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Brainstem tumor


Johnny W., age 25, came to New Hope Clinic (NHC) in early June 1999 with a
brainstem tumor. He was in a wheelchair; he had double vision; and one side
of his face drooped badly. When he tried to talk, it was very difficult to
make out what he was saying.

Johnny received BioResonance Therapy an average of three times per week for
ten weeks. The first stage of therapy was designed to trigger apoptosis and
reduce or eliminate the tumor. Other therapies were targeted at getting his
organs of elimination working. This included identifying and treating
early-stage Crohn´s disease; reducing the energy of unfriendly bacteria and
other chronic infections in the colon; eliminating decaying protein from
meat and eggs in the colon; using special BioResonance therapies to help
detoxify the liver; identifying and eliminating a species of intestinal
fluke and other parasites; and eliminating the electromagnetic charge of
Candida albicans, Candida robusta, and Aspergillus Niger.

In addition, Johnny received treatments to eliminate geopathic stress (see
Quick Definition) and also radioactivity and electro-sensitivity stresses.
Still other therapies were focused on eliminating specific toxins--bacteria
such as Streptococcus and Staphylococcus; industrial chemicals including
benzol, xylol, petrol, and phosphoric acid; various insecticides; and the
heavy metals mercury and tin. Johnny also had to be regularly detoxified
from the cortisone he was taking. The residual effects of vaccinations
(including rubella and tetanus) were removed.

There was also a need to balance male hormone function and to strengthen
weakened adrenals. Throughout treatment, therapy was directed toward
strengthening and balancing his organs, glands, and body systems. The
electromagnetic field status of the tumor was regularly checked and treated
if needed.
Special attention is given at NHC to resolving the underlying mental and
emotional stresses that are usually present with chronic disease. To help
resolve Johnny´s psychological and emotional issues, practitioners used a
special form of treatment called Holographic Repatterning (HR). This
technique, developed by Chloe Wordsworth of Scottsdale, Arizona, identifies
and transforms the unconscious patterns that often sabotage our intentions.

HR in conjunction with BioResonance therapy was used in Johnny´s case to
help him remove fears, harness the energy of anger for constructive
purposes, and open his heart to receive more love. These issues were
blocking his ability to fully benefit from the therapies and had to be
resolved early in the treatment process. (The clinic management itself uses
HR to clarify and resolve problems that occur in responding to rapid clinic
growth. Stephen Linsteadt and Tom Stone, the clinic managers, feel that HR
greatly contributes to their progress.)

After Johnny´s first week of treatment, his tumor was under control.
Apoptosis had been successfully triggered; the tumor cells were dying. On
June 24, several weeks into treatment, Johnny came into the clinic without
his wheelchair. By August 16, he was ready to go home. And when he came for
his checkup on October 11, his double vision was gone and he could speak
clearly. His face was no longer deformed, his balance had improved greatly,
and not only was he able to walk, but he could also drive a car.


Reprinted from:

Liver Flush - Quackery or Valuable Remedy  Apr 18 2003
Exercise reduces cancer risk  Oct 22 2002
Sauerkraut packed with cancer-fighting compounds  Oct 22 2002
The Breast Cancer Awareness Month Story  Oct 03 2002
New concerns over breast screening  Sep 25 2002
Are we overlooking the obvious in cancer prevention?  Sep 15 2002
When Healing Becomes a Crime  Jul 29 2002
Hospitalization Can Traumatize a Child  Jun 15 2002
My husband's full recovery from lung tumor and massive heart attack without drugs/chemo/surgery  Jun 07 2002
How I achieved optimum health after a lifetime of suffering  Jun 07 2002
This is what you will bring into your life  May 29 2002
Most Women Satisfied With Having Their Healthy Breasts Removed  May 28 2002
Insulin and Estrogen linked to Breast Cancer  May 28 2002
Hormone Replacement Casually Related to Breast Cancer  May 28 2002
Pesticides Increase Breast Cancer Risk  May 28 2002
Healthy Women Having Their Breasts Removed  May 28 2002
Unnecessary Mastectomies  May 28 2002
Broccoli sprouts kill helicobacter pylori  May 28 2002
Pesticides and the Immune System: The Public Health Risks  May 23 2002
Experiments Strengthen Link Between Fish Oil, Mental Problems  May 21 2002
An interview with Sue Best whose son Billy is over 7 years cancer free  May 21 2002
Raw Eating - A book by A.T. Hovannessian (Aterhov)  May 21 2002
Do Killer Microbes Cause Breast Cancer?  May 15 2002
Fluoride and Aluminum - toxic combination of fluoroaluminum complex   May 15 2002
The Nocebo Effect: Placebo's Evil Twin  May 15 2002
HYPERTHERMIA - The "COLD SHEET" Treatment   May 05 2002
Ailments & Herbal remedies - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Incurables Program - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Herbal Formulas - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Patient Handbook - Dr. Richard Schulze  May 04 2002
Black Raspberries Thwart Colon Cancer  May 03 2002
Excitotoxins - MSG and Aspartame  May 03 2002
Mercury fillings are affecting dentists  May 01 2002
Ulcer surgery linked to risk of pancreatic cancer  Apr 30 2002
British group says patients can refuse treatment  Apr 30 2002
Minnesota - the first US State to offer Freedom of Choice  Apr 30 2002
The Signs of Inner Peace  Apr 30 2002
Patients Turn to Nutrition to Help in War on Cancer  Apr 30 2002
WHO announces urgent meeting on new food cancer scare  Apr 29 2002
Hudfletter forskerne som slo kreftalarm  Apr 27 2002
A Simple Guide To Herbs  Apr 26 2002
Akrylamid-listen  Apr 26 2002
Kreftalarm etter giftfunn i mat  Apr 26 2002
Cooked tomatoes 'better for you than raw'  Apr 26 2002
Cancer expert exposes sunbed 'danger'  Apr 26 2002
Understanding the Healing Crisis  Apr 25 2002
Cut Bowel Cancer Risk by Eating Less, Better: Study  Apr 25 2002
UPDATE 3-Crisps, french fries, bread may cause cancer-study  Apr 25 2002
Swedish Study of Food and Cancer Rings Alarm Bells  Apr 24 2002
Cancer Risk Found in French Fries, Bread   Apr 24 2002
First 20 Years in Life Key to Cancer Risk  Apr 24 2002
Make-Up Holds Hidden Danger of Cancer  Apr 24 2002
Beans and Peas Can Cut Heart Disease Risk  Dec 15 2001

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