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Who Benefits from the World Trade Center/Pentagon Attacks?

Who Benefits? That´s always the first question to consider when a "terrorist" attack occurs. Instead of clenching one´s fist, waving one´s flag and shouting vindictive slogans, let´s just stop for a moment of calm analysis of the basic facts. When we analyze who benefits, we immediately will know with over 99% surety, who did it!

What was the tone of U.S. and world opinion just a week or two before the attacks?

In the U.S., the economy was lagging badly, the stock market was falling, many were questioning if the government´s taxes were legal, the Gary Condit case had been poorly handled, people continued to question Waco and the Oklahoma City bombing, they questioned our support of Israel in her policies regarding the Palestinians, and the approval rate of President Bush was low.

What about World Opinion? Just 8 days before the WTC/Pentagon attacks, Israel was stunned by a UN decision equating Zionism with Racism, according to Ha´aretz

Israel was branded a "racist apartheid" state by thousands of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attending a U.N. World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa. The conference was attended by representatives of 153 governments.

The declaration, adopted by 3,000 NGOs in 44 regional and interest-based caucuses, shocked Jewish groups.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres called the anti-Israel declarations a disgrace, and said that Israel was "seriously" contemplating withdrawing from the conference in protest. The Israeli delegation to the conference blasted the language of the NGO declaration as an incitement to hatred of Jews.

Jewish delegates walked out. The U.S. delegates followed.

The Forum accused the Jewish state of "systematic perpetration of racist crimes including war crimes, acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing" in its treatment of the Palestinians.

In addition, the head of the Danish Red Cross, Freddy Karup Pederson, told the Danish Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee that the lifestyle of Jewish settlers in the Palestinian territories resembles that of whites under the former racist apartheid system. He also criticized Israel´s collective punishment of the Palestinian population.

There is NO doubt that Israel is a racist state. Its own human-rights advocates call it that. The laws of the state of Israel allow a Jew anywhere in the world to become a citizen of Israel, but a Palestinian driven out of his own country, deprived of his home and all his possessions in 1948, cannot return. There are certain neighborhoods in Israel where a Palestinian cannot be issued a building permit, nor have the opportunity to buy or rent a home.

Wouldn´t the ACLU scream racism if those laws were applied to the Jews - or to the Blacks - in this country.

The U.S. Was Set to Support Palestinian Statehood!

The Bush administration planned to promote and support the recognition of a Palestinian state in a speech to be given by Secretary Colin L. Powell, "but the plan was derailed by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon," according on the Washington Post, Oct 2, 2001. Powell had planned to discuss the initiative with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States on Sept. 13!

Even AFTER the attack, on Oct.2, President Bush announced that creating a Palestinian state has "always" been part of the U.S. vision for peace in the Middle East. (WorldNetDaily, Oct. 2, 2001) This infuriated Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon who warned (threatened) that this could "backfire" on the U.S. and would possibly be counter-productive in the long run. Sharon then "compared the US coalition-building in the Arab world to British appeasement of the Nazis in the 1930s," which made President Bush "furious." (Jerusalem - Reuters Oct 5, and The Guardian, Oct 6)

So you can see that there is real tension between U.S. President Bush, whose family has been in the oil business with Osama bin Laden and bin Laden´s family, (American Freedom News 10-3-01) and the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon.The Mossad, the Israeli spy agency equivalent of our CIA, has infiltrated the U.S. CIA, and for all intents and purposes, runs our CIA from behind the scenes, as former President John Kennedy found out when he attempted to dis-assemble the CIA in 1963 because of insubordination by the Israeli double agents working inside that organization.

To put it bluntly, Kennedy´s head was blown off on television for the whole world to see, as a warning to any future president who might even think about resisting the aims of Israel.

