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Electrical and Frequency Effects on Pathogens

Electrical and Frequency Effects on Pathogens

In the early 1900s, Royal Rife discovered that certain lower
life forms could be "devitalized" by subjecting them to certain
frequencies produced by an electrical apparatus. He used a
combination of AC and DC power to do so. He used a
powerful dark field microscope, another device he perfected,
which allowed him to watch the effects of his frequency
generator on live viruses, bacteria, paramecium, and other
potential pathogens. He watched as they were devitalized in a
number of ways, either losing their motility, pleomorphing
into a different (and hopefully nonpathogenic) form, or
actually bursting. Unfortunately, most of his work and the
exact design of his frequency generator were lost. This story
is detailed in a book called "The Cancer Cure that Worked" by
Barry Lynes.

In a small clinical study during Rife's time, his frequency
generator reportedly had a 100% cure rate for the types of
cancers that were investigated - sarcomas and carcinomas. He
also had a perfect cure rate for other serious diseases of the
time, like tuberculosis. The tale of how this work was almost
lost to mankind due to fledgling pharmaceutical companies
and the AMA is a story for the conspiracy theorists.

Rife's dark field microscope was also an innovation far ahead
of its time. It allowed him to view even the tiniest viruses
while they were still alive by staining them with light, unlike
today's electron microscopes for which the sample must be
"fixed" which kills the pathogen being viewed. With this
microscope, he saw and reported instances of pleomorphism,
which is when an organism mutates, as when a bacterium mutates
to a fungal-type lifeform. This was also reported by Bechamps,
another early microscopy pioneer, but is still considered
anathema to the conventional medical establishment, even though
alternative modern researchers working with dark field
microscopes have clear proof that it occurs and are willing to
show anyone who cares to look.

The exploration of this phenomenon and that of frequency and
other electrical effects on pathogens will one day rock the
scientific and medical establishments. I will not hold me
breathe until this happens, however.

There is little profit, and hence motivation, in developing
electrical modalities to treat disease, especially with devices
that one can build oneself. It will only come about when so
many people know about this treatment, use it, and are more
successful using it than with conventional modalities that it
is the preferred method to treat disease due to cost, safety,
and efficacy. This will come through bit and piece research
financed by those how actually need the treatments for
themselves and for diseases that conventional medicine has
little luck in treating. I have no doubt that this would have
never happened had it not been for the internet and its
facilitation of instant uncensored worldwide communications.

One factor that may speed progress greatly in this field is the
vast amount of commercial applications that exist for this
technology which are outside the government-protected field of
internal medicine. There is a (rather expensive) "pimple
zapper" which uses a single sharp electrode in one hand (and
the box in the other) advertised which claims to locally kill
bacteria which can cause eruptions. There is a salmonella
detector made for egg processing lines which stimulates eggs
with the resonant frequency for the bacteria (ala Hulda Clark's
syncrometer), but with a laser. If it detects resonance, the
egg is kicked out as contaminated. Other potentially very
profitable applications are as a safe pesticide in homes (and
perhaps farms) and as a disinfectant.

Lately, James Bare has been working to recreate Rife's work,
and has a book and video showing how to build a generator
which approximates Rife's. His video shows different
pathogens succumbing to the effects of his generator, usually
bursting or hemorrhaging from the field effects from the
transmitter, which is 5 or more feet away.

The Bare device generates a ~27 MHz AC waveform (with a CB) and
combines with a DC waveform at varying frequencies. The
waveform excites a plasma tube from which the power is
transmitted. The high frequency penetrates the body
efficiently, but the antipathogenic action is thought to be
mostly the harmonics caused by the DC portion.

Bare's Rife device will not generate high enough frequencies to
match those discovered by Hulda Clark (in the DC portion) to
kill pathogens directly. He must use the harmonics of the
frequency generator, and as such he produces a
DC waveform which produces enough harmonics to generate them.

This is an inexact science at this time, and due to
fluctuations in construction, equipment, tube variations,
operating technique, results differ from those building and
using the devices, although most admit when they follow Bare's
instructions to the letter, they have the best results. Once
the device is constructed, cautious experimenters test it on
cultures of bacteria, molds, paramecium, etc, to more assure
the device produces a useful wave.

