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The BAYER scandal

The beginning of the end of the "pharmaceutical business in disease"

Press release from Dr. Matthias Rath

Bayer has had to take its two medicines for fat metabolism, Baycol and Lipobay, off the market. The reason for this is, in the USA 31 people have died after taking these preparations. However, the reason for the withdrawal of these medicines is not remorse in Bayer´s headquarters, but the threat of claims for billions of dollars in compensation in the USA, where large law firms are already representing the rights of those harmed by Bayer.
Terrible though the death of 31 people as a result of taking the Bayer medicines is, compared with the number of deaths caused by pharmaceutical preparations worldwide, this is only a fraction. In Europe, more people die from the known and dangerous side effects of licensed medicines than in traffic accidents. In the USA, the dangerous side effects of pharmaceutical preparations are now the fourth most common cause of death - exceeded only by heart attack, cancer and strokes.

The Bayer scandal is therefore only the tip of the iceberg. On 3 January 1996, the American doctors´ journal, Journal of the American Medical Association, warned that all cholesterol-lowering products can cause cancer and thus have a potentially fatal side effect. For five years this warning was ignored by Bayer and other manufacturers of cholesterol-lowering preparations. They were earning billions and accepted illness and the death of millions. But the end of this tragedy is in sight. If law firms in the USA now sue the Bayer concern on account of the fatal side effect of its preparations, it is only a question of time before the other pharmaceutical concerns are overwhelmed with mass actions by the victims. The basis of business for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide is the development of preparations aimed at the symptoms but which largely leave the true causes of diseases untreated. Only this can be the explanation why widespread diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes, continue to increase on a world scale.

Dr. Rath is regarded throughout the world as a pioneer in educating the public about the unscrupulous business practices of the pharmaceutical industry. As long ago as 21 June 1997, in a lecture at Chemnitz City Hall that received international attention, Dr. Rath said "In the USA lawyers in 43 states have taken action against the cigarette industry to pay compensation for the harm that this industry has caused in the population. Yet the harm that the pharmaceutical industry has caused to millions of patients and the community is far greater. It is only a question of time before this branch of industry too is brought to book."

Dr. Rath´s internet site contains numerous documents from his years of educational work about the unscrupulous pharmaceutical business. With more than 1 million hits a month, this internet site is one of the leading sources for natural health worldwide. Dr. Rath is the founder and director of a research institute for natural health that has proved that numerous widespread diseases, including disturbances of fat metabolism, high cholesterol levels and other metabolic diseases can be treated through optimally dosed vitamin programmes. In clinical trials he has proved that these natural products are able to lower cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels and the risk factor homocysteine in a natural way - without dangerous side effects such as occur with the Bayer preparations and comparable medicines.

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