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    BV - Bacterial Vaginosis

BV - Bacterial Vaginosis
by #42412

49 blog entries; 17 entries per page; 1 pages; viewed 857,675 times
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  • Renewed efforts   by  #42412     17 y     7,484       7 Messages Shown       Blog: BV - Bacterial Vaginosis
    I can't believe it's been 4 months since I've written, the time goes by so fast and still this problem hangs around. I have decided to renew my efforts and start seriously treating this problem like I want to cure it. I'm tired of just managing it and currently I'm not sexually active so maybe right now is a good time to deal with the inconveniance of a serious treatment. I have been using the three treatments that I have at my disposal rather lazily. When I have odor or discharge or itching or all three, I'll use something just to get rid of it for awhile. I'm not very good about regular routines and remembering to do something every night or every morning. The three treatments I have been using are Hydrogen Peroxide "douches", Vitamin C tablets vaginally, and L-Reuteri tablets vaginally. Alll three treat a different aspect of BV infection - Hydrogen Peroxide serves to kill the unfriendly bacteria and immediately dispatch the odor, Vitamin C helps restore the acidity level, and L-Reuteri helps replace the friendly bacteria. So, instead of just using one of these when the symptoms are at their worst, I'm going to try a 7-day treatment with all three working together and try for an actual cure. Of course, while I may achieve a long-term symptom-free state - the question remains as to what will happen when sexua| activity resumes. Nonetheless, here goes. For 7 days: I'm going to start with Hydrogen Peroxide and do a very thorough wash, then I will use a Vitamin C tablet at night and an L-Reuteri tablet in the morning. I'm only going to use the Hydrogen Peroxide the one time in the beginning because I don't want it to wash away the effects of the tablets or to kill off any of the good bacteria (I don't know if it will or not, so won't chance it). At the end of the week I'll give myself another week and see if I'm still symptom free without any treatment. After my period I will have to check again because that is a time it usually is bad. I'll let you all know how it goes.
    Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    • Re: Renewed efforts   by  #88304     17 y     2,587
      Wow, I have been following these for awhile. Please
      continue to share your efforts, joys and pains with
      us here on the curezone site.

      Your input has helped myself and others greatly.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    • Re: Renewed efforts   by  #88756     17 y     2,402
      Hi - I stumbled across your site because a friend of mine has been diagnosed with this "infection" and I was looking for information on natural cures. I read over some of your story and I was wondering if you have ever heard of kefir. It is a live probiotic that you make yourself, using milk and kefir grains. WHEN I stop taking my kefir for more than two weeks at a time, I suffer from monthly yeast infections during my non-fertile time of the month (have been practicing Fertility Awareness for many years for contraception). Kefir populates the intestines with good bacteria and it is said that kefir actually "sets up residence" in the intestines and then the good bacteria go throughout the body, helping to balance the population of bacteria all over the body. Google for Dom's Kefir in-site for more information on kefir in general. It might be worth a try to check into it. You can get commercially made kefir, but I think using the real kefir grains are even better (because the product is not sterilized by pasteurization methods). I always have some to share and only ask for reimbursement for postage and packaging. Good luck to you in your search for a cure.
      Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
    • Re: Renewed efforts   by  multipleanswers     16 y     2,502
      If you have been given the maximum dose of metronidazole which is 500 mg twice a day for twenty days, with a possible conjunction of a vandazole/metro-gel treatment at the same time (with no results), then you're where I am. This is what I'm doing:

      2 capsules of boric acid inserted beside the cervix every twelve hours for seven days. DAY FOUR NO SYMPTOMS!!!!!! This puts the treatment right on track, because if I have medication that's working, three days with no symptoms means the infection goes away.

      Follow up is supposed to be oral and vaginal Pro-biotic treatment, and I don't want to recommend one over the other. Consult with your local herbalist/health food store, and make sure that it is refrigerated. Ask how it is delivered, because you could end up putting dead bacteria back in your body and creating the problem all over again.
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      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Renewed efforts   by  multipleanswers     16 y     2,317
        This ended up being a temporary fix for me, but I believe it's equivalent to say using rephresh gel which I'm allergic to. Maybe mixing two boric acid capsules with ky jelly and inserting it into the vagina with a vaginal tube (like the kind used for metro-gel or yeast infection creams) would be a cheaper and safer option than rephresh gel.
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        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
    • Re: Renewed efforts   by  multipleanswers     16 y     2,206
      I have stumbled across a new remedy that is made from bees: propolis. The clinical study that I read treated drug resistant patients, and over 70 percent saw positive results. They used a 5% douching solution for 7 days but I don't recommend this. I use a lubricant, such as ky jelly, organic aloe vera, or if you would prefer, petroleum jelly. I know that petroleum jelly is not safe with condoms or a true natural substance for the body but it is used in many medications (cleocin cream). I use about 20 capsules and empty them into a container with about 84 cc's of organic aloe, and mix well. I then pull the substance into a syringe and then insert it into a plastic vaginal tube, much like you get with a yeast infection cream or a metronidazole gel treatment. I insert this twice a day following a bowel movement and showering. This stuff is VERY dark and messy, so use a pad. I'm only on my second day of treatment, but I will report back and let you know how treatment goes. I had no symptoms after three hours of the first application, however. I might have to modify the amount that I premix because it is starting to get thick; it is called bee glue in some circles after all.
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      This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
      • Re: Renewed efforts and maybe a CURE!!!!   by  multipleanswers     16 y     2,305
        I'm on day seven of treatment, AND NO SYMPTOMS!!!! I even had a very stressful event today which always causes symptoms, AND NO SYMPTOMS!!!! I did however have a minor setback with the medication on day three, however. I think that my mixture became contaminated, because as soon as I applied the substance internally my symptoms were terrible. This could have been caused by pre-mixing so much of it at one time. I now only mix enough for one day. It took two days to correct the situation, but I was back on track by day five. As a result, I'm going to stay on the treatment for a total of ten days rather than seven. Be warned that if you have any allergy to bee stings that this might not be a good thing for you to try. There is a lot of information on the internet about this stuff, so do your own research before trying it yourself. This might turn out to be some kind of maintenance treatment for me, or simply a CURE!!!! My fingers and toes are crossed. I will report back on day 12, which will be the fifteenth. I want 48 hours of no treatment whatsoever to report any setbacks or progress.

        I would like to comment that I am allergic to honeybees, and I do have a mild irritation every now and then from using the substance. I haven't had any lesions, sores, or swelling however.
        Reply   FCK   TinyMCE  
        This is NOT me. This is just randomly assigned avatar, until I upload my own photo. Click here to see my profile.
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