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by Ron Harder

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Copyright © Ron Harder 2002

This is the second part of "The Power Of Enzymes".
This part will focus on the more important enzymes that
your body must have in order for you to maintain your
good health.

The following are the eight major digestive enzymes
that you should have in your body to make sure that
you maximize your digestion. The first four are
absolutely essential for optimum health, and the last
four are generally manufactured by your body on an as-
required basis. However, all eight of these enzymes
perform a very specific function that cannot be
performed by a different enzyme, and so they are all
very important.

PROTEASE Responsible for digesting proteins in your
food, which is probably one of the most difficult
substances to metabolize. Because of this, protease is
considered to be one of the most important enzymes
that we have. If the digestive process is incomplete,
undigested protein can wind up in your circulatory
system, as well as in other parts of your body.

When you take protease in higher quantities, it can help
to clean up your body by removing the unwanted
protein from your circulatory system. This will help to
clean up your blood stream, and restore your energy
and balance.

One of the tricks of an invading organism is to wrap
itself in a large protein shell that the body would view
as being "normal". Large amounts of protease can help
to remove this protein shell, and allow the body's
defense mechanisms can go into action. With the
protective barrier down, your immune system can step
in and destroy the invading organism.

Additional amounts of protease are also helpful in
fighting such things as colds, flu's, and cancerous tumor
growths. Protease helps in the healing and recovery
from cancer by dissolving the fibrin coating on cancer
cells, and thereby giving your immune system a chance
to do its job. It can effectively shrink these tumors by
helping to remove the dead and abnormal tissues, and
by stimulating healthy tissue growth.

AMYLASE The second most important enzyme that
we have, amylase is responsible for digesting
carbohydrates in food. Because of this, it could be
considered a natural antihistamine. Incomplete
digestion of carbohydrates has been linked to blood
sugar imbalances, allergies, and asthma.

Amylase is also very effective in helping to relieve the
symptoms of allergic reactions to such things as insect
bites, pollen irritation, or contact with poison oak,
poison ivy, or sumac. A possible reason why some
people appear to be more immune to these poisons is
because of a higher amount of amylase within their

LIPASE Responsible for digesting fats in food. When
taken in higher quantities it will also find its way into
the blood stream and help to remove excess fatty
deposits from the inside of your veins and arteries.
When this occurs, the arteries and veins are more open
and allow the blood to flow more smoothly throughout
your body.

It is well understood that clogged arteries cause a rise in
blood pressure, and that this in turn leads to heart
problems. Using extra lipase during the pre-digestive
phase can help with overall fat control both in the
stomach and in the arteries of your body.

Additional lipase can also be helpful in a weight
management program, because it converts fat to energy
instead of allowing it to be stored in your body.

CELLULASE Responsible for breaking down fiber. It
is also an excellent antioxidant because it binds to
heavy metals and other toxins and carries them out of
your body.

We generally consume a combination of soluble and
insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is effective in binding to
excess cholesterol and toxic material and removing
them from the body. Cellulase helps with this process
because it breaks down the soluble fiber and allows it to
be more efficient.

Insoluble fiber provides the necessary bulk to keep the
intestinal tract properly inflated, and acts as a "push
broom" to keep the walls of both the small and large
intestines clean.

MALTASE Responsible for taking the complex sugar
found in malt and grain products and changing it into

LACTASE Responsible for digesting the milk sugar
found in dairy products.

PHYTASE Helps with digestion in general, and is
especially effective in producing vital nutrients of the

SUCRASE Responsible for digesting the sugars that
are found in most foods.

You may not always get enough enzymes from the food
that you eat, and because of that you may sometimes
have problems with your digestion. To help you with
that I have included a few suggestions that you may
wish to consider.

a) Chew your food well. This will help to break down
your food so that your enzymes can do their job more

b) Eat your meals slowly. This will allow your food to
proceed along your digestive tract in an orderly and
continuous fashion.

c) Take time to relax after you eat so that your body
will have the energy to start the digestive process.

d) Eat smaller more frequent meals during the day to
help your digestion, and to promote better metabolism
of proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

e) Do not eat a heavy meal within three hours of

f) Drink plenty of water or herbal tea with and between
your meals to promote better digestion and system

g) Eat plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables to
maximize your enzyme intake.

Do your very best to obtain all the enzymes that you
can. The more enzymes you consume, the better your
digestion will be, and the more value you will obtain
from your food. And you do not have to worry about
ever getting too many enzymes, they are not something
that you can overdose on. Eat well, and be healthy.

Other articles by Ron Harder are available at


This article written by Ron Harder, Nutritional Health
Consultant, Iridologist, and Author of "How To Defeat
Cancer - Naturally - without Chemo, Radiation, or
Surgery". More information on the power of enzymes is
available at

--------------- End Of Article ---------------

Reprinted from:

Vitamin A -- A Vital Nutrient  Aug 12 2002
Vitamin E for Your Brain  Aug 09 2002
Taming the Beast; My Progress - Multiple Sclerosis  May 30 2002

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