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Principles for Health Independence

by Brian Tracy

There are two great principles for achieving health success. The first Principle is what we call the law of attraction. The law of attraction says that you are a living magnet.

It says that your thoughts create a force field of energy that radiates out from you and attracts back into your life people and circumstances in harmony with them. Any thought you have, combined with an emotion, positive or negative, radiates out from you and attracts back into your life the people, circumstances, ideas and opportunities consistent with it.

How to Attract the Health You Desire

Many people feel that this is perhaps the most important of all mental laws. It says that if you have a very clear idea in your mind of your desired goal, to become healthy, and you can hold that idea in your mind on a continuing basis, you will inevitably draw into your life the resources that you need in order to achieve it.

Every person who has become healthy or successful has become healthy and successful as a result of holding the idea of health and success in their mind long enough and hard enough, until they drew into their lives the resources they needed to accomplish it.

Your World Reflects Your Thoughts

The second principle is called the law of correspondence. This mental law is very powerful. It says, as within, so without. It says that your outer world is like a mirror that reflects back to you what is going on in your inner world.

And this law of correspondence says that everything that happens outside of you corresponds to something that´s going on inside of you. When we say that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world, we mean both at a conscious and at a subconscious level.

Visualize Your Goals Clearly

If you consciously believe that you have the ability to achieve your goals and you can hold a picture of those goals clearly in your mind long enough and hard enough, eventually your outer world will correspond with it.

Three Reflections of Health

There are three places where we see this law of correspondence. First of all, your outer world of people will correspond exactly with your own attitude.

You will always see your attitude reflected back to you in the faces and the behaviors of the people around you. If you have a positive, optimistic attitude, people will respond to you almost immediately, even before you open your mouth, in a positive and cheerful way.

Relationships Show You Who You Are

The second area where we see the law of correspondence is in your relationships. Your relationships will always mirror back to you exactly the kind of a person you are.

When you are happy and optimistic and at peace, your relationships will be happy and harmonious and loving. But when your thinking is disrupted or negative for any reason, consciously or unconsciously, this will be immediately reflected in your relationships.

Inner and Outer Wealth

The third place you see the law of correspondence is with regard to your health. Your external world of health willl be a mirror image of your inner world of preparation.

The only part of the equation that you can control is your conscious thoughts, and if you can keep your conscious thoughts on what you want, on your images of health, eventually your external world of reality and experiences will reflect it back to you.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to apply these principles in your financial life:

First, guard your thoughts carefully. Whatever you think about, combined with the emotions of desire or fear, you will attract into your life. Be sure that you are attracting what you want by continuing to think only about what you want.

Second, keep feeding your mind with new information, ideas and pictures of the person you want to be and the life you want to live. By creating this inner attitude of mind, you change the outer aspects of your reality.

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