Other reasons Kennedy was shot are: 1) He had signed a bill to print U.S.Treasury bills (as the Constitution requires) rather than Federal Reserve notes (what we are using now) which would have eliminated the Federal Reserve Banking system, a Central bank which is necessary for Israel to control the U.S. money supply. Look who owns and runs the Federal Reserve Banking system - Alan Greenspan and the other Wall Street Bankers whose allegiance is to Israel and a One World Government instead of an allegiance to America. (A Central Bank is one of the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto)

By the way, the Federal Reserve Bank is NOT Federally owned. It is named "Federal" to deliberately mislead you. The Federal Reserve Bank is PRIVATELY owned, it has NO "Reserves", and it is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. It is solely responsible for our "National Debt" which is fraudulent and criminal!

2) Kennedy had also signed an order to get the U.S. out of Vietnam. This angered the same group of bankers who make money off of wars by one group funding one side of the war, and another group funding the other side of the war - so they ALL make money. Besides, the war was demoralizing our country which greatly pleased these bankers, whose allegiance is NOT to America, but to International Jewry - and the ushering in of a One World Government.

3) Bobby Kennedy, the U.S. Attorney General and the President´s brother, was imprisoning and deporting high level members of the Mafia, which was (and is) run NOT by the Italians, but by the Jews. At that time, Meyer Lansky was the Mob leader, and remember the movie about "Bugsy Siegel"? The name Siegel is NOT Italian.

Those are just a few of the motives for assassinating President Kennedy. For more information on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, read the book Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy, by Michael Collins Piper, published by Wolfe Press, Washington D.C. ISBN: 0-935036-47-4. Information on this book may be available by calling American Free Press at 202-544-5977.

There is also in-fighting within the the Israeli government itself. Evil ALWAYS causes dissension and unrest. "Israel´s foreign minister, Shimon Peres, is accusing senior army officers of plotting to kill the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat." The extraordinary accusation is contained in an interview published in Yediot Ahronoth, a leading Israeli daily. Peres had worked out a cease-fire with Arafat but the "army began a mud-slinging campaign to undermine him." Mr. Arafat, during a visit to Egypt, said an agreement he reached with Mr. Peres last week, reaffirming a previous ceasefire, was being intentionally undermined by Israeli political and military officials." (The Telegraph Oct 2, 2001)

Israeli Foreign Minister Peres purportedly wants to make peace with the Palestinians while Prime Minister Sharon allows his military to undermine all of Peres´ efforts.

"Middle East Truce in Tatters - Israeli Armed Forces Kill Six Palestinians in Retaliation," screamed the Jerusalem headlines (Reuters - Oct 4, 2001). The next day, on Oct 5, Israeli tanks and forces raided a Palestinian area of the West Bank city of Hebron, capturing positions and killing at least five Palestinians. (Reuters - Oct. 5, 2001)

So, just 8 days before the attacks, the overwhelming attitude of the nations of the world was against Israel´s policies and in support of the Arab countries´ charges against Israel, a nation heavily supported by, and allied with, the U.S.

What has happened to U.S. and World Opinion SINCE the attacks?

Immediately AFTER the attack, public opinion was turned 180 degrees. Now the Arab countries are being demonized, the U.S. population is overwhelmingly backing the President (according to the Washington Post), urging him to punish, kill, destroy, annihilate the perpetrators of this crime, even though no one really has any proof who did it, the U.S. government is preparing for war, the U.S. and Israel have carte blanche support to bomb nearly every Arab country out of existence.

No one is questioning anymore the "apartheid" policies of the Israelis against the Palestinians. War, as politicians have known throughout history, stimulates the economy and (if the propaganda is handled properly) unifies the population behind the President and squelches ALL criticism.

Anyone who is not 100% behind the President is considered a traitor. President Bush in a televised Speech to Congress, urged global support for his war on terrorists, warning the world: "either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." (Washington AFP) 9-21-01 (An effective way to stifle all dissent!)

