- Louise L. Hay - wise words of wisdom by #73810
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Louise L. Hay - wise words of wisdom
1: Listen with love to your body´s messages.
It is telling you all you need to know.
2: Think positive, peace-filled, loving thoughts. Every cell in your body responds to each thought you think.
3: Remember to breathe deeply and fully. Relax your body and mind often during the day.
4: Allow the love from your heart to wash through you and cleanse and heal every part of your body and emotions.
5: Be assured that every day, your body´s natural desire is to be healthy, whole, and complete.
6: Feel the glorious, dynamic energy that is flowing through you today.
7: Know that your Mind and body are in perfect
balance. You are healthy and in harmony with the universe.
8: Feel privileged to live in the wondrous, magnificent machine that is your body.
9: Inhale the precious breath of life. It is your connection to your Higher power.
10: Take loving care of yourself. It gives you joy to
do so, and you are worth it!
11: Establish a trusting, loving relationship with your health practitioner, Feel free to ask any questions about your health.
12: Remember that vibrant health is your constant companion.
13: Bring into your life every person, place and thing that you need for your complete healing.
14: Love every organ, muscle, joint, and cell in your body.
15: Release all negative thinking. Focus on the perfect state of health that you desire.
16: Take full responsibility for the decisions you make regarding your health. You are the power and the creator of your life.
17: Know that your body is perfect. It knows how to work, sleep, eat, exercise, think, drive, play, and learn. What a gift your body is!
18: Remember that you are never alone. Your guardian
angels are part of your life and have helped to keep you healthy since the day you were born.
19: Make a point of looking and feeling as attractive as possible every day. You´ll feel good – inside and out.
20: Be aware that your higher power is always leading you and guiding you. Your prayers for good health and healing are always answered.
21: Inject a lot of laughter into your life – it´s one of the best medicines there is !
22: Make sure your internal dialogue is positive. What you think affects every aspect of your health.
23: Maintain your physical, emotional, and spiritual harmony with the universe
by meditating every day.
24: Remember that regardless of your age (whether you´re an “elder of excellence” or a young adult), you can take charge of your health and be the best you can be every day !
25: Whenever you leave your home, breathe in the
fullness of life and know that you are safe in the world.
26: When it comes to health decisions, trust your intuition. Listen to that still, small voice within because it always knows just what to do.
27: Think thoughts that make you feel good. Your emotional and physical health will be enhanced as a result.
28: Bless all the healers of the world with love ;
appreciate those in both the conventional and alternative medical worlds. They all have a lot to offer.
29: Choose to release anger in positive constructve ways. Holding anger inside depresses your immune system.
30: Whenever a difficult health situation arises, know that answers come to you easily, and you immediately know what to do.
31: Accept the challenges and responsibilities involved in taking care of your health and healing. Know that you are always supported by life.
32: Rejoice in your body and your sexuality. You are beautiful inside and out.
33: Send love and healing energy to everyone in your world. You all contribute to the overall health of the planet.
34: Welcome the blissful feeling of a good night´s sleep.
You´ll have pleasant dreams and wake up refreshed each day.
35: Rejoice in all the many wonderful new advances in health and healing that we humans have created.
36: Partake in physical activities. Walk briskly, take
exercise classes, swim, bike, run – you´ll love being on the move !
37: Know that it is normal and natural for your to be drawn to healthy food. Your body feels great.
38: When your friends or family members are having health issues, be a good listener. Provide a compassionate ear, and offer advice only if asked.
39: Accept perfect health as a natural and normal part of your being. Send love to every area of your body.
40: Make an effort to change all patterns of criticism – with respect to yourself AND others. Your mind, body, and soul will feel the positive results.
41: Know that you can feel comfortable in ALL types of weather conditions. Your health need not suffer when it´s very cold nor when it´s very hot.
42: Before travelling, take the appropriate health precautions – that is, inoculations, medications, phone numbers of health practitioners. Always be prepared !
43: Rejoice in the magic of the aging process.Love your lines, wrinkles, and greying hair. They are signs of a life well lived !
44: Seek out recovery options for any unhealthful addictions. Your emotional and spiritual growth moves beyond these old limitations.