The people working with Rife/Bare generators report that it is
easy to tell when a frequency generator is causing harmful
effects since pain will be felt. They have done experiments on
lab rodents and reported that they will not tolerate harmful
frequencies without trying to escape. Even so, incautious
experimentation with high voltage devices can cause damage or
even death, so it is critical that one thoroughly understands
the ramifications of dealing with these types of

The Rife-Bare generator is one of the few types of frequency
treatments where the subjects do not come in contact with the
device, and some report it works as much as 100 feet away
(killing fungus). Other methods that people use to apply
frequency to the body include coils, pads, handholds, and
other contact applicators. Coils of wire can be stimulated
with a frequency and produce a field which will penetrate the
body, and some use this method to treat Lyme disease. Pads or
handholds can be used to apply voltage directly to the body.

One person reported that he caused possibly permanent nerve and
lymph node damage to himself by applying voltage using a wire
coil attached to a function generator, amplified to 60 volts,
and at tapeworm frequencies as published by Clark. He says he
had a tapeworm in a lymph node which "bubbled up" when
subjected to the field, killing it but damaging his lymph node.

Human body cells have a resonant frequency at about 1000KHz,
and any strong DC modulated signal over 330KHz produces
harmonics of significant amplitude in this frequency range. AC
signals do not produce these harmonics, so are probably safer
to use, but also do not work nearly as well when used in a
frequency-inspecific manner.

Hulda Clark uses an AC frequency generator with handholds to
kill pathogens in the body. Using a device she developed
called a syncrometer, she determined the resonant frequencies
of most potential pathogens in the body and proceeded to kill
them with an AC frequency generator. This list is published in
her book called "The Cure for all Diseases." The only problem
with this method is that the pathogen that is causing an
illness must be accurately identified before treatment, so that
the correct frequency can be used. To run through the entire
list of pathogens and dial in the frequencies for all of them
for a minimum 3 minutes each requires many hours.

Clark then came up with a zapper. It is a single frequency
generator which produces DC square waves at about 30KHz. The
lowest frequency given on her list of pathogens is about 80KHz
and goes up to 900KHz. Yet, she reports that the DC wave kills
many different pathogens in the body. She once speculated that
this was from the positive offset DC voltage on the body, but I
thought it more likely that the bugs were still dying from
frequency effects from the harmonics produced by a zapper's
square wave.

A zapper produces an imperfect 30KHz square wave. A square
wave is composed of an infinite number of higher frequency AC
waves. The AC wave's frequencies and power distribution is
analyzed using Fourier transforms. A perfectly symmetrical
square wave produces major odd harmonics, that is, AC
frequencies at 1,3,5,7,9... times its frequency, and the power
available in those harmonics decreases as the multiplication
factor increases. A perfect 30KHz zapper produces power at 30,
90, 150, 210, 270 ... Khz. It also produces minor even

However, no zapper built to Clark's specs produces a perfect
square wave. It produces an unsymmetrical square wave. Most of
the ones I have built produce around 16/14 ratio, staying at 8
volts for 16 microseconds, then dropping to 0 volts for 14
microseconds. These values are approximate. There is also
usually a spike on the positive-going pulse. These
"imperfections" however, add to a zapper's effectiveness. It
means that rather than just producing harmonics on the odd
multiples, it produces harmonics all over the place. It is
impossible to analyze theoretically (for me anyway) and tell
just what AC frequencies are being produced.

Add to this another uncertainty factor in that no two zappers
are alike when using cheap parts, like from Radio Shack,
which have a wide tolerance. I have seen zappers built with
the same parts in the same board layout produce different
frequencies, one at 28KHz and one at 35KHz, e.g. This leads
to a great deal of variability between zappers. For example,
the frequency effects of one zapper might be very good at
treating salmonella and not touch e. coli, while another one
built with the same parts might be highly effective against e.
coli and not touch salmonella. There is too much variability.
I have one zapper which seems to work best for flu, but will
not work against colds, and another that performs best for

Robert Beck is another researcher in the bioelectronic field.
His "zapper" is a low frequency bipolar device originally
designed to treat HIV. At this writing, it uses a 27V signal
at 4Hz, although, like Clark's zapper, frequency is stated not
to be important. Beck reports that his device does not kill
HIV directly, but merely keeps them from reproducing, which
effectively treats them. Even with the high voltage of Beck's
zapper, I think it is unlikely that there is enough power at
the resonant frequency of HIV to kill it, given the very low
frequency. Then again, maybe there is, since viruses are so
small, perhaps it only takes a milliwatt or less at the correct
frequency to destroy them. And, last I read, Beck's device
killed 100% of HIV in 100% of subjects (although this is a far
cry from curing AIDS). But perhaps there is something other
than frequency effects that devitalize HIV from Beck's machine.