If you don´t go along with the plan for destruction of the Arabs advocated by the government, you become the target of threats and must have bodyguards, as California Democrat Barbara Lee has discovered. She cast the lone vote in Congress against the use of military force in response to the WTC/Pentagon attacks and now must have Police guarding her Capitol Hill office. (Reuters, AP,

"Americans support stronger anti-terror ties with Israel," announced the Jerusalem Post (10-4-01). "Nearly 75% of Americans favor either strengthening ties with Israel or maintaining the current relationship. . . Almost as many Americans (82%) agree that Israel should do ´whatever is necessary´ to root out terrorism as those who believe that the U.S. government should do ´whatever is necessary,´" according to a poll conducted under the auspices of - - - - -The Institue for Jewish and Community Research - - - - (Could this poll possibly be biased?).

What ELSE has happened since the attacks?

1) The population has been prepared for a long term war where the number of U.S. casualties will be high (Washington Post Online September 21, 2001).

2) Bush creates a High Office of "Homeland Security" supposedly to protect Americans from attack. The job would involve coordination of government-wide domestic security efforts, including meshing domestic FBI and foreign CIA intelligence, working with U.S. military, emergency officials and state and local governments under the umbrella of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the organization specifically set up to oversee Martial Law when it is openly declared.

The Homeland Defense position "would probably not need Senate confirmation, which other Cabinet jobs require, nor legislation to create" White House officials said. So there would be no investigation, oversight nor accountability for this person. (Reuters - Washington 9-21-01) (Perfect conditions to appoint a crony)

3) U.S. orders 40 million doses of smallpox vaccine for $343 million in preparation for a possible bioterrorism assault. The contract has been given to a small, Cambridge-based firm, Acambis, a British biotechnology company who reported a net loss of $8 million in the six months prior to June 30, unchanged from last year. (How convenient to get this huge order! It would be interesting to find out the conflict of interest issues here.) (Reuters News, London 9-20-01) PREPARING THE POPULATION TO EXPECT BIO-TERRORISM.

4) "America and Britain are producing secret plans to launch a ten year "war on terrorism" - Operation Noble Eagle - involving a completely new military and diplomatic strategy to eliminate terrorist networks and cells around the world." (The Times - London 9-20-01)

5) The Senate OKs FBI Spying on the Internet: FBI agents soon will be able to spy on Internet users legally without a court order. Two days after the terrorist attack, the Senate approved the "Combating Terrorism Act of 2001" which enhances police wiretap powers and permits monitoring in more situations. The FBI´s surveillance system is called Carnivore. (Lycos Network 9-20-01) MORE CONTROL!

6) The U.S. Plans to overthrow Taliban and put Afghanistan under UN Control, according to The Guardian - London (9-21-01) NOTE: Yugoslavia is ALREADY under UN control. (MORE UN CONTROL)

7) A global surveillance system known as Echelon exists and has the ability to eavesdrop on telephone calls, faxes and e-mail messages, a European Parliament committee has concluded. (Lycos Network 9-20-01) MORE CONTROL!

8) Face-ID Technology gains new support. "State lawmakers who were planning to sponsor legislation restricting its use now say they are reassessing their plans." MORE CONTROL! (Denver Post Capitol Bureau, 9-20-01)

9) "Experts See a High-Security America of Surveillance & Seizures": New York: Security Experts in the United States are describing a new kind of country that could emerge, where electronic identification might become the norm, immigrants might be tracked far more closely and the airspace over cities like New York and Washington might be off-limits to all civilian aircraft." (The International Herald Tribune 9-19-01) MORE SURVEILLANCE OF U.S. CITIZENS.

10) "Lawmakers See Need to Loosen Rules on CIA" Congressional leaders who oversee the nation´s intelligence system have concluded that America´s spy agencies should be allowed to combat terrorism with more aggressive tactics, including the hiring of unsavory foreign agents, including revived discussion of reversing the US 25 year ban on using covert agents to assassinate foreigners. R. James Woolsey, the former director of the CIA said that "Washington has absolutely undergone a sea change in thinking this week." (New York Times, 9-16-01) MORE SURVEILLANCE OF U.S. CITIZENS!

