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Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

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  • Essene Teaching   RRR   by  YourEnchantedGardener     17 y     3,074       7 Messages Shown       Blog: Plant Your Dream!

    Essene Logo,
    Dr. Bernard Jensen

    1:52 AM
    December 19, 07

    Truth is relative,
    relative to what our needs are in this moment
    for Soul Growth.

    This can be Our Best Year Yet.
    This is no Secret.

    We can do this.
    We can have this.

    This Earth is intended to be Heaven on Earth.
    We can live our live now this way
    through what we do with our precious time
    and who we allow in our energy field.

    You can hear or read the best and worse
    about anyone if you want to go that deep
    into the gutter or that high into heaven.

    Life is a Fairy Tale.
    It is intended to be an Amazing and
    Mystical Adventure that begins with you
    finding the courage to grow.

    You are a Seed by Nature.
    Why cut yourself off from all the other Seeds
    that Love you so much in God's Kingdom?
    God's Kingdom is here and now.

    The Essenes!
    What a Beautiful Fairy Tale of a people
    that left Fragments for fragmented people
    and to others left Whole Parchments
    that can be read in the Stars and Deciphered
    by anyone willing to get down on their knees.
    The Earth below is not dirt,
    moreso soil.

    The Earth and the Soul are Soilmates:
    Decipher this.

    Make Song to this,
    and you will rise up.
    Resurrect the Greatest Story
    that has ever been told,
    the Fairy Tale of you that
    came up from dust
    and became a Son and Daughter
    of a Living God
    you choose to worship.

    It is raining now.
    The rains cleanse.

    Be well:
    Being Well is your birthright.
    Your story.

    Plant Your Dream.


    Essene Story:

    Essene Teachings

    Essene Blogs inspired by the
    World Class Exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls
    at the San Diego Natural History Museum
    June 29, 07- January 6, 08

    Part One: Semi Fantasy Story
    inspired by the Comic Book
    "Holy Scrolls, The Origins of the Dead Sea Scrolls."

    "As you see it, so it is!"

    Photo of Qumran:
    from the San Diego Natural History Museum
    Dead Sea Scrolls Press Kit:

    Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit:

    Video describing the Exhibit at the San Diego
    Natural History Museum:

    Dead Sea Scroll Fragments:
    This photo, form the San Diego Natural History Museum
    Dead Sea Scrolls Exhbit, made a deep impression on me.

    Raw Foods=Essene Lifestyle

    Please Grow This Seed to Enter Plant Parenthood!

    Teachings of the Essenes:
    "From Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls"

    TIME Magazine: Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit

    This is one of the only references I found
    mentioning the Essenes in the current Exhibit
    at the San Diego Natural History Museum.

    "Essene, Dead Sea Scroll Relationship:

    The Enigma of Qumran:

    Animal Eating "Vegetarians" among the Essenes"

    Jesus Studied Dead Sea Scrolls:

    Powerful Personal Revelations:
    Hidden Mysteries behind the Dead Sea Scrolls,

    My Preparations to do Essene Writings:

    Oh Holy Night:

    Hotel Info: Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit:
    Press Release about Exhibit,


    The Secret to Having Your Best Year Yet!
    San Diego Sports Arena...lots of
    Teachers here with Essene Influences
    inspiring them!

    Local Dead Sea Curator I want to Meet:

    Interfaith Work in Jerusalem,
    report from Ronit Roth:

    Dr. Bernard jensen Centennial Birthday Celebration,
    June 6,7,8, San Diego, Town and Country Convention

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    • A Hopi Elder Speaks   by  #30325     17 y     2,252
      A Hopi Elder Speaks

      "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now
      you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there
      are things to be considered . . .

      Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be
      a good time!"

      "There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and
      swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold
      on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer

      "Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let
      go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes
      open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with
      you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing
      personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our
      spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

      "The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish
      the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we
      do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

      "We are the ones we've been waiting for."
      attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder
      Hopi Nation
      Oraibi, Arizona

      The following was written by Lou Famouso, who had a NDE and saw the coming changes of a new earth?

      I believeThis elder speaks of a *Gathering*. ..does that sound vaguely

      He speaks of a letting GO, and of those who would not be able to,
      which is an *Awakening*. ...does that sound familiar?

      He speaks of each of us being the ONE we have waited for, and that
      each of us must be that *Beacon of Light* necessary to bring us
      through this "Last Hour"!

      I wrote of *Twin Arrows* envisioned back in the 60`s which are soon
      to become evident in our heavens VERY SOON!
      The Hopi speak of Two Katchinas in our heavens.
      Both visions speak of a *probable* change in both physicality and
      spirituality of the Earth and it`s ppl.

      I was drawn to, and now live in, the "Land of the Hopi"! One need not
      be here to be saved [but I`m sure it couldn`t hurt]. One need only
      make things right with oneself and, as this Elder speaks, put ones
      *House in Order*, and bring together those of like minds and hearts
      for they will be your Family!

      It is inperative that humanity comes together, at this time and in
      the very near future, but it is evident it will not. It is time to
      realize that humanity is NOT the primary force of this, or any world,
      much less of it`s self, and in it`s hubris will not be able to
      redirect the True Force that will soon act upon it.

      There IS salvation for some, and setbacks for many, and will be so
      for those who continue to hold onto the *Shores* and avoid the
      *Raging River*, out of fear and ignorance, who will suffer the most.


      Check this video out;

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    • Re: Essene Teaching   by  chef jem     17 y     1,542     1 of 1 (100%)
      Beloved Sons and Daughters of the Most High!

