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My Quest for the Truth of Life, by Kerminator!
by kerminator

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  • FYI Electric Truck   by  kerminator     18 y     4,151       3 Messages Shown       Blog: Uncommon Wisdom!!


    While am not too much on copy stories this one may become a site you will like to see more often...  Read On dear friend!!

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    Thursday, December 6th, 2007
    Green Chip Stocks | Editors | About Green Chip | Member Login | Join GCS

    The World's First All Electric Delivery Truck

    By Field Palmer

    After having taken a week off to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family back in Tallahassee, I couldn’t muster the strength to make it out to Anaheim for the annual Electric Vehicle Symposium.

    And I’m sorry I didn’t . . . not because Baltimore right now is a frigid ice box with all the charm of a meat locker, but because a very promising company called Smith Electric Vehicles laid out its proposal for cornering the delivery truck market in the U.S.

    Echoing Roger Slotkins , ex-CEO of Odyne Corporation, Kevin Harkin, Sales Director for Smith Electric Vehicles, said, “Automotive manufacturers are telling us that the technology for mass-produced electric cars is some years away. But the larger sized commercial vehicle--and the truck in particular--is perfectly suited to electric technology that is available today.”

    While I think the automotive manufacturers are full of it on that one--as I’m sure my regular readers know--Mr. Harkin is right about electric vehicle technology being a perfect match for delivery fleets.

    The greatest problem with electric vehicles is the issue of range.

    The average driver only clocks about 30 to 40 miles per day and most electric cars can do double or triple that distance. It’s difficult, though, to convince most drivers that their life won’t turn into some Steven Spielberg production where they have to cross the Rockies to combat invading Russkies.

    But delivery fleets, with planned routes and depot-based facilities that allow easy recharging, are a perfect fit, because, quite frankly, they have no grand illusions of a greater purpose.

    They need to deliver packages, and cut costs.

    Seeing this opportunity, Smith Electric Vehicles has announced that it plans on opening a major U.S. production facility that should churn out 10,000 vehicles a year by 2010. And that’s just the beginning, because according to initial research done by the company, there is an addressable market of around 200,000 units a year, and that’s in the U.S.A. alone.


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    The Zero Emission Newton

    The truck Smith Electric Vehicles was showing at EVS 23 was the Newton, the world’s largest all-electric truck. It is already a household name in Europe, providing mobility for companies like Starbucks, DHL, TK Maxx, Marks & Spencer and government fleets like Britain’s Royal Mail.

    Weighing in at a bit over 24,000 lbs., the Newton has a max speed of 50 mph but can get to 30 faster than an equivalent diesel-powered model.

    With a full load of juice in an ISE Corporation Zebra battery pack (marketed by a Swiss company called MES-DEA), the Newton can travel routes up to 150 miles with a payload of 15,800 lbs. before needing to be hooked back to the grid.

    Further advancing the Newton’s practicality is the adoration it receives from its drivers.

    With no noise, no gear shifting and no nauseating fumes, the amount of stress endured by drivers is cut significantly.

    And once the trucks are put to rest at the end of the day, routine maintenance becomes a thing of the past.

    Compared to a regular diesel driveline that contains over one thousand moving parts, the Newton’s 120-kW Enova drive system has only four.

    Because of this, the driveline will last longer then the vehicle and will allow the motors and batteries to be reused once the actual truck has been tapped out.

    So keep your eye on Fresno, Ca., because that’s where the first U.S. models are being rolled out right now, while the larger factory is being prepped for its 2010 debut.

    Keep your hopes in the future but your sense in the present . . .