11) NATO Announces a Third World War is Almost Upon Us. A pentagon spokesman hinted towards potential targets being Libya, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Syria and others. (NATO Secretary-General Lord Robertson)

12) California Congresswoman, Mary Bono, R-Palm Springs warned that the country should prepare for a fight against international terrorists that will likely include personal sacrifice, the use of ground troops overseas and the risk of retaliation against civilians by the enemy. She also predicts intense scrutiny of airline passengers, a national system of fingerprinting and identification cards and the specter of chemical and biological attacks on the U.S. (The Desert Sun 9-18-01)

13) An enemy is needed to justify a $344 Billion War Budget, when the federal government currently spends only $42 billion on education, $26 billion on affordable housing and $1 billion on school construction.

14) President Bush sent his anti-terrorism bill to Congress one week after the WTC/Pentagon attack, launching an emotional debate that will force U.S. politicians to choose between continued freedom for Americans or greater security. (Lycos Network 9-20-01) DOES ANYBODY KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES TO WRITE ONE OF THESE BILLS? IT TAKES MONTHS! They are hundreds of pages long. THIS ONE WAS OBVIOUSLY WRITTEN BEFORE THE ATTACK! How convenient! Wake up America!

15) "President George Bush focused his energy on building a GLOBAL ALLIANCE for a fight against terrorism..." (MSNBC 9-18-01) Here comes the New World Order!

16) Fast-Moving House Bill Restricts Liberties - Much of it Unrelated to Terrorism! Congress is being asked to rush to pass emergency anti-terrorist legislation written by the Department of Justice, but much of the legislation turns out to have nothing to do with fighting terrorism. Instead, the legislation contains a host of items which have been on the bureaucratic wish lists for many years.

17) "We Must Ignore the Peace Lobby and Show No Restraint" says The Independent - London (9-24-01)

18) Bush Suspends Habeas Corpus: Legal Immigrants May Be Held Without Cause: "The Bush Administration today announced it is using its powers under the National Emergency Act to suspend the right of Habeas Corpus for all immigrants in the country, including legal immigrants, meaning that any immigrant in the U.S. right now can be held INDEFINITELY by the police or government WITHOUT TRIAL OR DEMONSTRATION OF CAUSE TO HOLD THEM."

Though no one has yet suggested infringing the rights of U.S. citizens, the move is a frightening first step to a national tyranny, based on perpetual suspension of the Constitution in the name of fighting perpetual war."

19) President Bush has agreed to bail out the airlines with BILLIONS of dollars, an industry that was swimming in red ink LONG BEFORE the WTC/Pentagon attacks.

20) New York City is now a Police State (New York Post 9-27-01)

21) Secrets, Gold, Silver, Guns And Drugs Lie Under WTC Rubble: "Vital evidence in the fight against organized crime and terrorism may be lost forever in the rubble of the World Trade Center... Beneath the haunting presence of thousands presumed dead, Ground Zero is rich with documents, guns, heroin, cocaine, Ecstasy and other evidence collected by the CIA and US Secret Service, evidence from crimes that now may never be prosecuted." Also buried in the wreckage are millions of dollars in gold bars and art tresaures. ABC News reported growing concern at the presence of trucking firms and cleanup workers with organized crime connections. (New Zealand Herald - 10-8-01)

22) Following Attacks, Courtrooms Become Secret, Documents Sealed: "The U.S. terror investigation that has hauled in hundreds of Middle Easterners is being conducted with closed court hearings and sealed documents on a scale legal experts say may be unprecedented. Federal authorities have detained more than 500 people without releasing the paperwork that usually accompanies nearly any type of court proceeding." (Associated press, Sacramento Bee, 10-5-01)

23) NATO to Deploy Surveillance Aircraft in U.S.: NATO will soon deploy surveillance aircraft for anti-terrorist operations in the United States in response to the attacks on New York and Washington, NATO officials said. (Reuters 10-7-01)

What was known BEFORE the attack - and by whom?

