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MMS Diary - of a cure? Or another scam?
by #90515

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  • Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  #90515     16 y     4,551       24 Messages Shown       Blog: MMS Diary - of a cure? Or another scam?
    In addition to using MMS on feline, porcine, and canine clients, I am using it to save my own life. I am disintegrating from MS, which is caused by candidiasis. I have had candidiasis for a few decades, and have tried everything except drugs - electromedicine like Rife, brand-name stuff like FiveLac, CandiClear, Candex, urine fasting, Cousens's Phase One - most of it all at the same time. Now I've been doing MMS. I got it several weeks ago and jumped right in at 15 drops three times a day. No sign of die-off or improvement. I stopped taking it three weeks ago after daily trying it for three weeks. Now I have started again, so you can keep track yourselves of how it goes against candida. Now I am using 18 drops three times a day, with citric acid activator. I ordered "paradophilus", although I am concerned about how unvegan it is (the base of sugar - surely not vegan sugar?). It is supposed to "make the MMS go deeper", as you may have heard. Well, well. It is NOT cheap, like MMS. I am racing against the clock trying to preserve what brain functioning and nervous system I have left. I ordered the "paradophilus" overnight but they can't send it out until Tuesday, and I'm not confident the order will go smoothly anyway (they rarely do when you need them to). So I can only start that at soonest Wednesday. Meanwhile, I may stop doing Rife. It's dumb just standing there in the bathroom on the footpads, because I feel it is doing nothing. An hour and a half at candida-killing frequency - nothing. I like feeling something is happening, even if very slowly and subtly, or I am extremely apt to get discouraged and angry. I've spent hundreds of dollars and decades of my life on "scams". I hate particularly being told, "go slow, it's powerful'll go to work right away, oh you'll feel it all right" - that is what the paradophilus salespatter just said to me today, and guess what? it was the MMS salespatter, too. Although I will probably drop the Rife-ing (the Silver and Magnetic Pulsers, by the way, don't work at all, in my experience of them), I will start eating strictly anti-candida, without grains or legumes or miso or citrus or nightshades, etc., etc. I'll give it a go, combining that with the paradophilus and the maximum-dosage MMS and see how that goes, maybe for a few months. I wanted to go veganic very, very badly (that is different from vegan and organic) and am upset about not doing it. Maybe I will anyway, but for today I will have kale and brazil nuts and maybe bok choy or romaine. I don't think I'm going to try to stay raw. In fact, I am probably giving up going raw veganic until I give this a try. I feel guilty, but also I am completely done for brain-wise and functioning-wise if I don't get some fast relief, and an insane, brain-dead raw-veganic is not an advertisement for anything good. So I want to be a good advertisement. Anyone who wants to be veganic and/or raw on MMS, or in general fighting candida and MS, is very welcome to my advice and support. Anyway, so that's the menu for today. I did have some wildcrafted pau d' arco boiled tea and some questionably wildcrafted brazil nuts from, and that is all yet today. But I stayed in bed until almost 2 and that was only 4 hours ago. I am spending a lot of time sleeping and having to just sit and rest and try to think or move. I think that's it for now. Oh, no, it isn't. I wanted to say that another frightening thing is that I am officially obese - my scale shows I am over 32 percent fat. This is extreme obesity, whatever you weigh. I am five foot three and weigh more now recently than I have my whole 37 years - 126. I went over 120 pounds a couple of months ago, and that was very scary. I knew something was very wrong. But I didn't think it would climb so high. Something is very, very wrong there. The scale shows 46.8 per centage water in my body, so that is very scary, too, but clearly linked to the huge amount of overfat. These are all life-threatening conditions that must be worked out in this protocol I'm starting, or it will have failed bitterly and horrendously. For you MMS-ers, I took the first dose today on waking, around 2, and then another about 2 hours later, both 18 drops. I'm having quite a bit of bladder weirdness (not voiding), which is atypical for me but probably pretty common with Multiple Sclerosis. Difficulty doing anything with brain, though I started a book of pop history about the Golden Age of alpinism and will probably try to watch my "Moon for the Misbegotten" rental later on. Cannot listen to music right now because my ear is at its clanging, shrieking worst; my vision and walking are unsteady, too, so I did not take my cat for our walk today, in spite of its seeming nice weather.
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    • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  Johny Apple Bomb     16 y     2,145
      Sounds like MMS might not work. Take MSM also as it helps. Also colloidal silver with pro biotics works well.
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      Johny Apple Bomb
      • Re: JAB's comment   by  #90515     16 y     2,483
        A chilling but fascinating comment about the MMS not working. Thanks so awfully much! Colloidal silver, MSM and angstrom sulfur, and of course top-of-the-pile probiotics are all stuff I've tried with no effect (I can chug 60 LB17 probiotic pills a day with no effect whatever), but I have never combined them with MMS. Unfortunately, I literally do not have enough money even to eat cabbage and have to borrow for that, and the paradophilus-buying landed me deep in the financial poo, so I can't do a big blasty-combo thing right now with all that stuff at once. But your comment is important for its sobering attitude about MMS, or at least MMS against candida (which you'd think would be right up its special alley, more than autism or something, which they claim to conquer with it). Thanks.
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    • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  me1101     16 y     2,224
      This is more of a question than a response. I notice there are several people here at CZ with MS. I know Montel Williams has it. I think he has the progressive kind, rather than the remitting? I am not positive. But, I notice he seems to be doing so well. Does anyone know his protocol. Does he use conventional medicine, alternative or both? Anyone know?
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    • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  snowball403     16 y     2,384
      Hello. You need to do a series of liver flushes. Get the liver flush book by Andreas Moritz and follow his instructions EXACTLY.