    Field Palmer

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    Reported sales of hybrids in the US in November rose 82% year-on-year to reach 33,233 total units, representing 2.8% of all light-duty vehicles sold during the month.The International Organization for Standardization has developed a new standard aimed at sustainable building. About 25 million Americans, or 12 percent of the population, are "bright greens:" buyers absolutely willing to spend more for environmentally friendly electronics, or for products that come from a green company. The final portion of the largest solar panel installation in North America is expected to be brought online this month, saving Nellis Air Force Base $1 million a year. France on Wednesday started a system of CO2 penalties and discounts on the price of new cars in a bid to boost sales of vehicles with low greenhouse gas emissions.A typical western European mobile operator can save millions of euros a year by simple energy-saving measures, Nokia Siemens Networks said on Wednesday.



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    • Re: FYI Electric Truck   by  been there done that     18 y     2,201
      California seems to take the lead in the U.S. in alot of innovation, but that's probably because historically they have had many environmental problems that remain unique to their state. Society in general seems to be finally getting serious about the fossil fuel problem (not just in the U.S., but all over the world because of WARS), but industry resists because the status quo economy is built on oil money.

      If you look on Yuotube, you'll see that "the people" are finding alternatives, but getting industry to change is a different story (and we can only hope that will change soon).
      About This Video

      A Japanese vehicle manufacturer unveiled the prototype of a new electric motorbike carrying a hybrid magnetic motor, which can run almost noiselessly up to 180 kilometres (112 miles) on one charge. Tokyo-based Axle Corporation says that the battery of the next-generation electric vehicle motorbike can be charged at home, in the same way as a cellular phone. It takes a little over 6 hours to fully charge the battery, and the vehicle's maximum speed is capable of reaching 150 kilometres per hour (93 miles per hour).

      The company says the futuristic motorbike enjoys high energy efficiency thanks to a state-of-the-art magnetic motor which is a hybrid between a electromagnet and a permanent magnet. The new motor, called SUMO, short for "super motor," is housed inside the bike's rear wheel. The manufacture says the new motor is seven-times more cost efficient than gas-powered scooters.

      Daisuke Ito, a professional racer who test rode the EV-X7 prototype, said it could potentially replace machines we now see in motor races. "I just feel that in the near future, we'll be seeing these kinds of electric motorbikes running all around town. And when that happens, conventional vehicles could disappear from motor racing, too, and well be competing only in electric vehicles."

      Reuters RTV521706 (less)

      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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      been there done that
      • Re: FYI Electric Truck   by  kerminator     18 y     1,865

        Thanks for your reply;  I agree that California has been on the fore front of development on the energy front... 

        As an Electrical Engineer, having worked with major power systems, for over thirty years; we must remember that there are always supposedly easy decisions and then those that are practical or affordable under the circumstances...   While I can not answer every situation, let me pass this energy wisdom along...  

        First;  most of the easy Hydro-electric sites in the world have been developed, and they only amount to a few per cent of the worlds needs or useage...  Wind and solar can only be used in select geographical locations...  Calif has some good installations... Depending on who's numbers you use; we are now talking about 10 to 15% of the world power useage...   Again many of the easy sites have been used...  Now it becomes more of a challenge, in both time and money...

        This still leaves us with the present situation majority of electrical energy is from Fossil fuels... The only bright spot is Nuclear; which by the way has proven the best over all source...  Having said all that; here is the main objection to the Electric cars... First battery plants are made mainly with lead, and acid or another dangerous elements...   Plus the actual battery plant is expensive, heavy and has limited time(range) for use...   Then even if you operate an electrical car, most times you are only transferring the pollution from your house or street to a fossil fuel power plant some where in the country...  So much of this argument is just where you want the  pollution; not really doing away with it altogether...  HUH!!

        If you are confused or need further info on this google the net or get back so I can help you understand where the real truth is...   

        I think if we were almost 90% Nuclear; and we had better cheaper battery plants then Electric Vehicles would be the total answer...  Maybe we can work toward that day, or some thing close which could help with the over all pollution picture... 

        BTW: I think the the so called " Carbon Credits" are a farce and just an attempt to make some people feel better about waste and polution... 

        So now we get back to the bulk of the Energy question...   Ask and we will help you understand the total truth... 

        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
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