1) Echelon Gave Authorities 3 Month Warning of Attacks - German Paper: Frankfurt, Germany - U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals at least three months ago that terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American culture, according to a story in Germany´s daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeiung (FAZ).

2) U.S. planned to attack Taliban BEFORE WTC/Pentagon Attacks: A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the U.S. was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban even before last week´s attacks. Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October. (BBC News 9-18-01)

3) Expert - Russia Knew In Advance...Encouraged Citizens to Cash Out Dollars:
Russian press accounts and other activities by the Russian government this summer indicate that the Russians knew in advance that something would happen to America, including a "financial attack" against the U.S. During the past three months, Russian media and officials have encouraged citizens to cash out of U.S. dollars pending an economic collapse there after an "attack." ( 9-17-01)

4) FBI tracked man in custody 2 weeks before attacks: "Two weeks before the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., FBI agents were at a flight school in Oklahoma asking questions about a man now suspected of having a link to those attacks", according to CNN.

"The fact that FBI agents were at the Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma, two weeks before any attacks would seem to contradict the agency´s assertion that it was not aware of any connection between aviation schools and suspected terrorists. FBI Director Robert Mueller has stated publicly, "There were NO warning signs that I´m aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country," ( 9-18-01) SOMEBODY IS LYING!

5) U.S. Pulled Plug on 500 Arab/Muslim Websites the Day BEFORE Jetliner Attacks: Five hundred websites - many of them with an Arab or Muslim connection - crashed when an anti-terrorism task force raided InfoCom Corporation in Texas. The 80-strong task force that descended upon the IT company included FBI agents, Secret Service agents, Diplomatic Security agents, tax inspectors, immigration officials, customs officials, department of commerce officials and computer experts. (Brian Whitaker 9-12-01)

6) U.S. was warned in 1995 of plot to hijack planes, attack buildings: The FBI was warned six years ago of a terrorist plot to hijack commercial planes and slam them into the Pentagon, The CIA headquarters and other buildings, Philippine investigators told CNN. The plan was termed Project Bojinka. (Manila, Philippines CNN 9-18-01)

7) "U.S. Government Had Prior Knowledge of Emergency: The most massive so-called "terrorist" attacks on U.S. soil since the Oklahoma City bombings of 1995, were known, a week ahead of time, by the American CIA. Among the foreign intelligence agencies who penetrated the plots were the French CIA and Israel´s The Mossad, units of both often working with one another.

"Foreign intelligence sources confirm the validity of this story. And they state that they informed the U.S. secret police who absolutely failed, neglected, and outright refused to take action as to known prior specifics of which the top-level of the CIA were informed in advance." ( 9-13-01) HOW INTERESTING!

8) Spy in the White House? "Terrorists" had Ultra Secret Codes on 911: (DEBKA Intelligence Files 9-22-01)

9) "Instant Messages to Israel Warned of WTC Attack." Officials at the instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed that two employees received text messages warning (notifying?) of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before the event occurred. (The Washington Post Company, 10-1-01)

10) Did Israelis Have Foreknowledge? Suspected Israeli Agents Held by FBI: "At least three different groups of Israelis -- some of whom may have ties to Israel´s intelligence agency, the Mossad -- were taken into custody after eye-witnesses reported seeing them videotaping the initial kamikaze attack on the World Trade Center in New York, and then celebrating with joy and mockery." The "Israeli tourists" were found carrying maps linking them to the blasts and other incriminating evidence. (American Free Press, 10-1-01) Other "illegal immigrants" arrested reportedly worked for an Israeli-owned "moving company" based in New Jersey.

American Free Press has received additional reports that one of the largest Israeli-owned moving companies in the area, Moishe´s Moving Systems, in Jersey City, has "at least 100" young Israeli men, between the ages of 22 and 35, working in what is described as a "fortress" with covered windows and concertina wire surrounding the premises near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel."