      I hope this is helpful. Good luck!!
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      • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  #90515     16 y     2,223
        Thank you! I've tried a few liver flushes and been disappointed (few stones and no discernible detox reaction or improvement), but I do recognize that you said "a series of.." and that the prescribed series can be quite long until it reaches a place of being effective and showing it! I had given up on them, but there's no reason I can't do them whilst I'm doing this MMS-paradophilus-no-carb diet protocol thing: it fits neatly in and conflicts with none of it. Maybe I will do one today! Thanks for reminding me: I will.
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        • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  hilli     16 y     2,257

          First of all , never give up!!! You will get there.
          Have you done a parasite cleanse lately? I am sure you have tried " everything" , but this is my thought for you.
          You are killing and killing with Rife , MMS , and the body is struggeling ridding of all the toxins. They must come out through skin , colon, urine,,, The liverflush , intestinal cleanse, body brush , gallons and gallons of water is a must:-))) If not , it will be overload.
          Also I would look in to the alkaline- acid idea. Sickness will not live in an alkaline envirment.

          How do you know that your MS is from Candida??

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          • Re: Hilli's comment   by  #90515     16 y     2,298
            Wow, thank you, Hilli. I really was feeling like giving up, but now you've made me feel better. It's important that you remind me about lots of water. I barely have a half-gallon a day. I will start to do liver flushes as I do this. I did an herbal parasite cleanse in October, but I have some parasite-killing capsules left over from it and could do it again. Also, do you know about the Silver Pulser (also called the Blood Purifier or the Zapper) for parasites? I was "zapping" for months up until January, and that is supposed to disable parasites. Though I have not seen any in the toilet, so maybe they are still there inside. I did an Oxy-Powder cleanse in autumn and again more recently. Except for my binge on dates yesterday (dates are technically alkaline of course, but we are often told that they are acidifying because they are high in sugar and feed micro-organisms), the food I am eating is mainly, but not always alkaline. It's basically greens, seaweeds, hempseeds, hemp oil, and a few nuts. The nuts and hemp things are acid, everything else is alkalizing. MMS itself seems to cause rapid alkalization, but it seems a bit artificial to me, a temporary effect. But I will keep checking my pH. You are right - it should be impossible for candida and other pathogens to thrive in an alkaline environment. An elegant solution. When I say the MS is caused my my candida, I'm following the theories of Ann Boroch, who cures MS by curing candidiasis, controls MS by controlling candidiasis. However, with MS there can be a lot else going on as well, and I'm sure that's true of me! Mineral and vitamin deficiencies and other deficiencies like essential fatty acids can be a factor or even cause, as can gluten sensitivity and extensive food allergies, both of which I have! Thank you for your advice and encouragement.
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            • Re: Hilli's comment   by  hilli     16 y     2,797
              Well , I have a Rife machine , but never could figure out the right frquencies. Maby I´ll give it a go again.
              I believe that Candida can cause alot of troubles. If it it candida , parasites , or bacteria , it really doesnt matter. It doesnt like a healthy alkaline body:-)
              My theory is:
              1. Kill ( parasite cleanse , candida , .,,,,,)
              2. Detox(get out,, water, liver flushes,, colon cleanse,, lymph , blood purify, exercise)
              3. Bulid ( nutrition, alcaline eating, affirmation , meditation, love and laughter:-))))))

              And round it goes, until well.

              Also I just took the Alcat test , and found I have reaction to foods and chemicals. Apples for one ( no wonder my juice fast was no success. :-)

              So , you see?? You have so much you can do , and it will be fine at the end.
              Believe it , and go for it!!

