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Re: Pityriasis Rosea - any homeopathic or herbal treatments?
Monas Ark Views: 40,079
Published: 22 y
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Re: Pityriasis Rosea - any homeopathic or herbal treatments?

I have only had Pityriasis Rosea since May 2003. I can't tell you why for sure it hangs on in some people more than others, but I suspect it has to do w/ an overactive immune response. Overall, I feel fine, better than fine seems my allergies and other autoimmune problems have all but gone away. I guess my immune system is busy w/ the PR, so it's leaving the rest of me alone for a change...LOL It is mildy itchy though, and I wake up with a general backache, which is extremely unusual for me. Anyway, the Herald Patch was on my upper arm (deltoid muscle) And I had that for well over a month before anything else appeared (which seems contradictory to the med. description) When it first appeared I assumed it was ringworm because I am in constant contact w/ animals. I work with the Humane Society and S.P.C.A., but have never before in my life (37 years) succumb to the fungus that is known as ringworm, but there is a first for everything; so I agressively treated w/ topical anti-fungals. Well, that made it the herald patch angry, red and BIGGER! Oops, so I figured maybe the OTC & prescrition stuff was a little too strong, so I started applying tea tree oil. Again, only made it worse, and this time it burned too. By this time I was so anxious to get rid of it, I didn't care about the burning...I tried hydrogen peroxide AND household bleach. No luck. I am not one for going to doctors; I swear I would rather go to a veterinarian. Which is why I asked my vet if there are any other ringworm-like rashes that could be culprit. She said Pityriasis Rosea is found in pigs and humans and it looks just like ringworm but is linked to a virus. I then did research, lots of it, because by now I had spots all over my torso, and one or two on my neck. Well I found an article about a study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology showing that pityriasis rosea can be cured by taking the Antibiotic erythromycin. I haven't gone to a doctor to get the Antibiotic yet, because finding a possible cure and getting a doctor to prescribe it is two different animals...LOL! I have found two things to be beneficial though, at least to stop the lesions from growing in size & itching. Both are prescription topical steroids, one is called Elocon (mometasone furoate 0.1%), the other is called betamethasone dipropionate cream 0.05%. I had these left over from a rash on my arms last year following exposure to some kennel disinfectants. I wasn't sure if they would do any good, so I experimented. I applied hydrocortisone cream on the left side of my rib cage and the Elocon on the right. I wish I had taken a picture, it was pretty clear that the Elocon worked better than Benadryl. I then found that the betamethasone worked even better than the Elocon. My herald patch (upper arm) is now gone except for a ghostly white halo. The ones on my neck and upper chest are almost gone too. And the ones still cropping up are now limited to small pea-sized red marks w/out the scaling. I may go see a doctor who's a friend of mine if it does not completely clear soon. I'll take him the article and if he's willing to prescribe the erythromycin, I'll be everybody's guinea pig and let you know the results.




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