      I salute the truth of who and what you are!
      May this truth bless you, the truth of your own beloved "I AM" in the midst of You!

      You are your own enchanted gardener!
      May the seed/s of your truth be watered today!
      May you water your own garden with the water of life
      that springs-up in joy as you re-member who you are!
      Let there be rivers of the waters of life extending from you to the world around you!
      Bring your heaven to earth through the beloved truth of who you are!

      Oh Gardener, I love You!

      Brother Jem
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      chef jem
    • Re: YES, Chef Jem!   by  YourEnchantedGardener     17 y     1,346

      3:45 PM
      December 19, 07

      Yes Mighty Raw Moo Man,

      You Got it!

      The Inner Enchanted Gardener
      is our Higher Self.

      We are each here to connect
      with The Inner Enchanted Gardener
      and to enfuse the world with Love.

      The Enchanted Garden is a name
      for our renewed Earth that grows
      one seed and seed dream at a time.

      Lots of lovely Seed Dreams to plant!

      The Garden is an Essene Metaphor for
      Consciousness; and the Gardener
      the Management.

      I was just flashing back to a time
      many years ago when you were
      reading one of the Essene little
      books I had written/edited on emotions.

      I always appreciate your enthusiam.

      You are Udderly wonderful.

      Keep us posted on the progress of your
      worderful new Video.

      I enjoyed the preview very much of part one.

      Good Work!

      My niece is down the street at OHI right now....
      Optimal Health Institute. She is making
      Essene Crackers, as they call them.

      I am sure you have a lot to add to that
      in your Essene Cracker Book/Booklet.

      Yout EG
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      • Re: YES, Chef Jem!   by  chef jem     17 y     1,696
        Thank You brother Leslie for adding a funny "Moo" to your wonderful reply!

        I have done a little research on Essene+milk and offer the following:


        "So eat always from the table of God: the fruits of the trees, the grain and grasses of the field, the milk of beasts, and the honey of bees. ... And in the same month begin to eat also the milk of your beasts, because for this did the Lord give the herbs of the fields to all the beasts which render milk, that they might with their milk feed man."

        "Of the books on longevity the most interesting works are ... by Augustin, Marie Lottin, Paris, 1761 to 1772 (12 vols. each of 460 pages). It is here we find the biography of Jenkins who was born in Yorkshire in 1500 and died in 1670 at Bolton. At a very advanced age he was in excellent physical condition. His two sons both lived to be over a hundred. His life was of the simplest. He never ate in the morning, he always lunched between one and two o'clock on milk or butter with honey and fruit. In the evening he had only milk or fruit for supper, and once in a great while cooked corn meal with the milk. ..."

        "All the long-livers were ... eating very little and only once or at the most twice a day. Thomas Carn lived in the same way as Jenkins and exceeded even his age. His diet was milk products, bread and fruits. He was born in London in 1588 and died in 1795, surviving twelve kings of England. Of the opposite sex the oldest was Charlotte Dessen of Temesvar, the wife of jean Rovin. The former was 164 and the latter 172 when they died. The marriage lasted 147 years. From childhood they were very frugal eaters and lived almost exclusively on milk and corn bread."

        The future of life looks great, with a cow! Especially when you have the cow eating on a rapidly growing salad bar!
        The "Gospel" also speaks of the child leading us into the Kingdom and part of that is their instinct that naturally repels greens yet desires to drink milk. Now we see from the above quotes that nature uses the cow to take up the greens and transforms them into milk! This is the wonderful alchemy of solar nutrition coming through the kingdoms of Earth for the nourishment of humankind!

        Also from: The Essene Gospel of Peace

        "... And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is breath of life, I give every green herb for meat. Also the milk of every thing that moveth and liveth upon earth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given unto them, so I give their milk unto you. ...Wherefore, prepare and eat all fruits of trees, and all grasses of the fields, and all milk of beasts good for eating. For all these are fed and ripened by the fire of life; all are the gift of the angels of our Earthly Mother."

        Raw Milk, it's what Jesus and all his brothers and sisters drank!

        Chef Jem
        Executive Producer:
        "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" at:

        (When you get there enter "raw milk" in their search window and find parts 1 & 2.)
        Part 1:

        Prt. 2:

        Chef Jem
        Please reply to: enlighten at safe-mail dot net
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        chef jem
    • Re: From Amatra   by  YourEnchantedGardener     17 y     1,571

      December 21, 07
      8:44 PM

      Dear Leslie, This is the busiest time of the year with my Family and thier Families and that's all good ....and of course I will be there tommorrow in Spirit totally and my body will be in Hawaii. I am not surprised that you are doing Ceremony and send along to you a Prayer of Thanksgiving that you woke up to the call !!! It's the natural you and San Diego could use your gifts and teachings right now.....So dear Brother feel me standing beside you as we so sacredly did a couple of thousand years ago or so years ago....Ring it out!!!

      From my heart to yours, AMATRA

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      • Re: From Amatra   by  chef jem     17 y     1,739
        So Good to hear Amatra Barbara May now!
        This really warms my Christmas all the more!

        Aloha to all the many EG family and friends; wherever they may be!

        Leslie Brother, I'm reminded now (and may as well put it here) that with the call that I am beginning to make to all of the various Biodynamic communities that we include the Enchanted Garden too! (There is no urgency here so please let this request be received with the fullness of divine grace that is more abundantly available right now.) When the "record" comes to you please at least begin to post notes on the very beginning of your introduction to Biodynamics. I would very much appreciate hearing, learning and knowing your story!

        Thank You Brother!


        Chef Jem
        Executive Producer:
        "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction"
        Appears first on Google at:

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        chef jem
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