              Love to your recovery
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              • Sorry, THIS is to Hilli; the message that said To Hilli is To Snowball!!...   by  #90515     16 y     2,457
                That sort of thing has happened to me a lot, Hilli: when you say "no wonder my juice fast didn't work, I test allergic for apples"!!! Last year I tested allergic for lots of things, among them almonds, which I'd been using in my raw vegan ALKALINE only dietary. I ate nothing that wasn't alkaline and nothing that fed candida, and every day had a snack of almonds or almond butter. It's nice finding out why these things don't work the way we expect them to (juice fasts with apples we're allergic to or diet plans with almonds we're allergic to), it's nice but it's terrible, too. It explains things a lot, why things that are supposed to work, things that "work for other people" don't work when we try them! I will try hard to address the issues in order, as you outline. You are right - one must address the parasite issue first, kill them, or any other efforts to be healthy and nourished are useless. I have read that you can't fight candida until you have done a parasite cleanse - it will never work trying to do the candida-killing when you still have parasites! Love to you, too. Thank you for encouraging me.
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                • Re: Sorry, THIS is to Hilli; the message that said To Hilli is To Snowba...   by  hilli     16 y     2,628

                  You are so welcome.

                  The hardest thing for me is to try and do one thing at the time.. When in ill health , one just want to get well so bad , that everything seems like a good idea , and there is always something that has worked for somebody else.. I wanted to just get all the supplements in there , and speed up the process. Didnt work.

                  I am on a similar path as you , and have found , for ME , anyway , I need to have patience , faith , and do one thing at a time.
                  Giving up will never be an option,,,?? right??

                  Taking responsability for our health will pay off at the end.

                  It was mentioned here about the alkaline/acid balance..That is where I am currently at.. Makes totally sense to me. Moreless seems to know his stuff on the matter..

                  You Go!!

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                  • Re: Sorry, THIS is to Hilli; the message that said To Hilli is To Snowba...   by  #90515     16 y     2,685
                    I'm like that, too. I've heard that one must be "scientific" and try one thing at a time, so that if anything gets better or changes, you can tell what thing is doing it. If you do a whole bunch of things at once, how can you tell which thing helped you? So far it's been a purely hypothetical problem, though, because nothing HAS helped so I don't have to worry about which thing it was. The acid-alkaline thing makes so much sense to me. I like its elegance, and eating alkaline isn't like buying a product and trusting that it is a magic miracle medicine. I know that if I'm not even alkaline, NOTHING can function in my body as it should. All my enzymes can't fire off properly and have all their enzymatic reactions, the way they need to do if I am to think right, breathe right, move right, digest right, perceive and sense right. And an acid body is a de-mineralized body, and mineral deficiency is the door that allows a full range of diseases and dysfunctions in. You can't be acid AND have a body with all the minerals it needs to be healthy, right? I think it's impossible. About giving up: it's funny, I don't think it could be an option. I think about this a lot and wonder if there are any people battling anything - addictions, alcoholism, other diseases - who actually one day do stop trying, and never try again - people who just succumb to their illnesses and unhappiness and go down into the pit. I don't think there's ever been a full day where I've given up. There's certainly been lots of days where I haven't done what I'm trying to do - I've binged on solid food when I'm trying to fast, I've drunk beer when I'm trying to alkalize, just the other day I shoved 20 DATES in my mouth when I was trying to follow a no-sugar dietary. And there have been many moments of despair when I've LONGED to give up, give up trying to fight, certainly give up living. But generally in the morning, I wake and just think, "OK, what's next? What's the new plan? What should I TRY to do today?" I'm not even sure it's a good thing. I couldn't give up if I wanted to, and I often do want to, when it gets too bad and there's been too much failure of something I've put my trust and heart and soul in - a juice fast, for example. But I guess I won't give up until the moment I die, whenever that is, whatever it's from. Don't you give up either, Hilli. I will try to find something that works and is really truly great, so that I can tell you about it and you can have it work for you, too. I hope the paradophilus arrives today - the "next" big thing! I'll keep up the MMS and DMSO, though. I hope it's something I can give to you: "Hilli, try paradophilus. It really works." But it's just a probiotic. I'm skeptical. I've read candida experts who say that you're just wasting your money taking expensive probiotics when you still have parasites/candida - the parasites/candida will just eat it up and make it useless. These people say that one must wait UNTIL quite a bit of one's microbial overload has already been killed before one replenishes the area with friendly bacteria. These same people, however, promote a "super-powerful" probiotic called Ultra Blend that, in sufficient huge dosage, itself kills the yeast. So I spend a thousand dollars a month to find out if that were true! And it wasn't. Still, I'm so gullible and desperate and stupid that today I'm ignoring all I know and all I've heard about that, and I'm thinking, "Maybe paradophilus is different. Maybe it will be a different sort of thing." Hilli, I've been reading a lot of books on exploration recently. It was never an area of history that interested me in particular, but suddenly I am alive to the huge parallels between us and the sort of people who were driven to get to the South Pole or be the first to climb the Matterhorn. They had a spirit of resilience, of never giving up - they might fail time and time again, but as long as they lived, it was always back at the mountain, trying to climb it, until they succeeded, or died in the attempt. They were pioneers doing things that were uncharted and experimental, that weren't well-trod by lots of people before them, things that most people doubted COULD be done. They had to figure it all out for themselves AND under hard conditions. Conditions of being exhausted, of having limited food, of being in pain, often excruciating, unbelievable pain, of being solitary and self-sufficient, of being frigidly violently cold or scaldingly hot, of having to keep going because if they stopped somewhere on the mountain or in the desert, they would die there. Keeping going was their only chance to stay alive. And in fact some of them were so tired that they did just sit down on the mountain and let the avalanche freeze them to death, it was easier than getting up and climbing on, it felt good to rest, they didn't - couldn't - care any longer. They were already dead before they were dead. But there WERE also others who felt like that but had something inside them that got them to their feet again and got them out of the desert, or got them down the mountain and home again. I'm rather impressed when I read those things. It reminds me of us, don't you think? When things get tough, I think of the people who suffered a hundred degrees Fahrenheit below zero with broken legs and afflicted lungs, alone on a mountain they still had to climb (or die). And they did! It should make it a bit easier - to know just how much the spirit and body can take and still survive, and to know that at least (for now) we have shelter and some form of temperature control (although my house is 47 degree Fahrenheit as I write this, not exactly toasty warm!) and we even have food, even if it's very limited kinds and amounts. And, for now, our heads haven't just been hit by a huge Alpine boulder (or has yours? sorry!) so that's one kind of pain we're not dealing with along with all the other kinds and along with the challenges we're trying to deal with. So it's fun, reading that stuff. Love and good luck to you today.
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                  • Hidden Subject   by  refreshed     16 y     2,588
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        • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  snowball403     16 y     2,727
          Hi there.