11) FAA Warned of Violent Suspects Travel: "Two weeks before the Sept 11 attacks on the United States, The Federal Aviation Administration warned airlines and airports that individuals with links to terror networks were planning to fly on U.S. airlines, a Mexican magazine reported. The Aug 28 memo listed the names of suspects and ordered airlines and airports to take measures to prevent them from boarding passenger planes, the report said." (Reuters, Mexico City 10-6-01)

12) More Unusual Market Activity Reported BEFORE Attacks: "Chicago traders on Wednesday cited unusual activity in airline options up to a month before attacks on U.S. landmarks, and German bankers reported brisk activity in reinsurer Munich Re shares, adding to speculation that those behind the attacks tried to profit from their acts. (Reuters 9-20-01)

So how come EVERYONE else knew this was going to happen? Why would the U.S. refuse to investigate when told, unless it was their own plan all along?

Go back and review what has happened

SINCE the attack:

The U.S. Government has dramatically increased its control over the American population while destroying the rights of the people, a situation necessary for the takeover of the U.S. and eventually, all other countries, by the New World Order to be run by the United Nations. And they´re doing it with the citizens´ complete support.

"The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 1/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all means of transportation, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of ALL Americans...While the danger of a dictatorship arising through legal means may seem remote to us today..."

--A Joint Statement by Senators Frank Church (D-ID) and Charles McMathias (R-MD) September 30, 1973. HOW PROPHETIC!

What´s the REAL reason for the Phoney War in Afghanistan? In the book "Black Gold Hot Gold" the oil expected to flow from the vast oilfields under the Russian Caspian Sea, discovered about 20 years ago remains undrilled and untapped. That field contains about 500 years worth of oil at present world consumption rates. The only possible oil pipeline routes at the present time to handle the massive flow of oil from the Caspian Sea region under Chenya is either through Kosovo to the Mediterranean Sea, or through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean." (Remember that the Bush family is in the OIL BUSINESS!)


U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft Seeks Sweeping Powers!

"The United States will remain vulnerable to terrorist attacks unless law enforcement agencies are given a wide range of new counterterrorism tools, including improved wiretap capabilities and easier access to voice mail and Internet user´s personal information, Attorney General John Ashcroft told lawmakers Monday." (MSNBC

A third of New Yorkers support internment camps (concentration camps) for "individuals who authorities identify as being sympathetic to terrorist causes," according to a poll form the Siena College Research Institute. ( 9-25-01) (Remember that President Bush has said that if you don´t support the U.S. government 100% in their handling of this situation - - - YOU ARE SIDING WITH THE TERRORISTS!)

Public Opinion has overwhelming turned from support for the Arabs and against Israel, to supporting Israel and their ally, the U.S. and hatred against the Arab countries.

And now the U.S. has the support of the entire nation, and much of the world, for its unrestrained unleashing of vengeance on ANY and EVERY Arab nation.

But it´s not surprising that the U.S. and Israel are the ONLY countries where the majority backs a military strike (Reuters 9-22-01).

From Stern.Intel: Israeli Mossad Links to World Trade Center Attack: "A U.S. military intelligence source revealed details of an internal intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence service having links to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks...

"The attacks have certainly turned U.S. public opinion firmly back in Israel´s favor after eleven months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of Israel over war crimes allegations and racism by a UN conference in Durban."

Lebanese Druze Leader Believes CIA, Mossad Responsible for U.S. Attacks! Lebanon´s anti-Syrian Druze leader Walid Jumblatt believes the CIA and Israel´s secret service Mossad are behind the terrorist attacks in the United States, and that Saudi extremist Osama bin Laden is an "American agent," newspaper reports said. (Beirut AFP 9-15-01)

Fake Terror has been the Road to Dictatorship for thousands of years.
It´s the oldest trick in the book, dating back to Roman times.

Create the enemies you need!

A wise philosopher has unveiled the irony of it all: "To restore our freedom, we will need to be deprived of it. To recover from senseless murder, we will need to perpetrate more of it," or so says the President.

So, Who´s Responsible?

The Answer is: Who Benefits?

You figure it out!

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