There are also now being built frequency "guns" which
produce a non-adjustable set of frequencies and are aimed at a
specific part on the body and are modulated by using colored
cones on the output. In the few anecdotes I have seen in their
use, they appear to be somewhat successful in treating cancerous
tumors. One person reported that it did nothing to treat his
multiple sclerosis, however, but this is understandable given
Clark's assertions on the causes of MS.

I have corresponded with a person who has used frequency
generators a great deal in treating illness. He has used
homemade ones, commercial function generators, standard and
modified zappers. I think he stumbled on to a likely reason
the zapper and other frequency devices work.

DNA/RNA are polar molecules and are thus susceptible to
frequency effects. Each DNA molecule has a resonant
frequency. In general, the simpler the life form the lower the
resonant frequency of the being (according to Hulda Clark.)
Every cell in a living being has a DNA molecule (half in sperm
and ova) and since the DNA for each species are the same size,
they have the same frequency. When the cells are subjected to
their resonant frequency at sufficient power, they are

A zapper with a non-symmetrical waveform provides a limited
amount of power in the resonant frequency of each molecule
which contains DNA/RNA, which is every living cell. When there
are a large amount of the same type of molecule, like in the
human body, which is composed of quadrillions, the amount of
energy transmitted to each is so small that none are damaged
(although they could be due to localized effects of more power
being available closest to the electrode site, e.g.). However,
this assumes that there is enough power in the frequency of
those cells, and Clark states that human body cells have a
frequency of above 1MHz. So, if one stays in the lower
frequencies and limits power, there is not enough power in the
harmonics at 1MHz and above to do damage to a human body.

If there are a small number of some other type of RNA/DNA, as
from a minor infection of bacteria, the amount of energy
available in that resonant frequency may be enough to destroy
the DNA. However, if one has a excess amount of, say, large
parasites in the body, the amount of energy is not enough to
harm them. The power can be cranked up enough to destroy them,
but without knowing the exact frequency at which the pathogens
will destruct, it can be risky since the body could be damaged.

There is another effect from a zapper or other pad device that
may as important as the frequency effects, however. According
to the same guy's speculation, a zapper, or any square wave
frequency device, produces hydrogen peroxide in the blood due
to its chemistry. Peroxide has antipathogenic effects. But
this is only produced in the blood. Still, it would be better
to produce it in this manner than ingest it, since consuming
more than a few drops can reportedly adversely affect
beneficial gut bacteria and not be transmitted to the blood
stream intact. He says he can taste the peroxide in his mouth
when zapping at high voltages. Perhaps this is the main
benefit from using a zapper and any frequency effects are

After making this post, someone who was involved in the
colloidal silver manufacturing business wrote that he suspected
that many of the same principles of making colloids also apply
to using a zapper. Colloidal silver is made with a zapper-type
device and silver wire or plates. He explained that oxygen
as formed on one electrode, and hydrogen on the other, as
well as the H2O2 and H30, so these could have an effect.

In my experience, zappers are effective for blood borne
pathogens but not in the nasal cavities, intestines, or other
places inside which there is no blood contained. The same
limitation probably applies to all pad or contact devices.
Whether it is from the production of chemicals or actual
frequency effects, they need the conductive blood to work
systemically (although there might still be some local effects
that could be put to use.) I think Clark's syncrometer is
probably only effective in detecting pathogens with blood
exposure as well.

These same limitations apply to variable frequency generator pad
devices, but at least (if a bug can be identified) the exact
AC frequency can be used without having to rely on harmonics.
They can also be used with Rife frequencies for indeterminate

Bare-Rife generators are the most effective for treating the
entire body and not just the blood, but are most valuable for
diseases that are well researched and discussed. Even if a
pathogen can be identified as causing a malady, experimentation
with a microscope is necessary to determine the correct
frequencies to use unless they have been previously
determined. The devices lack the ability to use the pathogen
frequencies Clark published so harmonics must be used, which
makes it an even less exact science because of variations in
equipment. Small variations in construction and usage methods
can make them ineffectual and they should be well tested and
the operators well trained before using them for treatment.

I often recommend zappers for use since I am convinced of their
safety. I think that high powered variable frequency tube devices
are better at treating illness, but do not recommend
their use except by those who research and experiment
cautiously because of the possibility of damaging oneself or
others. Also, the severity and type of disease should be taken
into account. See my article called Zapper Tips for suggestions
to get the most out of a zapper.

Addendum: I have now experimented with a Bare Rife plasma tube
generator for a number of months. The potential impact that
this device will have on the treatment of illness is on par
with if not more than all the prescription drugs thus far
patented. Combined.

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