep up the juicing all!!
- Re: Day 2 2:16am by #68716
17 y
wow, congratulations on the awesome positive energy! you are truly inspiring! and thanks for the relaxation techniques you suggested! i really appreciate your advice :)