          I'm glad you got the gist of my message. Definitely follow the Andreas Moritz liver flush protocol which has a 6 day apple juice prep period (to soften the stones) and the post flush colonic. Do not skip these steps.

          I see that someone else here has recommended parasite cleansing. As long as your body is not clean, it will require parasites. Keep eating right and cleansing the liver and parasites won't be an issue.

          I suggest surfing around the "Ask Andreas" forum here for tons of good information on liver cleansing and eating properly.

          I'd keep taking the MMS too.

          Good luck to you.
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          • Re: To Hilli   by  #90515     16 y     2,351
            Thank you very much. I will add liverflushes to my list of things to do in this protocol. And thanks for saying that, I will keep doing the MMS. I got a solvent today that supposedly pushes it into one's cells more, and just tried my first dose.
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      • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  snowball403     15 y     3,192
        Check out my blog:
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    • Re: Welcone to my MMS-for-humans expose   by  TruthBomb777     12 y     2,487
      I wanted to point out a few things that will help you get better results from your MMS Protocol/Regiment...

      1. If you are still eating DAIRY it is a large part of the reason you aren't seeing results. ALL DAIRY must be cut from your diet in order to achieve results with something like Candida. It breeds on the mucous pockets that dairy forms in your body. You can try killing it all day long but if your providing fertile breeding grounds, it's just breeding as fast or faster than your killing it.


      Here is the link to the list of PROTOCOLS for the MMS FROM JIM HUMBLE'S WEBSITE:

      **You are supposed to be doing A LOT more than just a couple of times a day REGARDLESS OF THE NUMBER OF DROPS... BE SURE TO READ THE ENTIRE PROTOCOL [1000] FOR CANDIDA AND DO IT EXACTLY AS THE PROTOCOL DESCRIBES... you're missing the douche, bath, enema, and bag protocol regiments!! AND you're mixing it wrong... keep reading...

      Candida - Protocol 1000+
      Enema Protocol, Bag Protocol, Douche Protocol for females, Bath Protocol.

      You should be doing THREE drops of MMS X 3 drops of ACTIVATOR X 3 drops of DMSO -- ONCE PER HOUR for 8 - 10 hours per day for THREE to FIVE WEEKS. Never more than THREE drops of each... but the difference is that you do it EVERY HOUR. This is the Protocol [or Sacrament] 1000+.

      If you make this change and understand your protocol more clearly, I feel confident you will see results!

      Just remember, follow your appropriate protocol exact [as it is described on Jim Humble's website; follow the link above] AND cut DAIRY products... ALL OF THEM.


      Love and Light!!
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